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I stranded Jeb on Eve...

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I stranded Jeb on Eve while trying to use Eve to aerobrake into a stable orbit! Now because of going to far into the atmosphere Jeb is stranded on Eve. All of my attempts to save him have failed so far, prop count limits can suck... Anyone able to help me out?

Edited by tobjv
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Getting a ship onto and then off Eve is literally the hardest thing you can do in KSP, except maybe the same thing at Jool.

You'll need a lander with enough delta v to escape the massive gravity and huge atmosphere. Around 7-11 thousand delta v required depending on height above 'sea' level. Bearing in mind you need around 4,400 to get to orbit from Kerbin, you can appreciate the challenge. Then you have to get it to Eve as well, so 4,400 to get to orbit and then another, ermmm, don't actually know to get to Eve. Once landed and returned to orbit you'll need another 1500 or so to get back home...ish, again, I'm not too sure. At launch anyway you'll be needing your craft to have around 16,000 m/s delta v or so or you got very little chance.

I'm attempting to build such a launcher/interplanetary stage/lander/returner right now, (well, not right now as I'm in work, but yeah...), and it's not easy.

Aerospikes are good. Asparagus staging is good. Ripping your hair out as you fail over and over again is inevitable. Yay to be bald!

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Scott Manley (who else?) got 4 Kerbals back from Eve.

The short version: A heavily asparagus'd ascent vehicle with four command seats, build onto a wheeled chassis so it could be driven to a high plateau to make takeoff as easy as possible. Rendezvous with an orbital ship to take them home.


Edited by Smidge204
No, do not convert my link to an embed thanks.
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Getting from surface to orbit wouldn't be so hard if we had awesome computers with lots of processing power. My computer is fried around 250 parts.

Eve ascent is the hardest thing in KSP, except the same thing with Jool, but it doesn't have a surface so it's a futile attempt.

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Getting from surface to orbit wouldn't be so hard if we had awesome computers with lots of processing power. My computer is fried around 250 parts.

Eve ascent is the hardest thing in KSP, except the same thing with Jool, but it doesn't have a surface so it's a futile attempt.

Yep, and I have yet to go too Jool. I've been doing a jump. After I save Jeb I plan to land on Moho and then goto Jool/Eloo

A few things: Don't try this in 1 ship. Assemble in orbit and refuel everything. At Eve, send down the accent craft, keep the transfer stage in orbit

Yeah have to do it like this. Not enough prop count for it all on one launch vehicle.

Scott Manley (who else?) got 4 Kerbals back from Eve.

The short version: A heavily asparagus'd ascent vehicle with four command seats, build onto a wheeled chassis so it could be driven to a high plateau to make takeoff as easy as possible. Rendezvous with an orbital ship to take them home.


Never noticed this video thanks. Gives me ship ideas.

You could terminate his mission. I believe he respawns?

Permadeath is always on for me, so thats out... Plus whats the fun without risking Jebs life every single time?

This might be one of those times when constructing in LKO might be a good idea ;)

My problem is surviving the landings :/

Getting a ship onto and then off Eve is literally the hardest thing you can do in KSP, except maybe the same thing at Jool.

You'll need a lander with enough delta v to escape the massive gravity and huge atmosphere. Around 7-11 thousand delta v required depending on height above 'sea' level. Bearing in mind you need around 4,400 to get to orbit from Kerbin, you can appreciate the challenge. Then you have to get it to Eve as well, so 4,400 to get to orbit and then another, ermmm, don't actually know to get to Eve. Once landed and returned to orbit you'll need another 1500 or so to get back home...ish, again, I'm not too sure. At launch anyway you'll be needing your craft to have around 16,000 m/s delta v or so or you got very little chance.

I'm attempting to build such a launcher/interplanetary stage/lander/returner right now, (well, not right now as I'm in work, but yeah...), and it's not easy.

Aerospikes are good. Asparagus staging is good. Ripping your hair out as you fail over and over again is inevitable. Yay to be bald!

My problem atm is having the assent vehicle survive its landing. All the parachutes in the world seems to not be enough to save it. (there's a drogue chute on each prop and a radial) When it lands the parachutes will be blown off to reduce weight. it is strutted to hell and back. the landing gear buckle from the shear weight of it all lol...

Edited by tobjv
Paste is fun!
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My problem is surviving the landings :/

My problem atm is having the assent vehicle survive its landing. All the parachutes in the world seems to not be enough to save it. (there's a drogue chute on each prop and a radial) When it lands the parachutes will be blown off to reduce weight. it is strutted to hell and back. the landing gear buckle from the shear weight of it all lol...

I always have better luck with I-beams angled down and out a little. They're astoundingly strong; your ship will break before they do. No shock absorption though.

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My problem atm is having the assent vehicle survive its landing. All the parachutes in the world seems to not be enough to save it. (there's a drogue chute on each prop and a radial) When it lands the parachutes will be blown off to reduce weight. it is strutted to hell and back. the landing gear buckle from the shear weight of it all lol...

You could use "small gear bay" as a landing gear, it can survive hits above 15m/s and has no weight in flight. It feels cheaty but current landing gear is kind of wonky and really hard to use. Also throttling up a a little just before landing can help too.

Oh and i would switch drogues to Mk16-XLs they provide around 4,5 times more drag due to weight and deployed drag differences (remember to strut them to the ship thou as they can get ripped off at 500m).

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Scott Manley (who else?) got 4 Kerbals back from Eve.

The short version: A heavily asparagus'd ascent vehicle with four command seats, build onto a wheeled chassis so it could be driven to a high plateau to make takeoff as easy as possible. Rendezvous with an orbital ship to take them home.


I did that too. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60331-Eve-Misison-Report-Live-update-with-persistent-file-along-the-way

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I did the multi ship thing. I think I could escape Eve. One problem after an EVA Bob keeps falling off the ladder. He just will not walk forward at the top of the ladder. So he cannot cross the ledge where the fuel tank joins the lander can. Jet pack is useless because of the Increased gravity.So annoyed! Hours of building, launching and docking down the pan because of a flipping ladder.

Does anyone know a way of forcing Bob to walk at the top of the ladder?

Edited by thedeester1
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Hack gravity from debug menu? If you feel that's cheating (since technically it is) there is not much else to do.

If your craft has some spare fuel (and a probe body) you could try launching with Bob on ladder, and then shutting off the engines and quickly getting to capsule on jetpacks.

You could also send a crane rover with proper ladders :P

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Might hack the gravity. Thanks I'm very new at this. I just don't know what's wrong with the ladder. A similar ledge on other landers on other moons and planets has worked OK.

I think the problem could be that I landed on a slight incline so the ladder is is tilted backwards ( if that makes sense) a tiny bit. I think this might be tricking the game into making Bob walk backwards at the top of the ladder and hence fall off.

Hacking gravity might be cheating a little but its not like I'm doing it to escape Eve. I just want Bob back in the lander because there is an obvious glitch with ladders.

I'm not sure I'd be accurate enough to send a rover. Eve is big. Has a lot of gravity and high and heavy atmosphere. 1 miscalculation and I could be Km's away with seas to cross.

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Might hack the gravity. Thanks I'm very new at this. I just don't know what's wrong with the ladder. A similar ledge on other landers on other moons and planets has worked OK.

I think the problem could be that I landed on a slight incline so the ladder is is tilted backwards ( if that makes sense) a tiny bit. I think this might be tricking the game into making Bob walk backwards at the top of the ladder and hence fall off.

Hacking gravity might be cheating a little but its not like I'm doing it to escape Eve. I just want Bob back in the lander because there is an obvious glitch with ladders.

I'm not sure I'd be accurate enough to send a rover. Eve is big. Has a lot of gravity and high and heavy atmosphere. 1 miscalculation and I could be Km's away with seas to cross.

Oh, if it is a tested design then i would definitely try getting him up by force. Try using A and D keys (alone or in combination with W and S) as they can give some different results, also shift jumping of the ladder could help maybe. Oh there is also one more way to mess around, time acceleration, since Eve has immense gravity the ship could bend under acceleration in the right way. Oh (2) if you have retractable landing gear you could try retracting one side only so that it helps in ladder tilt.

Edited by Nao
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Hack gravity from debug menu? If you feel that's cheating (since technically it is) there is not much else to do.

I'm generally against cheating. But those situations where you have a ladder, bob gets to the top and then just falls because he won't walk forward, it feels more like "fixing a bug" than cheating.

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I'm generally against cheating. But those situations where you have a ladder, bob gets to the top and then just falls because he won't walk forward, it feels more like "fixing a bug" than cheating.

I agree with you here. Glitches/bugs aren't gameplay, and I'll use any means necessary to get around them (unless I'm participating in a challenge or something).

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I'm generally against cheating. But those situations where you have a ladder, bob gets to the top and then just falls because he won't walk forward, it feels more like "fixing a bug" than cheating.

I have nothing against cheats that fix the gameplay, especially when the player assumes he can do it from the start. But we already don't have much to design and test for in KSP compared to real world.

Designing ladders is actually one of the more interesting problems in KSP, as it requires experience and filed testing to develop a system that works in an actual mission.

It isn't really a bug when your kerbal falls at the end of the ladder. It is a lack in ladder length for current environment. And we can't really say "it worked before" since it have never actually worked *on Eve*.

There is a reason for saying: "the advancement in aerospace technology is written in human blood". It's true in KSP too now more than ever with newer patches including astronaut complex with many applicants and some lost Kermans.

But it all comes down to the way we want to experience the game. If its a light entertainment, once upon a time, there is nothing wrong with fixing stuff that we think should happen with cheats. But on the other side, when playing with a more serious approach, spending more time and effort we get much more fulfillment from successes and even failures. Cheating only detracts from that experience.

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It is a lack in ladder length for current environment.

My Laythe lander had a ladder that sat at 45 degrees and clipped more than 3/4 its size through the fuel tank because nothing I did with the main ladder itself would allow Jeb to climb it. That much clipping feels much more wrong than the original scenario, but it's the only one that works. To me, that's buggy.

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