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Problem With Emmisive Textures

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I am quite new to modding and modeling, and decided to start with the ksp game.

Now... i already made some working parts(mainly static parts for now).

now here is the problem: I made an engine which works but the only problem is that no matter

what i do i cant make so the animation of the Emmisive texture will show up in the game.

Now i looked at the guide that is "sticked" but i cant make so under animation>add curve, there will be the material of the part.

And of course the animation works inside unity.

p.s. i use Blender.

Those are 2 pics of the model and the animation window:




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You should remove that "Animator" component and add an "Animation" instead - they're used for different things but typically "Animation" is what you want for KSP.

Then highlight the part you added the component too (in my screenshot below its the root object, but you only need to make sure its "above" anything you need to animate in the heirarchy) and to go Window -> Animation. This will open the window you see here:


Then you create a new animation (the button will be where mine says "EmissiveAnimation" - I usually save it in the asset folder that holds the model, texture, and materials so I can create a new animation per part.) Also select "Clamp forver" at the bottom.

Then expand your parts in the window. Mine is thrustTransform -> obj_gimbal -> Material; You'll find a list of parameters you could animate. You're looking for Emission R(ed), G(reen), B(lue) and A(lpha)

The default time scale (top) and range scale (left side) will probably be too large, if you scroll wheel on the ruler they will compress as needed. You'll probably want to see 0 to 100 seconds and 0.0 to 1.0 on the left scale.

Set your zero time code to 0, and your max time code to whatevr you want the maximum heat glow to be, and then make more keys inbetween to create a curve (I don't leave mine linear, but mine aren't the best looking either)

Then dragging the timeline back and forth, you should see your heat animate.

Edited by Tiberion
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Thanks again for the reply.

now i did made so the "Animation" will be in the inspector.

but if u`ll look again i did open the "animation" window before, the thing that i find different from all other tutorials is that:

In the animation window under the m15engine i do not have any material as you do but, i do find "emissive color" in the "mesh renderer" but that

still doesn't seem to work.

Is there a chance i a different ver. of unity so stuff are different?

Edited by Jing
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Hmm, I suppose that could be why. I haven't updated to 4.3 yet, and I don't know if anyone around here has. KSP is only moving to Unity 4.2 in the next release (0.23) though we have been able to use 4.2's editor for a while now. I use 4.2.2

You might try downgrading to 4.2.2 and see if things work better for you. http://unity3d.com/unity/download/archive

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