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[0.23.5] Realism Overhaul: ROv5.2 + Modlist for RSS 6/30/14


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Right click on the engine and you should able to see a line that tells min throttle, if it is 100%, there is no throttle control, other than shutdown. Most orbital engines (with O in RftS configs) have some throttling, not much, but more you advance on the tech tree (RPL hopefully), more there will be throttle control, but never as much as stock engines in 'normal' size game.

Well, someone mentioned Real Engines, so not sure how that sorts engines, or do they use same rules?

And, is there some sort of fix for KSP Interstellar when used in RSS+RO+RPL+RftS combination. It seems that it doesn't work, all engines run on stock fuels and 500KN thrust with 1000 Isp altho it should depend of the reactor and it upgrade state and so on.

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splooshman: saw it, but was regretfully away so haven't been able to try it yet.

Reign of Magic: I see on reddit you got it solved. Yes, ModuleRCSFX is a hard dependency. It used to be in red and bold in the OP because so many people missed it (and many did even after the color/bolding!)...

TeeGee: Here is a list of the engines modeled by RealEngines. Check column L, which gives their min throttle (also available on the more-info pane of the parts list, and in the action group editor Engine Config GUI). In essence, there are a few deeply-throttleable lander engines (those used for Viking and the LMDE) and some 1980s+ vintage booster engines that are shallowly-throttleable (SSME, RS-68, NK-33, that sort of thing) to reduce crew G load or for tricore efficiency. Throttling is hard BTW: the usual way is to run the combustion chamber at lower pressure, but that does great harm to sea level Isp in real life (not modeled yet in KSP obviously).

Orbital maneuvering engines are usually *not* throttleable (they're usually super-simple, super-rugged pressure-fed hypergolics...throttling is complexity and therefore bad for reliable restarts). Fine-tuning is done by RCS anyway.

Makeone: RealEngines follows one very simple rule: whatever an engine does in real life it does in KSP. :)

I don't use KSPI; RF still uses the compatibility file Fractal_UK made for RF many moons ago. So you're saying that's not doing anything, basically?

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So I assume that the scaling of the engines is also based on real life as well? I was trying to put the apollo LM descent engine on the 2.5 meter pod and noticed that it barely fit on.

Does this mean I need to use the realism overhaul rescaling mod to properly use these engines? I'd be more than happy to, because I think it is time.

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TeeGee: RO does wonders for scaling, especially when running RealEngines, if you have other mods like FASA, OLDD, LazTek, KerbX, Lovad, be sure to grab the latest realism patches found on my thread here.

All I've been using is stock engines and now I've had to install KW rocketry because the engines in stock are NOT good enough/varied enough.

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Dear modders,

Firstly I would like to thank all you awesome creators and contributors of all the realism mods for creating such marvelous and literally game changing mods for KSP. It has come to be an excellent collection of mods that changes the game into something that's no longer called a game but a simulator and this is awesome news for me! :)

However, due to the enormous number of mods out there and the need to download a very large number of files to obtain the realism overhaul collection, it has become increasingly difficult and time consuming to obtain the collection of mods after each update. Personally, I am thrilled to dig into the realism overhaul and launch my own Proton or Soyuz rocket but unfortunately that means having to download the entire collection of mods, installing them and making sure everything is in the right place. This process takes at least five hours to accomplish and after a couple of weeks, it has to be repeated all over again. I would have had no trouble spending time on the process a few months ago but ever since I went to college it just is not possible to re-download everything because of the time needed. :(

I know that packing up all the mods is not very practical as you will need the permission of every modder but please think of a way to solve this issue. This issue is growing as there are more updates and mods added to the list and there will eventually come a time when it is just impossible to re-install everything again after a single update. I would really like to get back to this game so please try and find a solution to this problem.



Legitimate rocket designer and scientist :wink:

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When I try to use real solar systems, my launch centers all load UNDERNEATH the ground. How can I fix that? I can't even launch my craft cuz they reach the "ceiling' and crash.

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When I try to use real solar systems, my launch centers all load UNDERNEATH the ground. How can I fix that? I can't even launch my craft cuz they reach the "ceiling' and crash.

What is your terrain details set at?

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I can see 1/2 of the VAB sticking out of the floor but everything else is UNDERNEATH the ground and surrounded by water.

Are you using RSS 6.2? Or are you using the rescaled Kerbin?

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Kasra: If you wish to TRY to obtain every bodies permission to distribute as one download, WHY DON'T YOU DO IT YOURSELF? Instead of coming on here and whining that you don't have the time, so can somebody else spoon feed you the magic solution. The problem with this like I have said time and time again, is that every mod is in constant flux of change, AS IS THE GAME ITSELF. It's the nature of the beast. There is a program being written/updated, I believe, that does essentially what you ask, just downloads everything automatically as a bundle, so there is a solution, just not here yet.

Let me give everybody a hint/suggestion. Here is what I do, and it makes 'updating' so much easier. I have a flash drive (backed up to a RAID constantly), on this drive I have a folder labeled "Kerbal Space Program" this folder is nothing but a direct copy of a plain vanilla KSP install, whatever version it may be. Then I have a separate folder OUTSIDE that "Kerbal Space Program" folder labeled "KSPMods", and within that a "Plugin" folder and a "Mod" folder. The "Plugin" folder contains all the mods that have a plugin that some part or another or feature is dependent upon, and I want installed from the start. It's about 45 items, and if somebody wants it, I'll put it on my thread. I simply extract everything as it should be as if the 'plugin' folder was 'GameData' within KSP itself. The "Mod" folder described before contains individual part mods that don't have a plugin associated with it and may be installed/un-installed/deleted at will.

This "KSPMod" folder is constant, and always contains a 'working set' of mods to install into KSP. I have every mod I use bookmarked. If I want to check for updates, I go through the list, check dates, if date is newer, I download and install into my KSPMod folder, then copy into my actual KSP folder.

Because SOMETHING is updated at least once a week or so, it's not like it's fun, but let me point this out, there are 9 (nine) dependencies for RO. That's it, and it doesn't take THAT long to ensure everything is updated. Sure, if you want to use my realism packs, or mods which are SUPPORTED by RO, that adds more, but then that's YOUR decision, not required.

Edited by RedAV8R
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EDIT: Sorry, its on LOW.

OK I think this is the problem. Bump it up one notch this might fix it. Otherwise check the link another person posted.

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Kasra: If you wish to TRY to obtain every bodies permission to distribute as one download, WHY DON'T YOU DO IT YOURSELF? Instead of coming on here and whining that you don't have the time, so can somebody else spoon feed you the magic solution. The problem with this like I have said time and time again, is that every mod is in constant flux of change, AS IS THE GAME ITSELF. It's the nature of the beast. There is a program being written/updated, I believe, that does essentially what you ask, just downloads everything automatically as a bundle, so there is a solution, just not here yet.

Let me give everybody a hint/suggestion. Here is what I do, and it makes 'updating' so much easier. I have a flash drive (backed up to a RAID constantly), on this drive I have a folder labeled "Kerbal Space Program" this folder is nothing but a direct copy of a plain vanilla KSP install, whatever version it may be. Then I have a separate folder OUTSIDE that "Kerbal Space Program" folder labeled "KSPMods", and within that a "Plugin" folder and a "Mod" folder. The "Plugin" folder contains all the mods that have a plugin that some part or another or feature is dependent upon, and I want installed from the start. It's about 45 items, and if somebody wants it, I'll put it on my thread. I simply extract everything as it should be as if the 'plugin' folder was 'GameData' within KSP itself. The "Mod" folder described before contains individual part mods that don't have a plugin associated with it and may be installed/un-installed/deleted at will.

This "KSPMod" folder is constant, and always contains a 'working set' of mods to install into KSP. I have every mod I use bookmarked. If I want to check for updates, I go through the list, check dates, if date is newer, I download and install into my KSPMod folder, then copy into my actual KSP folder.

Because SOMETHING is updated at least once a week or so, it's not like it's fun, but let me point this out, there are 9 (nine) dependencies for RO. That's it, and it doesn't take THAT long to ensure everything is updated. Sure, if you want to use my realism packs, or mods which are SUPPORTED by RO, that adds more, but then that's YOUR decision, not required.

While this is a fantastic idea, it is not always possible. While you maybe graced with an abundance of thumb drives and time some of us are not. You may have the computer knowledge to be able to know exactly what to copy over and what not to, and how to crack a .dll and fix problems in a matter of minutes and shat binary and vomit C++ but some of us mere mortals only know how to get this to boot up and run.

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splooshman: saw it, but was regretfully away so haven't been able to try it yet.

Reign of Magic: I see on reddit you got it solved. Yes, ModuleRCSFX is a hard dependency. It used to be in red and bold in the OP because so many people missed it (and many did even after the color/bolding!)...

TeeGee: Here is a list of the engines modeled by RealEngines. Check column L, which gives their min throttle (also available on the more-info pane of the parts list, and in the action group editor Engine Config GUI). In essence, there are a few deeply-throttleable lander engines (those used for Viking and the LMDE) and some 1980s+ vintage booster engines that are shallowly-throttleable (SSME, RS-68, NK-33, that sort of thing) to reduce crew G load or for tricore efficiency. Throttling is hard BTW: the usual way is to run the combustion chamber at lower pressure, but that does great harm to sea level Isp in real life (not modeled yet in KSP obviously).

Orbital maneuvering engines are usually *not* throttleable (they're usually super-simple, super-rugged pressure-fed hypergolics...throttling is complexity and therefore bad for reliable restarts). Fine-tuning is done by RCS anyway.

Makeone: RealEngines follows one very simple rule: whatever an engine does in real life it does in KSP. :)

I don't use KSPI; RF still uses the compatibility file Fractal_UK made for RF many moons ago. So you're saying that's not doing anything, basically?

I tried using the SSME on stock kerbin, man that engine is AMAZINGLY CHEAP! You can even throttle it!

- - - Updated - - -

OK I think this is the problem. Bump it up one notch this might fix it. Otherwise check the link another person posted.

What link? I don't see it.

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While this is a fantastic idea, it is not always possible. While you maybe graced with an abundance of thumb drives and time some of us are not. You may have the computer knowledge to be able to know exactly what to copy over and what not to, and how to crack a .dll and fix problems in a matter of minutes and shat binary and vomit C++ but some of us mere mortals only know how to get this to boot up and run.

Boy somebody is sore...quit being lazy and asking/telling people to 'make it easy', OR ELSE you won't use it...get over yourself, this stuff is free. If you want it bad enough, wait for somebody to make it, MAKE IT YOURSELF, or shut up.

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Anybody have any tips for what park pack has the best (highest thrust) rcs engines that I can use? Something around 3.5 kN thrust would be nice.

If you want you can modify/copy a model you like and make your own with more thrust.

Edited by RedAV8R
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BombastixderTeutone: Very, very nice!

tygoo7: TAC version coming soon.

TeeGee: as I said in the RSS thread, check the RSS FAQ. It has an answer for the problem you are facing. The FAQ is the big link at the top of the RSS OP.

I freely acknowledge this stuff can be hard to set up for some folks. We're trying to get the Mod Bundler back in service; that will auto-download the various mods.

TeeGee: as Starwaster mentioned in another thread you asked this question in, real life RCS is not super-powered. Apollo managed the 30-ton bulk of the CSM on 4x 0.5kN quads. The strongest RCS supported by RO is, IIRC, the KW spaceplane RCS. You can also use the stock linear RCS, which is pretty powerful too.

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Boy somebody is sore...quit being lazy and asking/telling people to 'make it easy', OR ELSE you won't use it...get over yourself, this stuff is free. If you want it bad enough, wait for somebody to make it, MAKE IT YOURSELF, or shut up.

Not lazy, just smart. There is a fine line between being hardcore, and hardheaded.

So calm down before your alligator mouth out shines your humming bird rear.

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