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Need a Name For a Shuttle, Anyone Have Ideas?


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  rholtsla98 said:
Try demigods and gods of different religious beliefs...

Here's a list of Pagan Deities, some of which could be cool, with what they are supposed to have influence over. I bolded a few that might be suitable.

The Pagan Deities


animals, children, clear thinking, faery contact, "father", fertility, magick, mental powers, music, prosperity, abundance, protection, self-esteem


animals, children, clear thinking, communication, craftsmanship, creative blockages, creative stimulation, fertility, inspiration of self, magick, mental prowess, protection, agriculture, arts and crafts, divination, domestic arts, enchantments, fire, foretelling, healing, health, herbs, home, inspiration, knowledge, love, medicine, moon, motherhood, oracles, prophecy, psychic abilities, rituals, spells, tarot, vegetation, witchcraft, writing



astral projection, enemies, past life memory, protection, purification, abundance, agriculture, fertility, fire, "great father", healing, prosperity, science, success, sun, vegetation, water, spirit contact, death, underworld, animals



children, fertility, inspiration of others, magick, "great mother", foretelling, luck, magick, creativity, death, eloquence, "motherhood", fire, crafting, prosperity, wisdom


animals, harvest, herbalism, magick, prosperity, abundance, commerce, earth, fertility, healing, inventions, journeys, medicine, moon, mountains, music, passion, prophecy, psychic abilities, reincarnation, sex, strength, vegetation, wine, woodlands, wealth, warriors, nature, virility, crossroads



fertility, magick, past life memory, beauty, calm, creativity, fate, full moon, "mother", reincarnation, retribution, sky, stars, weaving, spirit contact, sex, flowers, wisdom, initations



clear thinking, earth, flowers, initation, "maiden", moon, spring, wisdom, woodlands



clear thinking, crone, divination, harvests, inspiration of self, knowledge, mental prowess, past life memory, animals, arts and crafts, death, domestic arts, earth, enchantments, fertility, foretelling, great mother, herbs, initations, knowledge, magick, moon, psychic abilities, reincarnation, science, sorcery, spells, the underworld, vegetation, witchcraft, woodlands, writing, astrology



clear thinking, craftsmanship, overcoming enemies, "father", harvest, magick, protection, self-esteem, agriculture, architecture, arts and crafts, carpentry, civilization, commerce, healing, health, initation, jewelry, journeys, medicine, music, prophecy, retribution, roads, sorcery, sun, travel, war, weapons, writing, reincarnation, lightning, water, poetry



dream work, overcoming enemies, fertility, magick, animals, calm, enchantments, foretelling, horses, music, the underworld, esbats, patience



poetry, magick, mental prowess, music, "teacher", change, enchantments, healing, illusion, prophecy, shape-shifting,

sky, sorcery, spells, war, weapons



animals, children, divination, dream work, fertility, harvest, prosperity, abundance, self-esteem, war, nightmares, sovereignity, sex


"guardian", over-coming enemies, creative wisdom, leadership, spirit contact, passing over rituals, wisdom, healing, water, childbirth, youth, beauty, crafts, music, magick, writing, warfare


knowledge, music, stopping prejudice, stopping gossip, sovereignty rites, passing over rituals, spirit contact, water spells, "crone"



animals, poetry, divination, dream work, enemies, erasing memory, healing, inspiration of self, justice, knowledge, magick, mental prowess, obstacles, patience, perserverance, protection, self-esteem, "teacher", weather, arts and crafts, change, crystal reading, enchantments, fire, foretelling, illusion, initation, inventions, oracles, prophecy, psychic abilities, rituals, shape-shifting, sorcery, spells, tarot, wisdom, woodlands, writing



protection, weather magick, astral projection, erasing memory, faery contact, environmental magick, elemental magick, water spells, animals, arts and crafts, commerce, fate, fertility, horses, magick, reincarnation, sea, shape-shifting, sorcery, storms


children, fertility, harvest, sex, "mother", magick, ritual



friendship, loyalty, justice, spirit contact, cunning, death, underworld



faery contact, Beltane rituals, feminine power



craftsmanship, creativity, magick, protection, architecture, arts and crafts, brewing, fire, jewelry, weapons, magickal tools



beauty, calm, death, earth, flowers, love, suummer, woodlands, courage, willpower


divination, harvest, prosperity, abundance, protection


love, beauty, sex, water magick


perserverance, spirit contact, strength, passing over rituals, seasonal rites, otherworld, death, winter, faery king



passing over rituals, faery contact, water magick, inner-transformation


magick, prosperity, abundance, "teacher", enchantments, power


magick, fertility


protection, healing, order, power, reincarnation, war, wisdom


(KEEM-uh-day KEEM-een-vol)

magick, past life memory, perserverance, strength, courage, overcoming enemies





overcoming enemies, making peace



picking magickal names, strengthening friendships, spirit contact, underworld, war






perserverance, love magick, couple's work


passing over



poetry, creativity, magick, knowledge, music, wisdom, writing, past life memory



loyalty, quests


faery contact, water magick



fertility, harvest, seasonal rites, spirit contact



clear thinking, communication, creativity, wisdom, creative inspiration, passing over rituals, spirit contact





Edit: It seems a lot of them have something to do with sex, love or fertility...they loved a bit of 'special cuddles' did/do the pagans!

Edited by Monkeh
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Thanks For Everyone's Suggestions.

A lot of Great Ideas, some funny.

I'm going to Name it Pathfinder.

makes it sound like a space shuttle.

Now can anyone think of a way to get it to say it on the side.

I would modify Textures but I have others that use the same parts so I cant do that or they will all be pathfinder.

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There is a mod that lets you place a flag "decal" anywhere on a part, and then it loads the mission flag you select for the launch and displays it on your ship. So you'd only need to make a flag with "Pathfinder" on it

I don't recall the mod's name though.

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  Tiberion said:
There is a mod that lets you place a flag "decal" anywhere on a part, and then it loads the mission flag you select for the launch and displays it on your ship. So you'd only need to make a flag with "Pathfinder" on it

I don't recall the mod's name though.

Thanks. TO GOOGLE, AWAY!!!!!

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come up with an acronym that has as many K's in it as possible that sounds like something.

I've started naming ships that way.

My small kethane scanning probe around the mun that I launched yesterday is EKKS mI (extra-kerrestrial kethane scanner, the m is for Mun), and the first real manned craft that I have been re-using for munar encounters (for goo science!) has been dubbed KOEV I (Kerbal Outerspace Exploration Vehicle)

I plan on continuing this nomenclature, and adding indicies when updates occur as more science is unlocked.

The first orbital station I put up will be called KOOO I (kerbin orbital operations outpost) :sticktongue:

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I personally go for some random 4-digit number and a nickname derived from industrial history. 5-digits for those heavy shuttles.

Example- the K-3460 Mogul OSS (Orbital Supply Shuttle). Cabana Corp's signature spaceplane capable of both crew-transport and payload delivery. For heavier stuff, there's the K-10000 Loewy (as in Reymond Loewy) which is currently undergoing redesign...

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