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Best Anti-Virus Software

Rassa Farlander

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Every year in January Privacy PC publishes it’s impressions, observations and perspectives with regard to the state of security software industry.

We have singled out leaders in the following categories: antivirus, internet security, antispyware, encryption software, online privacy utilities and three more groups.

The software rating has been formed in accordance with the following benchmarks: usability (ease of setup and product usage intuitiveness) features, efficiency, help & support, and pros/cons. You can find it here: http://privacy-pc.com/news/best-security-software-2014.html


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/end thread.

The best virus protection is not to visit dodgy websites and to never open dodgy emails. My parents wouldn't listen and having to spend a lot of time fixing stuff remotely started to **** me off. So last December I pulled the trigger and wiped Windows off their HD. They now run Manjaro Linux and all problems are gone. The entire system updates if you click a single button and they haven't had a single crash on their arguably old computer since I installed Manjaro.

I'm about to buy a new computer and will definitely install Linux as my main system.

PS: If you have to run Windows, look into "Superantispyware", that one's quite good (and free). Norton & Co. just slow down your system too much and once you install them, it's almost impossible to get rid of them.

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