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[0.23.5] Realism Overhaul: ROv5.2 + Modlist for RSS 6/30/14


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Hm, it seems to me that any engine pack that i put stops my game from loading. The exact parts are named aies_sep_5 or something like that, KW_Rocketry_SRBNosecone, etc.

Bundled with the Mod Bundler, so no problem was expected.

Another bug report: If i choose the Soviet Engines Pack on the bundler, the only parts that show in the VAB are the Buran's Shuttle ones.

If you want, i shall post the ksp output.

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The Mod Bundler, as it says, is defunct right now. OtherBarry and I are working to resurrect it. For now, though, you'll need to manually update your mods.

Yes, I do need the output_log.txt, and also the versions of all mods you have installed.

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Hey NathanKell, I forgot to mention but the enlarged landing gear probably deserve to have all their suspensionSpring cranked up by 2, 2.5, and 3x for the 2x, 3x, and 4x sized landing gear. I tested the un-suspensionSpring modified parts with a 10-65t craft on Earth, and they all collapsed under the weight.

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Phredward: pull requests would be awesome. It means all I have to do is click. :)

In fact, even for that last set of updates you sent via dropbox, which I may not have added; I'm away from my desktop right now.

O Nerd: Well, even before the log, I can tell that about half those mods, at least, are out of date. Go to their respective threads and update.

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  NathanKell said:
Phredward: pull requests would be awesome. It means all I have to do is click. :)

In fact, even for that last set of updates you sent via dropbox, which I may not have added; I'm away from my desktop right now.

O Nerd: Well, even before the log, I can tell that about half those mods, at least, are out of date. Go to their respective threads and update.

Thanks Nathan. Doing it so.

--Hey, just an idea: If i made a video teaching how to install the ROv, would you put it on the main post?

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There seems to be something badly wrong on the custom fairings bases, especially on the re-sized ones. I can only think that their nodes are way too small for RSS scale rockets. I have trying to launch my mun landing mission and every time, first brake happens between the fairing adapter second stage PP tank. I initially though that i had too much thrust, but its most likely the node sizes, can they be checked? I wonder if it serves much need as the new version has PP like system for their size and i assume that it will also change node size as well? Question obviously is, when newer version will moves to RO/RPL?

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Nathan, I'm sorry for littering the thread with small updates, but after some playtesting, the [stationHub] part from 3 pages ago doesn't need mass rescale (default 1.5t is fine), just size rescale.

The real "UM" ISS module weighs 4t, that's true, but if we look at hub as a simple structural element (which it is), then 4t for a docking sphere of Zarya/Zvezda is way too much, that pushes full module weight over 25t and makes them not launchable with realistic Proton/Delta4H/Ariane.

(building an ISS copy now, so... :blush:)

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I'm not sure if this is RO or RftS but I was wondering if it's possible to remove tech levels for sandbox mode? It takes a few seconds to change all my engines and RCS to level 7 every time I add something and it's pretty unnecessary IMO. I haven't looked through the files, I'm guessing it's an easy MM fix if anything.

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  AndreyATGB said:
I'm not sure if this is RO or RftS but I was wondering if it's possible to remove tech levels for sandbox mode? It takes a few seconds to change all my engines and RCS to level 7 every time I add something and it's pretty unnecessary IMO. I haven't looked through the files, I'm guessing it's an easy MM fix if anything.

That is actually part of RealFuels and would require code changes to the plugin. I for one am not in favor of it anyway. They are there for a reason, sometimes when recreating a flight, you don't need or want the most efficient, most powerful engine there is.

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Could anyone tell me which of these statements is currently true?

I think I prefer the flavor of RftS, but also the flavor of FASA...

From this thread:

  NathanKell said:
it's perfectly possible to play with both RftSEngines *and* the FASA pack and FASA patch from the second post. I sure do.

From the RedAV8R Realism Packs for RSS

  RedAV8R said:

These files requires Realism Overhaul by NathanKell as well as all those required by itself.

Until RftS has a few bugs fixed, these packs will not work with the RftS engine pack option with RO.

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  Wedgenet said:
Could anyone tell me which of these statements is currently true?

I think I prefer the flavor of RftS, but also the flavor of FASA...

From this thread:

From the RedAV8R Realism Packs for RSS

There is currently a minor incompatibility with RftS right now with the current version of my packs. It really is a minor issue, but be warned it is there. I believe it is just with the Gemini Lander Engine, so no real big loss. Once Nathan fixes it I'll remove the little disclaimer.

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Well, i tried to get my mun rocket to orbit and to mun, with lots of not-so-nice-language and other VERY bad toughs, i finally managed to launched it, altho the mission itself was utter failure, nothing new there, i suppose.

Few things, LR88-4 engine from RftS-pack is pretty much useless as it only has mere 0.75 nozzle control. the LR88 has 2 degrees per engine, so i figured that i just use 5 of those. Connecting them to the bottom of the PP tank was almost impossible. The common method of upside down (inside tank) girder could take the power. Also, the BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point is too small, maybe 4m variation of it could work? I eventually used 5 tanks, each with a engine in tail and it worked, although the PP tanks wanted to revert to their starting settings every time and nearly lost it there....

Where does people grind their science, do they cheat and alter save-file?

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Quick post here to apologize for the huge delay in getting the ARM parts (and associated other SLS part modifications) finalized and uploaded. After the last round of RSS/RO/etc updates I had just gotten a working installation of all the mods setup again, when the weather finally cleared up enough to tackle the huge backlog of boat repairs/projects that have been waiting for me, and then preparing for a delivery from Columbia to Jamaica (of a sailboat, people...). Most of that is done now, so I should finally get a chance in the next week or so to get at least a "working" - if not perfectly accurate and bug-free yet - version of the ARM/SLS parts uploaded to Nathan to see about merging with the RealEngines or just distributing separately (since RealEngines itself has some issues with the latest MM version). Then I'm going to be away again for a couple weeks for the delivery, but should be able to tackle any bugs reported in the parts mods (of which I suspect there will be quite a few, as I'm not going to have the time to get them fully polished before leaving) as soon as I get back mid-June.

TL;DR - Delays in getting SLS RO parts done, will get test version of MM files out in the next few days, and then attend to any reported issues when I return a few weeks later.

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Just a a Note Nathan SFJackBauer's RealEngines no longer works with the latest MM. You get the following errors.

[LOG 18:32:31.187] [ModuleManager] Exception while processing node : SFJBRealEngines/real_engines_rescale/@PART[liquidEngineorbit2]

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

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Of all the orbital launchers currently used, two have the most launches: Soyuz-U and Proton-M, leaving everything else far behind. However, it somewhat bugs me that RealEngines pack doesn't have Proton second/third stage engines, RftS pack is very "anti-Soviet" in general, and realism patch for BobCat's rockets from the second post is outdated and doesn't work. So I decided to clean up the config that I use and share it.

Soyuz-U and Proton-M parts rescale for use with Realism Overhaul

Soyuz-U: 7t to LEO from Baikonur

Proton-M: 21.6t to LEO from Baikonur

Requirements: BobCat's Soviet Pack, Procedural Fairings.

Basically, you only need 6 parts to build these rockets (assuming you make interstages with PF):


Config with crafts here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3n4dbzshkweyvzf/RealisticSovietPack.zip (crafts contain parts from PF 3.02)

If you don't like anything, simply don't use this.

If anyone's interested, stats taken from here: Soyuz, Proton

Edited by Zyglrox
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