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Post your suggested contracts here!

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In the future, we will have contracts for KSP, and here's an idea: suggest your own in this thread.

The way I would like it to work is that you would

A. Launch a pre-designed spacecraft.

B. Manufacture a spacecraft with certain characteristics and launch it.

C. Do something in any way you want.


A. KerbTV has requested a relay sat for the TV broadcast of the Summer Super Solid Rocket Tournament. They need to have the spacecraft in an equatorial orbit with an AP and PE within 1.5 km.

B. The big game hunting society theorizes there may be life, and large life at that, on Duna. They need to scan (under 70 kilometers) the surface, but have no engineering resources.

C. The president has demanded that a Mun landing take place within 10 Kerbal years.



Description Paragraph




We are the Kerbal Television Network, and we need a payload boost service. The Summer Solid Rocket Competition is being hed in the other continent, and our continent demands instant coverage. We made a relay probe, but we can't launch it.

We need the probe in:

Ap: 115 Km to 125 Km

Pe: 115 Km to 125 Km

Inclination (Equator): 0-5 degrees

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A few ideas:

Photographing the Majestic Green Planet!

Flavor/Description: The Jool Fancier's Society wants close up photos of their favorite verdant celestial body.

Mission/Requirements: Build a probe with an antenna and a mission part (digital camera: axially mounted 0.625 part that doesn't stack; Think atmospheric analyzer), place the probe in low orbit over Jool, and activate the camera.

Commercial KPS satellite Launch

Flavor/Description: A corporation wants a communication in kerbosynchronous orbit with a particular location.

Mission/Requirements: Build a satellite/probe that includes a mission part (axially mounted 1.25m part the size of materials bay). A non-collidable object is placed at the target location in space, and the satellite/probe must rendezvous with the target ( < 100 m) and activate the mission part and maintain power (drains power at set rate) and distance to the target for 6 hours (one kerbal rotation).

Nuke the Asteroid

Flavor/Description: A rogue asteroid is going to obstruct the Jool Fancier's Society view of Jool on a very important night. Destroy the asteroid before it runis their gala.

Mission/Requirements: A procedurally generated asteroid will be generated for this mission. A location on the asteroid will act as a clamp-o-tron jr docking port, and serve as the detonation location. A ship must be launched with an "explosives" mission part (pick a size), rendezvous with the asteroid and "plant the explosives" (Dock at the detonation site). A kerbonaut will have to EVA to activate the explosives. The kerbonaut then has 60 s to reach a minimum safe distance (10 km?) but stay within 50 km to observe the detonation and be sure the asteroid was destroyed.

Kerbocream is looking for new flavors

Flavor/Description: Kerbocream is looking for new ice cream flavors. One taste engineer was inspired by our tiny neighbor and wants to create a new flavor: "Minmus Mint Ripple Crunch", but will need surface samples from Minmus to get the texture right.

Mission/Requirements: In one mission, bring a surface sample from Minmus' flatlands (green parts) and mountains (white parts) back to Kerbin. The sample must land within 10 km of the Kerbocream dairies to ensure it reaches the lab while still cold.

Edited by LethalDose
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Kerbal University need you to launch their Space telescope to a 200km Ap x 200km Pe @ 20° inclination.


1 We will provide 3 Jumbo64 fuel tanks for the job and any you don't use are yours to keep.

2 we will share any data we discover on other celestial bodies. (ap, pe, inc, size, etc)

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Nuke the Asteroid

Flavor/Description: A rogue asteroid is going to obstruct the Jool Fancier's Society view of Jool on a very important night. Destroy the asteroid before it runis their gala.

Mission/Requirements: A procedurally generated asteroid will be generated for this mission. A location on the asteroid will act as a clamp-o-tron jr docking port, and serve as the detonation location. A ship must be launched with an "explosives" mission part (pick a size), rendezvous with the asteroid and "plant the explosives" (Dock at the detonation site). A kerbonaut will have to EVA to activate the explosives. The kerbonaut then has 60 s to reach a minimum safe distance (10 km?) but stay within 50 km to observe the detonation and be sure the asteroid was destroyed.

However, after having planted the explosives, it becomes clear that there's something wrong with the detonator. Onboard, there are two specialists from the Jool Fancier's Society and their professional commitment to the mission is so high that they decide one of them has to stay behind to detonate the explosives. They draw lots and the youngest one of them loses. However, the young one was going to marry the old one's daughter, so the old one sabotages the young one's EVA suit so the young one has to return to Kerbin and marry the daughter while the old one stays behind and detonates the asteroid. The Kerbals head home, mourning the loss of the old Kerbal, although one of the crew keep mumbling something about the kinetic energy of bowling balls...

Just kidding, of course. Sounds fun.

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However, after having planted the explosives, it becomes clear that there's something wrong with the detonator. Onboard, there are two specialists from the Jool Fancier's Society and their professional commitment to the mission is so high that they decide one of them has to stay behind to detonate the explosives. They draw lots and the youngest one of them loses. However, the young one was going to marry the old one's daughter, so the old one sabotages the young one's EVA suit so the young one has to return to Kerbin and marry the daughter while the old one stays behind and detonates the asteroid. The Kerbals head home, mourning the loss of the old Kerbal, although one of the crew keep mumbling something about the kinetic energy of bowling balls...

Just kidding, of course. Sounds fun.

HA! Man, I hated that movie. It brings up an interesting point, though: The original idea was basically the same as Armageddon (asteroid will collide with Kerbin), but... that wouldn't really leave the player any option about taking the mission. After the... uh... discourse... in a separate thread, I thought it was important to make sure that the player wasn't forced to take a mission. So, I dropped the stakes so that all life on Kerbin wasn't hanging in the balance, but kept the mission profile and objectives similar. I think it actually improved the mission and made it more "Kerbally".

Another mission profile that would be fun would be to CAUSE an asteroid impact:

Smashing Stuff for SCIENCE!!!

Flavor/Description: The physics department from the University of Kerbifornia at Kerbley want to observe an asteroid strike on the Mun, but need to know when it will happen and need to know how the size and composition the asteroid is so they can properly calibrate their instruments. Luckily, the professors have had their graduate students watching the skies for months, and they have identified a suitable asteroid for their experiment.

Mission/Requirements: A ship must approach the asteroid generated for the contract. A kerbal must EVA to the asteroid, grab onto it, and take a surface sample that must return to Kerbin. The craft then must attach itself to the asteroid (Dock at a location, as above) and force the asteroid into a collision course with the Mun.

Bonus points are awarded if the asteroid collides with the side of the Mun facing Kerbin.

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Top Secret Mission

Fly this specific payload into the sun.


1) The entire payload impacts the sun.

2) The payload spends no more than ~12 hours below 500km.

Notes: Although this is a simple challenge on its own, the ~8 to ~13km/s required delta-v boosts the difficulty. Also, the mysterious payload could be anywhere from one ton to fifty.

Edited by SunJumper
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This wouldn't really work until resources are added but:

Kerbal Mining Company needs a lifter to deliver equipment to a Blutonium vein discovered on Eve(lodging, processing equipment, digging equipment, and rovers given to you as sub assemblies). Time is money so the pay reward would vary on how long it took to deliver everything and how close you land the vein.

Edited by Nobody
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Top Secret Mission

Fly this specific payload into the sun.


1) The entire payload impacts the sun.

2) The payload spends no more than ~12 hours below 500km.

Notes: Although this is a simple challenge on its own, the ~8 to ~13km/s required delta-v boosts the difficulty. Also, the mysterious payload could be anywhere from one ton to fifty.

Should an additional requirement be to not open or scan the payload?

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Kigerian Prince

Helo. I am kigerian prince. I would give you some of my fotrune if yu put satlite in polar orbit for me. Thank you. Have Nice Day

(50000 Kash For completion)

(Gene Kerman thinks you shouldn't do this challenge.)

Better Idea would be if it was to wire them 50,000 Kerban Space Dollars and they would wire you 1,000,000 KSD :D

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Reposted from here.

Payload Delivery - You're given a specialized part to be placed on your rocket that you need to deliver to a randomly determined Celestial body (and maybe a specific biome on said Celestial body). The parts may have special requirement, such as. This will be a common mission, and arguably the "easiest" (since you just need to get the parts there, crashing it into the Celestial body may be an option).

Temperature Control:In essence, the part will drain a constant amount of electricity (and has an internal buffer that's intake only) to maintain whatever they're holding at a constant temperature. If you run out of electricity and the buffer depletes, the part dies and you fail the mission.

Shock Sensitive: Throughout your mission, you cannot exceed a certain G-Force (such as 10G) else the part is destroyed.

Example mission:

Icarus Kerman, late brother of Jebediah Kermain, wishes for his remain to be buried on Mun. Deliver his coffin to Mun, need not be intact.

Scientific Studies - Similar to payload delivery in that you're given a specialized scientific instruments. However, in addition to the mission of delivering said instruments to a Celestial body, you may instead be asked to get the instruments into a certain altitude (landed, lower atm, upper atm, near apace, outer Space,or specific range of altitude) above the celestial body or specific biome. Once arrived, you'll need to "start" the experiment and let it run for a certain amount of time (depending on the experiment). Similar to Payload Delivery, experimental parts and their experiments can have, in addition to those possible for payload delivery, special requirements.

Short Term Experiments: Experiments that last just seconds, can occur for experiments in any environment.

Long Term Experiments: Experiments that last a few days. Cannot occur when part of the requirement is to be in lower/upper atm. Cannot specify a biome unless the experiment is performed while landed. The added challenge of these experiment is that you need enter an orbit (for near/outer space, or specific altitude range) or land it (when a biome is specified) instead of just doing a fly-by.

Power Requirement: When running, the experiment will need a constant supply of power through its run-time. For short term experiments, this could be a very high value (like 100e/s for a few seconds). For long term experiments, this will be fairly low (1~10e/s) and should challenge player to design their spacecraft to be able to supply the power needed for the experiment (or pay the weight in terms of lots of nuke generator).

Scientific Studies missions will generally have two rewards. One for transmitting the data, one for bringing back the instrument after successful completion of an experiment. Some mission will only have rewards for one of them (so, for example, some mission only needs you to transmit the result back to complete it and receive full rewards, some will require you to bring the part with the completed experiment back for full reward).

Example missions:

A. Two brothers seek to answer the age old question, do buttered toasts always land buttered side up on Mun? Perform this experiment while landed on Mun. Temperature Control required (to keep the buttered toasts from going stale). Transmit the result for full reward.

B. The Kerbohydrate Culinary Society wishes to know if its possible to bake bread on Eve. Perform this experiment while landed on Eve and bring it back for full reward.

Tourist - Also similar to Payload Delivery. you'll also get a specialized parts (a luxury on-board hotel suite?). The parts will generally be fairly heavy, require a constant amount of electricity, and contains a Kerbal. Similar to Payload Delivery, you'll need to "deliver" the part to various Celestial body. But instead of just one Celestial body, you're given an itinerary of a list of Celestial bodies to visit and what to do when you get there (for example, orbit at a certain altitude for a few days, land on it, etc). And unlike payload delivery, you'll have to bring the "parts" back. Part of the challenge is to plan for a multiple encounter mission (and/or plan for refuel stations along the way) while having to haul around a fairly heavy part that has a constant electrical requirement. Some missions will allow you to only complete part of it and still get rewards (partial or full), with bonus reward for completing everything.

Example missions:

A. Justine Keebler wishes to visit the following locations:

1. Two days around Eve.

2. A flyby of Moho under 20,000 km.

3. Land on Gilly.

Asteroid/UFO Capture

At random time, a object with a random orbital parameter will spawn. The object may be an asteroid (would require a way for player to "dock" with it so they can effect its trajectory) or a strange spaceship part with one or more docking ports attached to it. The mission will request for player to capture the asteroid/UFO and return it to Kerbin (deorbit it into atmosphere).

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