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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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  Snoman314 said:
I think above reply was a bit misleading. What's been removed is the ability to turn off progessive build. There is no instant build option anymore. Taniwha has deleted that code apparently.

That is... extremely frustrating, but explains why my search was fruitless. Thanks for clearing that up.

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  Kieve said:
That is... extremely frustrating, but explains why my search was fruitless. Thanks for clearing that up.

You can make faster builds if you want. Save this as "fasterEPLbuilds.cfg" in your GameData folder (requires ModuleManager):

@ProductivityFactor *= 10000

This would reduce the time requirements by 10,000. You'll still need RocketParts and engineers.

If you don't want time requirements, resources, or engineers, then that's HyperEdit :)

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  hab136 said:
You can make faster builds if you want. Save this as "fasterEPLbuilds.cfg" in your GameData folder (requires ModuleManager):

@ProductivityFactor *= 10000

This would reduce the time requirements by 10,000. You'll still need RocketParts and engineers.

If you don't want time requirements, resources, or engineers, then that's HyperEdit :)

Sounds really useful to me as well, thanks.

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  Kieve said:
The gist of the problem (with what I thought was Progressive) is build time. I have plans of absurd scale and would prefer not to spend a Kerbol millennia in time warp to see it to completion.

I do know enough that adding more Kerbals to the construction facilities will help speed things along, but the problem I'd run into there is requiring a monstrosity to build a monstrosity - and then having two supermassive structures on-screen once it was built.

Others have cleared things up nicely, but I'd just like to point out that your monstrosity would have to be something like the second Death Star (Return of the Jedi) to require a monstrosity to build in a reasonable time. Getting sufficient RocketParts to your building would be a bigger issue. Currently, the build rate is 5 kerbal-hours per ton of dry-mass. A 10kt (dry-mass: crazy big) ship would take 50kKh to build, however, getting 40-60Kh/h out of a single workshop is not difficult (especially with level-2+ engineers) (theoretical maximum without KerbalStats* is 105.9, but good luck finding 10 badass kerbals with 1 courage and 0 stupidity)). That's down to around 1000h (167d (6h)) to build. Four such workshops (40 kerbals) would get you down to 42d: two Kerbin-Minmus round trips. Your main issue will be supplying those kerbals with 10kt of RocketParts. Your next issue will be how PhysX and KSP cope with a single 10kt part (the dock or survey station), especially with it suddenly drops to < 5t when you finalize the build: this is unknown to me.

*~154 with KerbalStats

Really, it was with utter relief that I removed the insta-build code: it was poorly maintained because I never used it and thus never tested it. The only reason it lasted as long as it did was you absolutely had to sit there with the builder while time-warping. With the advent of background builds, I was able to toss it out without a qualm. Yes, doing so has thrown a spanner into the works of some people's play styles (particularly those who prefer unmanned missions, though I have some plans to fix that), but I consider that to be a fairly small price.

While EL for the user is about building stuff that can't be launched, or just building away from KSC, EL is really about the logistics involved in such building. How do I supply the resources needed to build (and fuel) my craft? How do I build my craft in a reasonable time? (If using an LS mod) How do I keep my kerbals alive? (if using MKS) How do I keep RoverDude from bringing out the orcas?

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It is automaktic. Just make sure you have RocketParts on-hand sufficient for the expected duration of of your absence from the site (this is why I've kept conversion rates high: so refilling stores isn't too nasty). It is currently done by catch-up when you next visit the site. However, I want to make it properly background (and you get a message when it's done or resources run dry), and even make KerbalStats experience update in the background.

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How does this mod work again? I need a base out on one of my dorky little muns and I can't get it to produce an ExSurveyStation.... It looks like the mod has changed somehow but I can't figure out how. I sent up a mission with a rover dood launchpad but I can't seem to get it to target the nearby stake. Am I missing something or is the mod not fully complete right now?

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  AlonzoTG said:
How does this mod work again? I need a base out on one of my dorky little muns and I can't get it to produce an ExSurveyStation.... It looks like the mod has changed somehow but I can't figure out how. I sent up a mission with a rover dood launchpad but I can't seem to get it to target the nearby stake. Am I missing something or is the mod not fully complete right now?

Some things have changed but not that much. Stakes need a survey station. They always have. So a launchpad (EL or MKS) won't cut it. You need a survey station to work with the stakes, either the EL survey station, or the MKS modules that have the survey station functionality (such as the C3 module).

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Update, I went ahead and built it on the pad I had... This created a problem because I needed to get the pad out from under the tank. I hooked the kas cable up to the aqueduct module (which has to be on the cliff face there because that's where the waterz are) in order to hold the module upright. Then I used hack-gravity to drive the rover away. I then tried to switch to the tank, it was totally glitched, switched to the EVA kerbal instead. My exception reporting mod (which is essential when running as many mods as I am) is reporting around 100 exception throws a second! The biggest culprit that's on the screen is ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.ExWorkshop.Update There's another but it kinda scrolled off the screen. The tweakscale for the 10M tank glitched as you see... (okay, I upgraded tweakscale during this project and had to re-enable my 10m config) ; (it was designed to economize on parts because base -- off world colony -- is intended to be on the scale of a small city.

This is intended to be my primary water resivwar I was planning to build farms nearby and then city infrastructure, followed by the colony ships...


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AlonzoTG: I don't know if it is always the case, but that exception reporting mod was a big help this time: there was indeed a potential NRE in ExWorkshop.Update() (only one line of code there, too, so it was pretty obvious). I have just pushed a fix that will be in the next release. I have yet to figure out why the settings window OnDestroy throws (I get it sometimes too).

Thank you.

[edit]Actually, I just found it. One: I noticed it's Toolbar_SettingsWindow. Two: you do not have blizzy's toolbar installed (thus the exception): I highly recommend it. It is not at all redundant: for one, EL supports only blizzy's toolbar, not the app launcher, and I have no plans on changing that.

Edited by taniwha
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Taniwha, I have an idea about the stakes, maybe put some kind of light on them? They're really only visible within 20m and you have to hunt around with the mouse to find more distant ones. I already made a github issue.

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!!! I sent up a C^3 and used the secret undocumented easter-egg construction feature to re-do the above. No change in the resulting screenshot. It spawned the tanks correctly but crashed when I tried to go to tracking station to select a different craft, when it came back up, the lower tank was shrunken as in my earlier post, no point in making new screenshot... So therefore I went to re-visit my design, just spawned it to the launchpad at KSC, same pattern. -- spawns correct but is completely broken after going to main screen and back to launch pad. I just have a regular sized tank hovering, no other parts visible. Now the reason I'm posting this report here is that I'm getting 110+ exceptions per second, the two that are on-screen and counting quickly are "part.requestResource" and "ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.ExWorkshop.Update" My theory on the later is that it's the same issue. The little i-phone I duct taped to the side of the thing to prevent it from being flagged as junk, has a workshop module that is bugging because the ship is so horribly glitched... hmmm... I guess that's not quite worth reporting but anyway I've written all this already so might as well send.

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AlonzoTG: I pushed the changes*, but I haven't released anything yet, so EL's part in anything will not have changed. PlanetFactory seems to be having a field day with all those exceptions.

* If you know how, you can grab the repository and build the dll yourself. My build system uses mono, git, make, and bash, so you could have some fun on Windows.

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So, I've been trying to fashion together a modpack with the goal in mind of running a functioning space center on Minmus, but this mod isn't working properly. The mechanics are working just fine, but none of the parts are available in-game. I have access to some launchpad parts from other mods and they show the building UI but the parts added by this mod aren't in the vab or sph.

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  Nuker said:
So, I've been trying to fashion together a modpack with the goal in mind of running a functioning space center on Minmus, but this mod isn't working properly. The mechanics are working just fine, but none of the parts are available in-game. I have access to some launchpad parts from other mods and they show the building UI but the parts added by this mod aren't in the vab or sph.

If you are using USI MKS/OKS it hides the parts from this mod in favor of the MKS/OKS alternatives.

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  goldenpsp said:
If you are using USI MKS/OKS it hides the parts from this mod in favor of the MKS/OKS alternatives.

Anyway to tell it not to? I don't mind missing the launchpads since I've got the nice one by BahumotoD, but the storage tanks are kinda vital. The only one's I have are the expandable ones from the nicer parts mod I got for epl, and they're kind of derpy as they cost 0 when full, so launching them empty gives me the cost of the resources, consequently collecting them empty loses me big bucks. Plus they're not surface attachable and get wonky with the physics as they fill up.

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  goldenpsp said:
If you are using USI MKS/OKS it hides the parts from this mod in favor of the MKS/OKS alternatives.

AND uses a different resource chain to produce Rocket Parts. If you have questions about how MKS works with EPL, Roverdude has requested that those be made in the MKS thread.

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look, it's wrong of u to make this kind of decision for me. It really messed me up that I couldn't access your parts. =| It is fine to give guidance to say "remove files x y and z if you have other mod installed" but it is not okay to hide a config somewhere that masks out basically your entire pack and leave the user wondering where the parts he needs have gone...

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  AlonzoTG said:
look, it's wrong of u to make this kind of decision for me. It really messed me up that I couldn't access your parts. =| It is fine to give guidance to say "remove files x y and z if you have other mod installed" but it is not okay to hide a config somewhere that masks out basically your entire pack and leave the user wondering where the parts he needs have gone...

If you have an issue with MKS, you should raise it in the MKS thread. Taniwha should not have his thread filled with questions/complaints about MKS.

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AlonzoTG: I had nothing to do with it other than telling RoverDude "yeah, whatever". EL is designed around Kethane, MKS around Karbonite/Regolith, but rather than reinvent EL's functionality, RoverDude adapts EL to his purposes.

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