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So, I'm developing a Space Simulator.....


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So, for the past little while I've been working on a Space Simulator. I don't want to give too much away quite yet, but what I can say is that it'll be in the vein of retro simulators, with some music and writing by myself, and as much realism as I can stuff into it. What I will reveal right now is that it's a Soyuz 7K-LOK/LK Module Simulator, and that it'll be available for free. That said, the reason I'm posting this now (and not later,) is that I need more resources. I've been hunting all over the net for any sets of translated operating procedures I can find, but as of yet haven't found too much that I can actually use. I'd be very appreciative for anything that would help this project be better.

For now I'll just leave this here:



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OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD! 7K-LOK and LK! This gonna be awesome! Love the music aswell! So is this gonna be all lots of buttons and panels and gauges, or more just looks? Becuase if I've gotta' turn on my turbo-pumps and open up valves then this would game be awesome. Oh the 7K-LOK uses fuel cells! It's also bigger than any other soyuz variant! So many new facts!


There's a lovely article, in case you haven't discovered astronautix yet.


In depth looking one here.



What engine are you making it in? Unity? Custom built? MonoGame/XNA? If unity or XNA I presume you are using C#. I'll try to find some operating instructions but it looks like you may have to abstractify the actual working procedures.

Edited by tom1499
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OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD! 7K-LOK and LK! This gonna be awesome! Love the music aswell! So is this gonna be all lots of buttons and panels and gauges, or more just looks? Becuase if I've gotta' turn on my turbo-pumps and open up valves then this would game be awesome.


I was hoping to keep this on the down-low, but I've decided against it. This game really WILL be more than just looks. In fact, you'll find that the visuals will be quite lacking compared to (hopefully,) the depth of the sim, because this simulation will be text-based. When I said old-school simulation, I meant it. That said, there *will* be imagery, but it will not be the focus of the program. I'm trying to stay as close I can to reality, and I'm trying to avoid getting bogged down in looks.

Thanks for all the links and the massive dose of excitement :D It really pushes me to work harder when I see somebody as interested in this as myself.

I also really appreciate the feedback on the music. Since there will be minimal sound effects (especially on the Moon/whilst spacewalking,) it should help break up the silence a little bit. I'll post more tracks up here as I get them.

I plan to release a demo that will include the launch profile sometime in the next two weeks, mostly pending on me finding some copy of the Soyuz launch procedure. Due to it being on the N1, I know I won't find much. However, anything at all should make a huge difference for me. The Proton or R7 launch procedures, if I could find them, could probably be easily modified.

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Some control info from the current soyuz, may be useful.


Soyuz consoles, includes one from the 7K

Ah, just read what you said, text based. THAT'S AWESOME! But if there are still images being displayed then they could be based on these panels. I think it quite suits how spaceflight is mostly instrumentation and communication based, as in as long as you can see the instruments you can get where you want to go. It's nice to see an original game for once in a while.

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Some control info from the current soyuz, may be useful.


Soyuz consoles, includes one from the 7K

Ah, just read what you said, text based. THAT'S AWESOME! But if there are still images being displayed then they could be based on these panels. I think it quite suits how spaceflight is mostly instrumentation and communication based, as in as long as you can see the instruments you can get where you want to go. It's nice to see an original game for once in a while.

Yeah, I'll be using those panels as separate images. You'll be able to scan them, and I aim for you to be able to use all on board systems. Thanks for all the links. They'll all be very useful.

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