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God mod combination?


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Heya all, I'm very new here to please excuse the newbie post count, still learning the game and only just managed to land on Mun last night :D

I'm currently running too many mods I think, just random stuff from when I picked up the game in September before GTA V stole me away, and something has glitched that won't let me save ships!

So, tonight I'm going to uninstall from steam, delete all mods & folders and start again, fresh install & get some selected mods, I know Kethane & B9 are meant to be good packs and I'm just trying to build stuff up without getting WAY too much going on :)


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Hmm, where's the question?

Assuming you're looking for good mods, make sure to have at least one install with KMP (Kerbal Multiplayer), and in the other one, yes Kethane, yes B9 (if you wish, it's kinda big so don't blame me when you get lag).

Also, Extraplanetary Launchpads,

Kerbal Alarm Clock,

KSP Interstellar,


Kerbal Engineer

If your computer is a hundred percent overpowered, Krag's Planet Factory,

if you like hardcore mode, Ferram Aerospace Research, Deadly Reentry, Remotetech and Procedural Fairings,

if you suck at docking, navyfish's docking alignment indicator

and definitely not mechjeb. I don't dislike people who use it, but stay off the mechjeb, it's very addictive.

Surely I will remember gazillions of mods in a few minutes. Oh well, adding any mods I can think of later.

Also, welcome to KSP forums and congratulations to the mun landing! You'll be making giant stations around Jool in no-time!

Edited by KvickFlygarn87
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Let's see, first it depends on whether you're more interested in Spaceplanes or Rockets. I love both B9 Aerospace AND KW rocketry, but I cannot seem to run them along-side of each other without frequent RAM crashes. So, that's your first decision, as they are large packs. B9 might not play well with other packs, but I've gotten KW to run alongside several other mods. I don't mess with mods that don't provide a part I will use frequently. I also will NOT sacrifice and install PART of a mod. It's all or nothing.

So, here's what I run on my current install...

-KW Rocketry. (This is the absolute staple of my space program, everything else takes on a lower priority for this to run.)

-RLA Stockalike pack, Electric Engines pack, and Power Generation pack. (Provides a nice selection of additional ion engines, as well as a complete .625m set of fuel tanks and engines, plus some other bits I've found very useful for making tiny craft, or increasing the efficiency of my operations. I liken this to a sort of newer version of KSPX, since KSPX has had most of its vital parts more or less integrated to stock.)

-Near Future Propulsion pack. (Introduces several more engines that run on Xenon, or one of two new resources: Argon and Hydrogen. They are rage-inducing to provide power for, but Nertea has implemented some interesting solutions to the problem of the power hungry engines. They're relatively balanced, and reasonably not bugged.

-FusTek Karmony station modules. (It's a pack of station modules and it comes with a pretty useful large static solar panel.)

-FusTek Expansion pack. (More, varied station modules that are based on the FusTek style and (I believe) use the same textures, so this doesn't use a TON of RAM, to my knowledge. Also includes a common berthing mechanism that's based on Fusty's old one, but behaves much better. Think of it as a super-rigid docking port. There's not many IVA's yet as they are a WIP, but that's okay because the basic functionality is there. Not sure if my install will be able to handle the added RAM usage from the IVAs when implemented, so we'll see.)

-Kommit Nucleonics. (A small pack of a few nuke engines and a larger toroidal fuel tank. Expands upon the nuke engine and gives several new options for a low-thrust, comparatively high efficiency LF/O fueled engine.)

-Kerbal Attachment System. (While not quite as complete as I might like it to be, it's quite a good mod and adds a whole lot of functionality that I think is necessary to have.)

-PWings. (Procedural Wings, make wings of any size or shape you need! :D)

-Crew Manifest. (Move Kerbals between modules without EVA, do a bit of other cool stuff. Plugin only, no part associated with it so it's low RAM usage. I have a lot of little plugin-based things that really add a lot of good stuff to the game.)

-Kerbal Engineer Redux. (Yes, it has a few parts, but it's useful to me in the editor to see how a craft might perform on another world. A useful build aid, I might say.)

-KerbCam. (A camera pathing tool that a lot of video makers use. I've not yet used it to create anything meaningful, but it's there and takes up almost no memory space since there are no parts to associate with, so it's like "Why not?" Mostly a result of my half-baked ideas to make Youtube videos.)

-SelectRoot. (It lets you select the root part of a vessel to something new without manually rebuilding the whole craft. Another useful little plugin, and REALLY useful since the new subassembly feature has been implemented.)

-Editor Extensions. (Adds a few cool things to the editor that really should be in the stock game, but meh. I don't know if this is even updated anymore, as the version I'm running has a plugin in the legacy "Plugins" folder in the root KSP directory. It's the only /old/ mod I'm running. Also, if someone ever tells you that the legacy folder structure doesn't work, they're lying. It's in there and it still works, though it's largely unused. Butttt.. If you try to load up an old mod from way back when, it might actually work. Maybe.)

-Improved Maneuver Nodes. (Helps with maneuver nodes and lets you change your conics patch mode on-the-fly.)

-Improved NavBall. (Makes markers ghost on the edges so you always know where to turn for retro/prograde, and adds normal/radial +/- markers.)

-NovaSilisko's Audio Muffler Plugin. (It's a simple plugin that filters out sound, making it more muffled as you approach vacuum. In vacuum, sounds are much different with this, though it affects all the audio channels in the game, so it also muffles the music in-game. Rocket engines are a low rumble, decouplers sound like a distant TNT explosion, explosions sound more like a loud thud, and some of the engines in the Near Future pack sound like a low droning sound.)

-MechJeb 2.1. (Use it if you want. It's really not that bad. I don't use it for all the automated features, but the Smart ASS, Translatotron, and the Utilities window, as well as the simple, sparse, yet informative in-editor and in-flight Delta-V/Vessel Info are staples to all but the simplest flights. Since I use a lot of low-thrust ion engines, my burn times take forever. Smart ASS is very helpful to keep the craft pointed prograde precisely through the burns, and the Translatotron is extremely useful for hovering landers. I still fly all my launches to orbit manually, and do mostly manual landings, but some of these tools are indispensible, especially for testing/debugging of craft. Don't let other people's opinions influence your decision on whether or not to use MechJeb, it's a tool, not a crutch, and it's very useful. That's the objective truth.)

I'm also currently following development of two new small part mods, and am considering adding them... See below:

A small, 2-man command pod not unlike Gemini: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60974-Stock-alike-two-man-command-pod-%28for-1-25m-parts%29

Service compartments to make craft way cleaner: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/61040-6S-Service-Compartment-Tubes-Design-smooth!

Those are all the mods I'm using currently. It looks like a long list, but those little plugin mods add a ton of functionality for a tiny bit of RAM usage. I'd highly suggest looking into more of those, if you find yourself strapped for RAM.


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I recommend both of my mods :) If you think the planets are lacking cloud coverage or seem desolate, add the Visual Enhancements mod. If you find you are running out of ram on your install, add the texture compressor mod to give your system more breathing room.

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the mods issue well these other guys have you covered bu your can't save ships things i know how to fix that....

This is rather ironically due to you deleting mods and leaving your save folder filled with ships that required the mods to use so basically delete the ships that used the mods that you deleted and it will be fixed. Same thing goes for subassemblies

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Thanks guys, wow an overwhelmingly nice list of mods there, and to think I misspelt the title and made myself look like something a Kerbal stood on! :)

I haven't had any slowdown aside from when I try silly amounts of Rockets & Engines at once, the PC has 16GB RAM but I'm not sure if KSP is running in 32bit still, so limited anyways?

I'll definately try out some of those mods listed and see what I can do, as I said in the OP, most of the game is still pretty new to me as I only reached Mun last night, but I'm hoping to get out & about more as I go :)

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  Helix935 said:
the mods issue well these other guys have you covered bu your can't save ships things i know how to fix that....

This is rather ironically due to you deleting mods and leaving your save folder filled with ships that required the mods to use so basically delete the ships that used the mods that you deleted and it will be fixed. Same thing goes for subassemblies

Thanks for that, although I just deleted my KSP folder entirely, reinstalled the game, installed some mods, some of which have a few pre-installed ships with them, and then still have no save functionality, I'll go through the mods again now and get wiping, especially as I had a crash when going back to the Spaceplane hangar!

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I'm going to just post my current mod list, it probably won't help you much but I like them all and would recommend most of them.

01) [0.22] KerbalAlarmClock (
02) [0.22] Engineer Redux (
03) [0.22] Protractor (2.4.3)
04) [0.21] Actions on the Fly (1.1.1)
05) [0.22] RCS BuildAid (0.4)
06) [0.22] Navball Docking Alignment Indicator (0)
07) [0.22] Editor Extensions (0.6)
08) [0.22] MechJeb (2.1)
09) [0.21] Targetron (1.2.2)
10) [0.22] ModuleManager (1.5)
11) [0.22] Enhanced Navball (1.2)
12) [0.22] SelectRoot (Oct17)
13) [0.22] PreciseNode (0.6)
14) [0.22] Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (1.4.2)
15) [0.22] Active Memory Reduction Mod (1-1)
16) [0.22] GPWS (1.2)
17) [0.22] Kethane (0.8.1) [PARTS]
18) [0.22] Ferram Aerospace Research (0.11)
19) [0.22] Procedural Fairings (2.4.2) [PARTS]
20) [0.22] Procedural Dynamics (0.5) [PARTS]
21) [0.22] Kerbal ISP Difficulty Scaler (1.2)
22) [0.22] Deadly Reentry Continued (4) [PARTS]
23) [0.22] ECLSS (1.0.12) [PARTS]
24) [0.22] KerbalAttachmentSystem (0.4.4) [PARTS]
25) [0.22] StretchySRB (v6) [PARTS]
26) [0.22] Engine Ignitor (3.0.1)
27) [0.22] EVA Paracutes (1.2) [PARTS]
28) [0.22] RemoteTech 2 (1.2.6) [PARTS]
29) [0.22] RealChute Parachute Systems (0.3.1) [PARTS]
30) [0.21] Radial Stack Separator (Aug01) [PARTS]
31) [0.22] RocketPowerIndustries Ullage Pack (6.0.0) [PARTS]
32) [0.22] RLA Stockalike (0.9.4) [PARTS]
33) [0.22] SCANsat Terrain Mapping (Build 4) [PARTS]
34) [0.22] Landertron XT (0.03) [PARTS]
35) [0.22] KSP Alternate Resource Panel (

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