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BSC Challenge: Rover + Skycrane - Yet another winner!

BSC: Rover + Skycrane - Final Vote  

  1. 1. BSC: Rover + Skycrane - Final Vote

    • Andrew Hansen - NOKERB Exploring Machine
    • antbin - The One Way Ticket
    • Deathsoul097 - Sojurner
    • Ravenchant - R-31 Dustmarcher & Heron skycrane
    • XolotlLoki - Simple, Indestructible Rover
    • Xeldrak - CRAATRV

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Because this isn't Equestria...

True enough.

Although, if someone's stuffed my ballot box, it isn't me. I haven't even seen the results yet; whenever I go onto the dotvoting site, it shows the top banner and nothing else.

Things are getting really weird. I wish that people would vote for the best rover(s) a total of four times and be done.

Anyway. I have to go; it will be interesting to see how this debacle resolves itself.

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Allright, since the voter fraud is now just unbearable, I will restart the the vote.

I've restarted the vote. If you want to vote - PM me your email adress.

You will receive a mail with a personal link to the vote - dont worry, the vote will run till Sunday december 15th, since this process will obviously need more time.

I'm using condorcet-method vote - you will be asked to rank the entries. Don't worry, it's fairly simple - If you want to vote for a single entry, leave all entries on the lowest rank and move your prefered entry to rank one. The way you can also vote for any number of candidates. It sound a little wierd but it's a perfectly sound voting system - you can check the wiki page (And I've got a fairly professional page that offers this service).

On a sidenote:

1. I've removed bombo1's entry, because it violated the Guidelines.

2. I've added bizmar's entry, that he submitted in time but that I overlooked (so, it's not his fault). Please note that his .craft file has to be downloaded seperately at this point.

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Anyway. I have to go; it will be interesting to see how this debacle resolves itself.

Yeah, for some reason I tend to be so naive to think that grown ups in this forum wouldn't cheat. Maybe I should get out of the house more often.

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Yeah, for some reason I tend to be so naive to think that grown ups in this forum wouldn't cheat. Maybe I should get out of the house more often.

Heck just look at "grown ups" in any of the standing governments for proof that you should never trust people at all. Those of us who try to do what is right are usually punished because of the majority....it is a sad thing at the end of it all.

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Heck just look at "grown ups" in any of the standing governments for proof that you should never trust people at all. Those of us who try to do what is right are usually punished because of the majority....it is a sad thing at the end of it all.

Just remember 80% on this forum is younger than 14......so :)

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Just remember 80% on this forum is younger than 14......so :)

And that does not excuse them either as the difference between right and wrong is learned at an early age. How they choose do do things is a reflection of their character and their parents bringing them up. It is more there are no consequences for peoples actions when they are online and this makes it easier for people to feel it is OK to act in this fashion, no matter what the age. The term "grownup" is usually associated with age, but honestly it should be associated with maturity not age.

How do you give rep to someone?:)

The little star next to the "Blog this post"

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you shoul all have a mail - check your spam filters if not ;)

I hope this all works as planned - had to set it up on the fly :/

Got it, but more time to vote means more time to Test.

This could take a while...

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Got it, but more time to vote means more time to Test.

This could take a while...

I agree, and I only have like, 2 days when I can test them? (school is horrible when u know people are voting on a challenge you participated.)

EDIT: I didn't test the rover+skycranes on the first voting (No time, school again), I'm gonna take this chance to actually test them. :D

Edited by SaplingPick
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I think it's a good idea to delegate the decision to few known people who are willing to put some effort to it. So far I have always participated in voting but it was not a qualified vote because I don't have time to spend on testing all the creations. I think I'm better off not voting at all.

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For those that have tested my entry what do you think was my biggest mistake?

Personally, I couldn't find any faults with it. As our craft should be useable by new players, though...they would first need to know how to get 15+ tons to another planet.

Edited by Ravenchant
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