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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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Had a question - when I build something via the orbital dock, I have the option of transferring in resources and whatnot. When I build via survey stake location, is that not possible? I can't seem to find a way, except to run some ground pylons w/ tubes and stuff out to the survey stake so I can go fuel up whatever I build...

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My mun base's productivity is 0 now. How can I improve my productivity?

Fly in some engineers with sufficient experience (0 stars for the blue workshop, 1 for everything else).

Is it possible to build ships in orbit without kethane or karbonite? Each mod I add makes my computer laggier and laggier....

Certainly, just fly the resources up from KSC.

Had a question - when I build something via the orbital dock, I have the option of transferring in resources and whatnot. When I build via survey stake location, is that not possible? I can't seem to find a way, except to run some ground pylons w/ tubes and stuff out to the survey stake so I can go fuel up whatever I build...

This is by design. The requirement to manually run pipes etc to the built ship is the price you pay for not needing a launchpad (the orbital dock is a launchpad). The idea is pads have the facilities to pump resources to the ship, but survey sites are just a way to specify where to build something (such as, maybe, a pad).

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This is by design. The requirement to manually run pipes etc to the built ship is the price you pay for not needing a launchpad (the orbital dock is a launchpad). The idea is pads have the facilities to pump resources to the ship, but survey sites are just a way to specify where to build something (such as, maybe, a pad).

Gotcha, thanks.

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Actually, the reason I won't support AVC is technical: I don't like putting generated files into git (.mu is an exception because I haven't figured out how to automate exporting them), and I generate version information from git tags. Trying to put AVC files into git would mess things up as they could never be accurate. Unless AVC has a solution to that problem, you will just have to stick with MVC ;).

You don't have to put the .version file in git at all.

You already have most of the solution since you update the assembly versions; you just have to also generate "EPL.version" inside Source/git-version.sh so it winds up in the ZIP file, but isn't in git:

MAJOR=`echo $full_version | cut -f 1 -d .`
MINOR=`echo $full_version | cut -f 2 -d .`
PATCH=`echo $full_version | cut -f 3 -d .`
BUILD=`echo $full_version | cut -f 4 -d . | cut -f 1 -d '-'`

cat > GameData/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/EPL.version <<EOF

For "" it produces:


You may want to hard-code the "BUILD" portion as zero, I dunno.

Then when you copy the ZIP file to http://taniwha.org/~bill/, copy the .version file too.

If you don't want to host the .version file yourself (for example if you switch to github or KerbalStuff hosting the ZIP), you can use http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net, but that would be a manual step.

You don't have to add the MiniAVC DLL or anything; the .version file is enough. With just the .version file, the people with the full AVC installed will have the version checked, and the people who don't like automatic version checking won't have the version checked.

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Uh, I'm not seeing the highlights for the stakes and I'm using 5.0.2. Although one of them did explode (somehow) when I tried taking multiple stakes out at once (to get the Kerbal to carry multiple, guess not) and it happened at about the same time I stored one of them. I don't think it did anything, but thought I'd mention it.

Edit: Oh, and I removed the KAS wedges that they were in, off the lander before taking them out, no idea if that did anything.

Edited by smjjames
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Ok survey stakes/building in situ are doing my nut in.

I've got a Honeybadger (from FTT) with plenty of rocket parts and an origin survey stake 15m away, when I pull up the Build UI I get all the correct options, I can pick a pad, I can choose the origin stake as my build point (it even highlight if i ask it to), I can choose what I want to build from the SPH, it all loads and shows that it is ready to start building, But when I press 'Build' nothing happens the progress bar says '0% 00:00:00'.

I know it does work because I had it building from the same vessel earlier in the same session, I've not come out of the game or changed anything the only thing I can think of is I'm up against a limit on rocket parts or part count, are there limits on these? the vessel I'm trying to build is 61383 rocket parts Req (I have 65000 on site) and 160 Parts big.

Any ideas?

Edited by AcidEric
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smjjames: at present, they are highlighted only when the survey station ship is active, and it turns out the range is a lot more limited than I thought. As for the stakes exploding, I guess the kraken likes steaks (it happens to me, too; no idea why other than KSP is KSP).

AcidEric: EL places no limits. 153t shouldn't be any trouble, but it will take a long time (767.3 kerbal-hours, or 128 kerbal-days (divide by vessel productivity to get actual time)).

What is the productivity of your vessel? Right click on any workshop (command pods will do). If it is less than 0, your kerbals are too stupid. If it is 0, then you have no engineers (unless you have a 5-star engineer in the workshop, only engineers can contribute).

Is it that EL is confused and thinks you have no rocket parts? If so, just quicksave and load (or briefly return to the space center).

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Oh I need the survey station then, makes sense.

Edit: Which technology unlocks the survey station? Doesn't look like I have it, you'd think it would unlock at the same time as the survey stakes (not sure which tech those are).

Edit: Oh, survey stakes are in advanced construction, but, I don't see where the survey station is supposed to be at. Also, the survey station doesn't show up in the default function categories when in sandbox mode, can't find the blue workshop either, swear I saw it somewhere.

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Pretty sure there isn't an MKS equivalent for the runway, but it gets removed non the less by the MKS-EL MM config that comes with MKS, it pretty much gets rid of all the EPL if I remember correctly, if you don't want it to remove something go in there and change it to not remove that part. As far as the blue workshop is concerned I am pretty sure that any command pod will do, but things like the C3 or one of the fabrication modules would probably work better.

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C3? Okay.

What about the blue workshop, what does that become in MKS?

Doesn't look like I have the runway part or the MKS equivalent.

Look at the cfg files for the MKS parts. Several of the parts have exWorkshop modules with productivity=5 which I believe is similar to blue workshop. Your average command pod will not be as efficient.

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Cheers Taniwha I'll check my engineers, It can see the parts so I suspect the engineers are the problem.

Yes it was a crew problem too many scientists not enough engineers - removed the scientists build started just fine :)

Now i just need to wait 1 year 88 days for it to complete :D - need to add smarter engineers I think.

Edited by AcidEric
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If you have the option, flying groups of engineers to Mun and Minmus to plant flags, returning to Kerbin to gain levels, then sending them to your base will make a big difference (2-star engineers are always productive in proper workshops (productivity factor >= 1), 3-star (visit solar orbit on your trip) engineers are always productive in any workshop).

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Had some issues, don't know where to begin with them. Took a rocket launch pad to the moon and dropped it next to my rocket. The rocket fell over, but was otherwise fine. Went to build with the pad - of course - no workshop - so nothing happens. Used KAS parts (ground pylon and then the tubes) to connect the pad to the rocket, and now I can build. HOWEVER, two attempts to build a rover resulted in the rover first appearing about 1km up, and then falling to the ground. The second, it appeared near the launchpad but a bit in the ground and fell apart. I was concerned the pad and rocket, being connected, were causing wobbles which were somehow throwing things off. I disconnected them and the pad promptly exploded! Any thoughts?

(Oh, this is an install from CKAN, Kethane isn't installed, hyperedit is, not much else is at all - sandbox testing copy of KSP)

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Had some issues, don't know where to begin with them. Took a rocket launch pad to the moon and dropped it next to my rocket. The rocket fell over, but was otherwise fine. Went to build with the pad - of course - no workshop - so nothing happens. Used KAS parts (ground pylon and then the tubes) to connect the pad to the rocket, and now I can build. HOWEVER, two attempts to build a rover resulted in the rover first appearing about 1km up, and then falling to the ground. The second, it appeared near the launchpad but a bit in the ground and fell apart. I was concerned the pad and rocket, being connected, were causing wobbles which were somehow throwing things off. I disconnected them and the pad promptly exploded! Any thoughts?

(Oh, this is an install from CKAN, Kethane isn't installed, hyperedit is, not much else is at all - sandbox testing copy of KSP)

For rockets you could use launchclamps. Did that with a monster rocket I built on minmus. Then use KAS pipes to refuel.

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If stuff is spawning in weird places, check your logs for exceptions around the time of loading or building the craft.

As for rovers: the clamps just hold things steady. EL knows where to build things either via the pad, or the survey stakes + survey station.

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Taniwha, what do you think of allowing probe cores (only the big and advanced ones, like the RC-L01, and maybe SpaceY's giant 3.75-m and 5-m probe cores) to contribute some productivity? Maybe not as much as a dedicated workshop crewed by trained engineers, but enough to get the job done.

I ask because my imagination has been seized by the notion of making a totally Kerbal-free space program, with self-replicating and self-repairing spacecraft, and since robots can't fix parts like engineers can, the only remaining option is to manufacture spares on-site (and have everything modular with oodles of docking ports).

EDIT: I imagine that this could be done by extending the Workshop.DetermineProductivity module slightly so that, if a part with no crew capacity [edit: and ModuleCommand -- and maybe even SASServiceLevel = 3? -- or should we just trust that the ExWorkshop module will only be applied to "sensible" parts?] has a workshop module, it has kh of 1 (or whatever value makes sense), and then give the RC-L01 (and SpaceY probes, if they're present) the workshop module.

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
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with survey stakes does EL center the Vessel on the stake OR does it center the Root part on the stake?

I'm about to complete a big base and not 100% sure 99m away is enough lol

I put down 4 stakes in a square and the item I built ended up in the middle of the 4.

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