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[0.23.5] Realism Overhaul: ROv5.2 + Modlist for RSS 6/30/14


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It continues even after I launch and utilize staging events. Also, sorry about the tone, it was 12 am over here. And I forgot what the name of the Auxilliary Propulsion System pods that you attach to the side of the S-IVB stage above the J2 mount structure. Again, really sorry about tone. I'll grab the output_log.txt and post it ASAP.

Damnit, I forgot about the need for the output_log.txt when I cleared out my .23.5 RSS install.

Edited by Fox62
Verdammt, diese Scheiße
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Does anyone have a pack of realistic but future engines scaled for real scale? Plasma thrusters, nuclear lightbulbs, gas core reactors, etc. Real scale is a wonderful add-on, but chemical, or nuclear-thermal powered manned missions to the outer planets are pretty impractical. (not impossible, but the travel times make them seem un-realistic, and you need an insane amount of food.....).

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It continues even after I launch and utilize staging events. Also, sorry about the tone, it was 12 am over here. And I forgot what the name of the Auxilliary Propulsion System pods that you attach to the side of the S-IVB stage above the J2 mount structure. Again, really sorry about tone. I'll grab the output_log.txt and post it ASAP.

Log would be best, just so you know...likely, you've got either something out of date, or some incompatibility, I have not experienced what you've got at all, get a dropbox account or something for your log and post the link and we'll tell you what you've got wrong.

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Here's a ModuleManager patch for Procedural Fairings 3.01. Changes everything to even steps.


size = 1.0
diameterStepLarge = 1.0
diameterStepSmall = 0.1

baseSize = 1.0
topSize = 1.0
diameterStepLarge = 1.0
diameterStepSmall = 0.1

size = 1.0
diameterStepLarge = 1.0
diameterStepSmall = 0.1

radiusStepLarge = 1.0
radiusStepSmall = 0.1



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frisch: at one point Nertea was going to RO-ize the ion engines; I gather Nertea's been busy since. I don't know much at all about high-end stuff, so if someone would volunteer, that'd be awesome. I certainly have no problem including near-future stuff in RO.

AndreyATGB: thanks! Will include.

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Unfortunately ion engines are very limited in KSP because of their low thrust. In a real world mission, if you are spending 2 years to get to Jupiter, having a 2 month ion-engine burn is no problem. In KSP since you can't warp while thrust is on, (presumably due to the way they do the orbit math) a 2 month burn isn't playable.

Is there a way to disable ion engines while in the sphere of influence of a planet, but then give them moderately high thrust otherwise? That would give roughly the right behavior -they would be usable for high delta-V interplanetary operations, but not useful for planetary operations.

Somewhere I have an old paper on nuclear lightbulbs and gas-core nuclear rockets. ISPs, in the 1500-5000 range. (higher for pure gas core). Presumably heavy, but much better thrust/weight than ion. Fortunately KSP doesn't worry about radiation effects......

frisch: at one point Nertea was going to RO-ize the ion engines; I gather Nertea's been busy since. I don't know much at all about high-end stuff, so if someone would volunteer, that'd be awesome. I certainly have no problem including near-future stuff in RO.

AndreyATGB: thanks! Will include.

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Thanks!, I'll try out orbit manipulator.

BTW, if anyone is interested there is a paper on the nuclear light bulb at: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~frisch/Space/Nuclear%20Light%20Bulb%20Engine.pdf

Something like 5M long, 3M in diameter, 400 Kilo-newtons thrust. 32,000kG mass. 1870 second ISP. Probably not throttle-able. Probably not restart-able. Probably not something you want to operate near a planet you plan to return to some day. (20 kilograms of plutonium vapor......!!!).

It was never built, but there were enough design studies that at lest it isn't pure fantasy.

The gaseous core vortex rocket was higher ISP ~5000, but I haven't found a good reference yet.

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Oh, I guess this is good timing. I just wanted to let people know that I whipped up PhysicsHyperWarp, a plugin to allow one to warp faster than 4x. My motivation to do this was orbiting and deorbiting inside of the new, expanded Earth atmosphere (specifically 100km - 180km where the pressure is almost 0).

It seems that up to 8x is pretty rock solid, above that, I urge caution (disable engines + rcs, only use above 100km, use precision controls, make sure nothing else is nearby, etc). It would be interesting to see how a small craft with ion engines faired. It might be possible to warp up to 24x with such a vehicle without awakening the kraken.

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Oh, I guess this is good timing. I just wanted to let people know that I whipped up PhysicsHyperWarp, a plugin to allow one to warp faster than 4x. My motivation to do this was orbiting and deorbiting inside of the new, expanded Earth atmosphere (specifically 100km - 180km where the pressure is almost 0).

It seems that up to 8x is pretty rock solid, above that, I urge caution (disable engines + rcs, only use above 100km, use precision controls, make sure nothing else is nearby, etc). It would be interesting to see how a small craft with ion engines faired. It might be possible to warp up to 24x with such a vehicle without awakening the kraken.

Even at 24x, a 2 month burn would take 60.9 hours. On rails warp is the way to go here.

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Here's a ModuleManager patch for Procedural Fairings 3.01. Changes everything to even steps.


size = 1.0
diameterStepLarge = 1.0
diameterStepSmall = 0.1

baseSize = 1.0
topSize = 1.0
diameterStepLarge = 1.0
diameterStepSmall = 0.1

size = 1.0
diameterStepLarge = 1.0
diameterStepSmall = 0.1

radiusStepLarge = 1.0
radiusStepSmall = 0.1



May I suggest using size 4.0 as default?

Larger parts snap much better in the editor, smaller ones tend to snap to the wrong nodes, often giving several seconds of frustration before you can properly attach and resize them.

This also goes for all procedural parts. It's not a big deal, just a little bit more convenience.

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May I suggest using size 4.0 as default?

Larger parts snap much better in the editor, smaller ones tend to snap to the wrong nodes, often giving several seconds of frustration before you can properly attach and resize them.

This also goes for all procedural parts. It's not a big deal, just a little bit more convenience.

Go ahead and change the sizes to 4. I agree 1 is a little small but it's what default usually is so I didn't change it, 2 might be a better idea because I generally design the payload first and launcher under that so I start off small then go bigger as it goes down.

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Since Squad has made a launch escape system:

@rescaleFactor = 1.6
@mass = 4
@amount = 150
@maxAmount = 150
name = ModuleDecouple
ejectionForce = 10
explosiveNodeID = bottom

Apollo LES weighs around 4t, Soyuz around 7t. This one weighs 4.2t loaded and pulls Mk1-2 pod away with 8G's.

Oh, and can't believe this part got forgotten. Seriously, how does one build space stations without it?

@rescaleFactor = 1.6
@mass = 3.5

With 6 docking ports it weighs 4t, just like the real node module.

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I'm having an issue where some engines (such as the SPS from NovaPunch) have no decoupler shroud, which makes my rocket look ugly. I'm not sure whether it's an interaction between mods or if the engines are not supposed to have a shroud. Anyone know how I can fix this?

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I wonder if there is something missing in the 'normal' size stock rcs-pod? The 1/4 and 1/2 size have a fuel (hydrazine) defined but not on the full size, also, clicking it on action group editor in VAB doesn't give any info, like tech lvl adjustments? The applies to other non-stock rcs-modules, they are missing the fuel-field in 'more information'-field.

Also, for curiosity, the RftS engines, especially American ones, are their types 'real' or 'close-but-no-cigar' real? And as a continuation question, where that 9MN engine would be needed? Now that i am getting to learn the ropes and build small(ish), even my mun craft doesn't seem to need that kind of power, and its only a orbital sciences but man...kerballed :D

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I'm having an issue where some engines (such as the SPS from NovaPunch) have no decoupler shroud, which makes my rocket look ugly. I'm not sure whether it's an interaction between mods or if the engines are not supposed to have a shroud. Anyone know how I can fix this?



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Zyglrox: Ah, thanks! I'm not sure what RealEngines should do with the LES, but RftS will certainly be using something like that. Also, good spot on the docking hub.

Jimbimbibble: yep, use PF interstage. Also, which engine pack are you using?

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By the way, why move the LES to engine packs when it could live in Parts\Stock Resizes? Just curious.

It's not even from propulsion category, it's a simple resize of a simple utility part with realistic size/mass/thrust, shouldn't differ with any engine pack.

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The 2m clamp-o-tron from SDHI won't dock with the regular 2m clamp-o-tron because it has the wrong node size. This should be added to [sDHI_ParaDock_1_ClampOTron] part in SDHI.cfg:

@nodeType = size2

There are also IACBM docking ports incompatible with clamp-o-trons: [sDHI_ParaDock_2_IACBM], [iACBM_1.25m] and [iACBM_2.5m], but if this incompatibility is intended, they should be left alone (more realistic that way).

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Zyglrox: Ah, thanks! I'm not sure what RealEngines should do with the LES, but RftS will certainly be using something like that. Also, good spot on the docking hub.

Jimbimbibble: yep, use PF interstage. Also, which engine pack are you using?

I'm using rfts for my engines.

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Zyglrox: because it's an engine. The stockalikes engine config should not change its size, only fix its quantity of solid fuel; RealEngines should make it perform exactly like Orion's LAS (and be the same size). RftS will chart its own course.

I believe the 2M clamp-o-tron is left at size1 because that is the model it's using (the size1 docking port, not the Sr.'s size2). It's the same for the 2m regular clampotron, which retains a size1 docking node, in contrast to the 2m clampotron Sr., which has a size2 docking node. Really this is just for interoperability with non-RO craft; in actuality they should all get their own unique docking node sizes (with the SDHI clampotron having the same as the equivalent port-only part).

IACBMs are IIRC only compatible with other IACBMs.

Jimbimbibble: I'll check what I'm doing, but I certainly intended the shroud to be present.

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I believe the 2M clamp-o-tron is left at size1 because that is the model it's using (the size1 docking port, not the Sr.'s size2). It's the same for the 2m regular clampotron, which retains a size1 docking node, in contrast to the 2m clampotron Sr., which has a size2 docking node.

No, both 2m regular and Sr clampotrons are currently size2 in the configs. (and that's cool that they are compatible because they resemble a docking system with active/passive roles).

However, 2m SDHI clampotron is left at size1, which is used by small 1m ports.

I wouldn't have reported wrong node if I didn't check first.

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velusip: EVE 7.x has problems with RSS. Look at the last few pages of the RSS thread.

Ah, I see. Precision issues.

Another problem I'm having: I'm not sure which mod in the pack is doing it, but it creates these nightmares:


I'm going to try isolating which mod it is. It has something to do with leaving a ship to changing scenes though.

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