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[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta


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Oh! Interesting. That definitely sounds like it could be the problem.

I also noticed another odd problem yesterday. The "mammoth" fuel tank... I tried attaching two of them in symmetry to the sides of an airplane, alongside a couple B9 cargo bays as the center fuselage, but the mammoth fuel tanks shifted the center of mass in an unexpected way. Here's some screenshots.

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Edit: I can't figure out what's wrong with my IMGUR tag, grrr. Link: http://imgur.com/a/fEueO#0

Without the tanks, the center of mass is in the middle of the cargo bays, exactly as one would expect. Adding the tank, the the geometric center of the tank lined up with the center of mass, I would expect the center of mass not to move, but it does. It moves a lot, and even if I empty the tank of fuel and oxidizer using the 0.23 right-click menu doesn't put the center of mass back anywhere close to the geometric center.

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  kyklop said:
lewisd - Thank you very much! You have discovered one source of my problems ...

Moving CoM until now I have not noticed ... Unfortunately, I have to re-do every "stacked" tank ...

Oh no :( Is there something wrong with all the stacked tanks, that moves CoM? I imagine it wouldn't be very noticeable in a rocket, just in a plane.

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No - the problem is in the way, what I composed the tanks, at least I suppose ...

System assumes that the center of mass an object is at the beginning of coordinates - at the coordinates 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

But I began to compose the tank from the first, the bottom tank - which is probably positioned correctly - and more tanks are being added gradually at first tank, as "stacked". The result is that - the tank is, toward the beginning of the coordinates - "asymmetrical".

Quick, dirty solution (but can be "good enough"): Edit CFG in AlchemyTechnologies\Parts\FuelTank\FuelTankFLT8000\ and after "node definitions" add line:

for FuelTankALWT008201M.cfg

CoMOffset = 0, 0.46875, 0

for FuelTankALWT016001.cfg; FuelTankALWT016001M.cfg;

FuelTankALWT037501.cfg; FuelTankALWT037501M.cfg; FuelTankALWT037501M2.cfg

CoMOffset = 0, 1.40625, 0

for FuelTankALWT032001.cfg; FuelTankALWT032001M.cfg

FuelTankALWT075001.cfg; FuelTankALWT075001M1.cfg; FuelTankALWT075001M2.cfg

CoMOffset = 0, 2.8125, 0

for FuelTankALWT064001.cfg; FuelTankALWT155001.cfg

CoMOffset = 0, 6.5625, 0

This move the center of mass to the center of the tank. But if it's "really good solution", I cannot say now...

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Ok, well good news. :) I made those changes you suggested for the CoM, and, at least in the SPH, the ship from the above example looks correct now. I haven't tested any of the other tanks.

I also changed SASModule to Part in all the cfg files, and the service modules now seem to behave exactly as I expected them to.

Thanks for coming up with fixes for those. :) I'm sure you'll get them into a new release on SpacePort when you have time. In the meantime, everything seems good.

Oh, actually, one other thing I forgot to mention before. Sometimes when I'm mousing over parts in the tray on the left, the icon for it starts spinning and getting huge like it's flying towards me out of the tray, eventually taking up the entire screen before disappearing. It hasn't caused any actually problems, it's just... odd.

I've uploaded a video of it here:

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  lewisd said:
Oh, actually, one other thing I forgot to mention before. Sometimes when I'm mousing over parts in the tray on the left, the icon for it starts spinning and getting huge like it's flying towards me out of the tray, eventually taking up the entire screen before disappearing. It hasn't caused any actually problems, it's just... odd.

I've uploaded a video of it here:

I know about this issue longer, but absolutely do not understand why it occurs.

Arises, when the three types of fuel (or more) are located in the same tank.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey Kyklop these are awesome!

I was wondering if I could use your tanks for other stuff at all. I've been trying to create my own tanks for things like water and kethane as part of the kethane mod by retexturing the stock parts but my paint skills are totally rubbish as you can see:


What I'm trying to do is add new tanks that have no resources in them and then add this manually to the tanks - so I have a tank with blue trim like your FL-T800O tank and configure that to contain water or say your FL-T800J tank and use it for iron ore etc. I've worked out how to modify the kethane mod using its API & modulemanager and change the retexutred stock tanks to contain the different resources etc - all I need is a selection of tanks with a range of colours.

If you're interested in my kethane add-on its here:


It'll be really great if you could help me out, thanks :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Beta test v.05

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:sealed: that's a hell lot's of parts ! Some are amazing !

I have used your structural parts for a while and annoying issues with resizing stock is attachment (I guess node_attach thing issue) and/or colliders, it completely mess-up the parts sadly :(. It's possible a small collider/part gap in the stock part became huge when sized up.

But the mega solar-panel collection (ALT-EMxxxx parts) are good if they are considered as a single one by unity engine. I've tried to make a tube/circular solar panel, but the module only allow one flat surface to receive sunlight :/.

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For first problem - I'm sorry, I'm not understand what/where is problem. For what parts? Please, describe it in more detaily... (I'm not english speeker and use only translator)

  Justin Kerbice said:

But the mega solar-panel collection (ALT-EMxxxx parts) are good if they are considered as a single one by unity engine. I've tried to make a tube/circular solar panel, but the module only allow one flat surface to receive sunlight :/.

If you need "multidirectional" solar panels, look at my "energetic module" - there I used "one small dirty trick": visible panels are only "decoration", four "real" solar panels are hidden into construction.

For this I'm hexaedited original solar panel models and rename internal "raycastTransformName" to my own forms, because in cfg file can by used one "raycastTransformName" only one time, so there I used four variants "raycastTransformName" - and four different models.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  Taki117 said:
Have you thought about adding the TweakScale plugin? I think it would really cut down on part count and memory bloat.

I was thinking of suggesting this as well; As it stands I think the only other Modpack with anywhere near this many parts is NovaPunch, and something like 4/5ths of the parts here are basically the same part but re-sized, especially the girders and the sub-1m fuel tanks.

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TweakScale - this is interesting idea... I'll try to do something.

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