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To give myself something to do, I\'ll be thinking of some designs to throw together (Which should become easier as more parts are gradually added for C-7 3.0) and post here.

Instead of making massive hodgepodges bristling with more cannons and explosive ordinance than a Flagship of the Imperium, these will be considerably smaller, more simplistic, and unarmed (Gasp).

As it stands I\'m already certain that my longest-living line of aircraft is going to be the Harbinger, as it was redesigned three times to remain flyable and as the C-7 pack continues to update, the Harbinger will continue to be revised.

The SI-01-10 is the first production model of the Harbinger line of C-7 aircraft (Which some people might remember, I\'ve posted this several times before).


Consisting of what are essentially 1st Generation components, the Block 10 is a capable aircraft given that one does not exceed an altitude of 25Km, maintaining its altitude within the service ceiling at speeds between 1,000 - 1,100m/s. It has a range of 600Km and can sustain constant power at 50% for 12 minutes. In order to make the flight easy on the pilots, it uses a TiberDyne-sponsored avionics package, which steadily holds the aircraft\'s vector while allowing for some degree of manual control.

(Requires TiberDyne ASAS, the radial parachutes were removed)

Plans to make a Block 20 variant of the Harbinger became a possibility after recieving a shipment of the new 2nd Generation C-7 engines. However the test craft, named SIX-01-20 (X as this was a prototype) was presumably lost near the north pole of Kerbin after an unauthorized flight took place.

These following images were aquired from the black box of the test aircraft shortly after takeoff:



Immediately a prominent feature is seen in these two images: No engine flame. The Block 20 Harbinger is to use what were described as 'Compressed Ram Engines,' which have low thermal emission and lower fuel consumption, for only a marginal cost in maximum thrust. Because of the space taken by the new intakes, the TiberDyne avionics package had to be removed, and a standard C-7 package was used in its place, which unfortunately proved to be faulty in maintaining stability at low altitude.

The information from the black box told the KSC that within the same altitude, the craft was able to hold a similar speed to the Block 10, while gaining an additional four minutes of engine life. Because of this, its range increased by 360Km, up to a maximum traveled ground distance of 960Km.

Additional images during its flight, after leaving the coast:




This was the last image taken before the aircraft quit transmitting data.

Despite the fluff I made up, I\'m going to post both models, even though it\'s laughably easy to change it from one to the other. But as more parts are added, I\'ll continue changing it until it reaches a final model (Most likely when the hulls and wings are redone). And as said before there will probably be other aircraft added as well, whenever I decide to make more.

Stupid 500 Internal Server error.

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