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Kerbal History


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2050: Duna terraforming! Kerbals drop hundreds of car-sized factories on to the surface and start to transport water there. Also, Kerbal Historians are trying to find what caused the Klack Death. Scientists start research in to Biology. Some theories about 'Greatly Edible Round Mints' are formed. These are called 'Germs' for short.

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(Sorry i have some bugs sometimes where i don't see a post, repaired the date now)

Press F5 to refresh the page. Maybe that helps.

2052: Duna flood. Plants develop, kerbals learn how to swim, and the biologists have found that bacterias in that water could cause the Klack Death.

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Year 2055: The 'Greatly Edible Round Mints' the Kerbal scientists discovered are found to be tiny. Some Kerbals eat the samples and die shortly afterwards. The government say that Germs are not to be trusted. Also, 1400 years after the fan-engine was invented by the interns (P12, Year 655), the Professional engineers invent the Jet Engine. Don't ask why it took that long.

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Year 2056: Emmet returns: it turns out that he time traveled, but the temporal displacement of the car destroyed half the town (it wasn't made of stainless steel: it was made of plastic). This time, tough he returns with a flying, time traveling steam locomotive. He disappears, taking the secrets of time travel with him. Some historians later take note of the fact that the events surrounding Emmet kerman are very similar to the plot lines of a movie trilogy created by the pink skinned aliens.

2057: Kerbals begin taking a second look at the fan-rocket thing, thinking that there may be the possibility to develop a hybrid engine for launch vehicles.

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2059: Kerbals fianlly invent th RAPIER engine. It's used to make the smallest SSTO ever.

2060: Kerbals on Duna are clebrating the first day of the town called Dunavillage. This town has one million citizens! (not: Kerbals entire population is only a bit smaller than one billion)

Edited by cziken20
Yarr spellin' mistake!
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(Emmet wasn't killed. Since he took the secrets of time travel with him, he doesn't have to worry about anyone going after him. He lives a peaceful nomadic life among the space-time continuum)

2062: The baby kraken drive is discovered: it allows for the creation of vehicles that stay aloft via anti-gravity. Cars and airships using these engines go into mass production. It is hypothesized that Emmet Kerman's time train used a baby kraken drive to fly, meaning it must have arrived at some point in the future (or present, in this case).

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2063: Baby kraken devices have one major problem: they are sometimes sponatanously making the car turn around very fast and kill everybody inside. The firm that created them has to pay 10 million kerbcoins and baby kraken device is set by THE GOVERNMENT (the greatest law institue in kerbal world) as "not to be trusted by community". Planet Dres is also labeled with this words.

2065: Kerbals start to get bored and don't know what to do. They can only think of getting to other solar systems.

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Year 34545755234436546: Emmet kerman arives on a kerbin with a toxic atmosphere, and ruins of an advanced civilization. Good thing he just so happened to have his lucky gas mask.

He found a time machine and went to the past.

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Year 2071: Emmet Kerman realises that he punched a hole through the fabric of space and time to a parrellel universe (Doctor Who Age Of Steel Refrence). The energy required to escape would trigger a Universe-wide explosion. There's no escape this time.

Year 2075: A planet called Kalifrey is found. It used to hold a proud civilisation of Kerbal-like creatures. Now there are just ruins. Corpse are found and analysed.

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Year 2085: 10 years later, the Joolian war is still ongoing, with Laythe rendered inhospitable and the fighting mostly in the atmosphere of Jool. Tylo is nuked, Bop and Pol collided into a larger Bop as a result of a nuclear missile launched by the Kerbal Mining Corp. About 125 million are killed, reducing the Kerbal population to about 986 million.

Edited by Designer225
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2090: The first LIVING aliens, except the pink guys, are found. Well bad that they are hunter-gatherers. Also the Joolian war ends, with nobody winnig and Jool system going to be in hands of Laythe government. (Laythe has, and rather had 200 million people. They almost all died in war)

2091: Kerbals always wanted to visit the surface of Jool. It actually always had it, the pressure deep enough is so high that hydrogen changes into still material. They build a very pressure-resistant ship to visit it. Funny is that they didn't expect rised temperatures, and the little fusion of hydrogen inside, so the ship melted. Somebody said "Hey! We can get energy from Jool! Easier than from Sun for example!". They start to build the first Jool-fusion kelectricity plant.

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2092: The trans dimensional hole closes for no apparent reason, pulling Emmet and his time machine back through. Emmet resumes his time traveling.

2092.01: The problem with the baby kraken drives is fixed, and flying cars resume their travels. Economies pick back up, since the banning of the baby kraken drive caused the new infrastructure based off of it to collapse.

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Year 2093: Emmet Kerman couldn't take the fact that he killed all those Alternate reality Kerbals and committed suicide. (He is dead now forever). Also Baby Kraken drives are found to emit Keta Radiation. These kill the manufactures of the Kraken drive.

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2094: Kerbals start to think that baby kraken devices are simply not going to be working, they stop researching it, and their all thoughts turn to some new type of generation of kelectricity, because they are running low resources, and Jool's mining levels (the lower ones are too hot) are completely exhausted. What the kerbals will invent?

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2114: Tension grew in Kerbin: The duke of Aukstria is assassinated, leading to the so-called "The War to End All Wars" (which is actually Kerbal War II). Aukstria and Kermany and the Okkomans formed the Triple Alliance (Central Powers), while Brikain, France, and Krussia formed the Triple Entente (Allies). The war is underway.

OOC: Didn't know there was already a World War I... (Or Kerbal War I, rather.)

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2115: The triple entendre is interpreted by some as its literal meaning, by others as a sexual euphemism, and by a third group as a racial slur. Kermany responds by giggling and whispering to Aukstria under its breath about some funny pun it came up with.

2116: Kmaug the Kolden flies down from the north and lays waste to the Kwarf kingdom of Kerebor.

Edited by parameciumkid
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2120: Kerbals slowly kill each other, and somebody unknown called Adolph Kerman takes control of Kermany. He form the Kaxis with Kapan and Kitalia. Koland is again a victim of Kermany, and shortly after also victim of Krussia. Poor Koland :(

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2130: The Allies began to push the Axis back.

The following year (2131): All but Kapan surrendered, and the KS (Kerbal States) nuked Kiroshima and Nagasaki. (I decided to leave Nagasaki as it is since the name is Kerbal enough.) Only 5 days later did Kapan surrender, ending Kerbal War II.

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2284: Bilbo Kerman, Kandalf the #BADA55, and a troupe of Kwarves go on a trek to the Konely Mountain to confront Kmaug. Unfortunately they take a wrong turn and end up confronting the Kkraken. Meanwhile, Kerbal kcientists are seriously starting to get konfused about all this "K" kusiness, and a few begin to develop a krain disease dubbed "kraziness."

2284.5: In the midst of its reconstruction from the second Kerbal War, Kapan invents a new art form called "kanime".

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