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Any way to recover the fuel in a jettisoned stage in orbit?

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Is there any way to recover the fuel in a jettisoned stage in orbit? I have one of those orange jumbo-64 with lots of fuel left in it, but I couldn't land with it.

Does it need to have a docking port on it to recover the fuel?

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Hi Sarke.

In general, yes. If you intend to drain a jettisoned tank in orbit later, a docking port will be needed. Otherwise, there's no way to get it out.

I do not know if there are any mods that may get around this (either by having a fuel hose that can be attached by an EVA-ing Kerbal or by some other method).

EDIT: ninja'd - and with a mod suggestion, too. Neat.

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In stock, yes, it needs a docking port. If it's already up there, you're basically out of luck.

If you use mods, there are several parts that can be used to transfer fuel. KAS (a mod with winches, fuel pipelines, etc.) can place a temporary docking port on the surface of a vehicle, and once connected you can transfer fuel through it. The robotic arm mod connects the mounting vehicle to whatever it's grabbing, which makes it even easier (although it's cheating a bit). And so on.

Now, things like this are why I always put an unmanned control node, batteries, solar panels, and a docking port or two on everything I launch; all of my boosters are designed to de-orbit themselves using whatever little bit of fuel is left after delivering the payload. Those parts require very little mass, but they make this sort of thing much easier.

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Its always an good idea to add docking port if you leave the stage with fuel. Add small probe and a couple of solar panels in a stage you might leave in orbit,

This make it easier to dock and it can also be used for deorbiting, 50 m/s is enough from low orbit or an transfer orbit.

Kas can be used to transfer fuel if you don't have the port.

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