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The Instagram Initiation


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After a short time of playing KSP, I have noticed that there is such a great active community of people helping, sharing, making, and of course, playing! However, outside the forum and the Spaceport, there is not a lot of KSP sharing. (Except of course, Youtube! Play on Scott Manley and EnterElysium! And countless others!) So, I propose an idea to add a little more social media….."Showcasing" I think because Squad has a Facebook and Twitter, us users should make an Instagram account that anyone can log into and edit, post, comment, and like. I Put together an account. As most of the User names where taken by inactive users, our user name is a little strange, but can still be easily searched.



So if anyone wants to post anything, just log on and go! Any other questions, post the comments or private message me. And, please no one change the Email, Password, or Username for the sake of other users, and so someone, (me currently) can moderate the account. If you think you are more suit to the moderate spot, just private message me.

And if this is located in the wrong spot, let me know and where to put it, so it doesn't just disappear, and I will be happy to comp

Edited by likke_A_boss
Posting account login info publicly is a great way to get the wrong sort of attention from the wrong sort of people.
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Isn't instagram a place to show what you are eating for the day, or the worst selfy collection? I honestly have never used it, I barely use twitter anymore as I post my stuff to youtube and share it with my friends on facebook. Maybe when things settle down for me a bit in two weeks I will look into it, but right now I do not have the time to do more as finals are fast approaching. Not being rude or anything, in case someone thinks I am being so. ;)

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Isn't instagram a place to show what you are eating for the day, or the worst selfy collection? I honestly have never used it, I barely use twitter anymore as I post my stuff to youtube and share it with my friends on facebook. Maybe when things settle down for me a bit in two weeks I will look into it, but right now I do not have the time to do more as finals are fast approaching. Not being rude or anything, in case someone thinks I am being so. ;)

Yea, I'm pritty sure that's what it is

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I am pretty sure that the majority of the KSP community does not use Instagram. Although I may be wrong I have never tried it and never will it seems a bit dumb. Although this may become very popular and I will probably be stalking this thread to see how it goes.

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The big issue I see is that Instagram uploads are done from a mobile device. KSP is not on mobile devices. Getting a screen shot from the KSP computer onto the mobile device to upload is one extra step that many see as pointless. I like the idea, I just think that the hassle isn't going to be worth it for most. I love Instagram, for the record, but uploading screen shots to my phone takes away from thesis writing, so...

I would also recommend making the password private (i.e. they PM you if interested) so that some troll doesn't start spamming the account with nude pics or something.

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The big issue I see is that Instagram uploads are done from a mobile device. KSP is not on mobile devices. Getting a screen shot from the KSP computer onto the mobile device to upload is one extra step that many see as pointless.

This, exactly.

But for those determined to make this a "thing," seems like the best thing to do, for those interested, isn't to "share" a single account across a few dozen or few hundred users, but rather agree upon a single hashtag for KSP-related posts so they'll show up in searches and trends. #ksp probably be a good one.

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I commend your willingness to take the initiative, but I'm not honestly sure what problem this is supposed to solve given that we already have a whole section of the forums dedicated to fan-works, and a high degree of integration with Imgur.

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While I commend your enthusiasm, there are indeed better ways of going about it.

Specifically, sharing the login information for any account on any website publicly is a great way to get that account hijacked by trolls, spammers, and other unsavory types. I'd advise that if you still plan on sharing that information with other users, you do it through private channels, and only give it out to people that you have reason to trust.

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