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Ackander's Vertical TechTree Challenge (Too Hard) (Some Mods Required)

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Fasinating sequencing of events, captain:

I redesigned KSP's technologies tree into Ackander's Vertical TechTree. Overwhelmingly, feedback for the tech tree points to two thing: first it is Too Hard, and second it looks pretty.

For a limited time only, Ackander's Vertical TechTree will be officially available in it's "too hard' version, for I am reworking science costs and adding more mod parts for the next version (it probably is too hard overall, and some parts of the tech tree's structure are obviously flawed). In the mean time, and this may be a shot in the dark here, I wanted to put the challenge out here, to test if the tech tree is viable, or truly impossible as some have said. To accomplish the goals of the challenge, extreme creativity will need to be employed to minimize launches and overall mission time. The part that makes Ackander's Vertical TechTree too hard is the opening moments of playing. In the beginning, the only parts available to you are 1 man pods and the small truss. If used appropriately, those parts will get you enough science to get liquid fuel engines, and from there to orbit, etc. Score will be based on primary missions completion and auxiliary goal inclussion as well as time to completion for primary goals. Just to note, if you see an oportunity to milk points that stay within the rules, be my guest. Only six mods are required (and 1 for optional objective). If this challenge is too hard, I understand; tell me what changes I might make to make it easier, and I will resubmit after the next Vertical TechTree version is released. This is a big challenge, I know, so I have added the ability to decrease science costs by up to 60% (at a price). If you find a unique solution to unlocking the first few nodes other than walking and lots of launches, please show it off. Good luck, and enjoy.


To build an ever expanding Kerbal Space Program, ultimately aimed at sending a probe on an interestellar mission, but first a science space station must be built in very high Kerbolar orbit. A minimum of Kerbonauts living on both probe and space station must be met along with a minimum living space requirement. You may or may not want to incorporate an escape system into the space station, in case of an accident or failure of some kind.

Required Mods:

Primary Objectives:

  1. Build and deploy a Very High Kerbolar Orbit Observation-Sciencing Space Station (VHKOOSS)
  2. Build and deploy Interstellar Probe Outbound Flight (IPOF)

Secondary Objectives:

  1. Include appropriate living space for additional Kerbonaut ambassadors to live on the IPOF
  2. Include appropriate living space for at additional Kerbonaut scientists to live on the VHKOOSS
  3. Build antenna network to supply permanent signal to VHKOOSS

Tertiary Objectives:

  1. Incorporate a "fast" retern escape system ("Fa"ReEsSy) into VHKOOSS to ensure each Kerbal stationed aboard can get back to Kerbin

Optional Objectives:

  1. Provide provisions for at least 12 (earth) years minimum for every Kerbonaut living on the VHKOOSS at time of deployment, that is: 4,380 units each of water, oxygen, and food with no CO2/Waste Water Recyclers
  2. Provide provisions for at least 40 (earth) years minimum for every Kerbonaut living on IPOF at time of deployment, is: 14,600 units each of water, oxygen, and food with no CO2/Waste Water Recyclers

Arbitrary Rules and Regulations:

  1. RemoteTech 2 Signal Delay may be disabled
  2. Alcubierre Drives may not be used within 200 Billion Meters of Kerbol
  3. Living space includes the crew capacity of everything except cockpits
  4. Living space to Kerbonaut scientist ratio on space station must be 3:1 (i.e. 1:1 on "Fa"ReEsSy)
  5. Living space to Kerbonaut ambassador ratio on outbount interstellar mission must be 4:1
  6. Living space to regular Kerbonaut ratio is may be 1:1 or more
  7. Kerbonaut scientist to KSP Interstellar's Science Laboratory ratio may not excede 10:1
  8. "Fa"ReEsSy must be unmanned controlled.
  9. May only use parts from the 38 listed mods on Ackander's Vertical TechTree front page, parts from any other mods may or may not sort into the tech tree appropriately, therefore are banned (if you don't see a mod on the list and want it added for later releases, feel free to make requests, so far all requests have been added in next version)
  10. All Mods must be installed prior to starting the challenge
  11. No changes may be made to .cfg files other than those provided by mod downloads (i.e. supplied ModuleManager .cfg files) unless otherwise stated
  12. Cheating includes debug menu, file manipulations, mods that change the kerbaverse laws of physics


"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."

Successfully deployed VHKOOSS with at least two Kerbonaut scientist +10
"Second star to the right...and straight on 'til morning."
IPOF successfully deployed on mission to nearest star +10
"A fool is a man who never tried an experiment in his life."
Every Kerbonaut scientist living on VHKOOSS at time of deployment +1.5
"We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming."
Every Kerbonaut ambassador living on IOFP at time of deployment +3
"Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right."
Use of TAC Lifesupport +10
Accomplish Optional Objective A +6
Accomplish Optional Objective B +6
Time Based Points:
"We are an impossibility in an impossible universe."
Kerbin Tracking Station Time to VHKOOSS deployment +? This score will be based on your mission time in hours subtracted from time goal (average of up to first five entries times a constant) divided by a constant. I have no clue how long this might take, not until challenge entries are entered, so your best bet is to do it as fast as possible.
"The flight was extremely normal... for the first 36 seconds then after that got very interesting."
Kerbin Tracking Station Time to IPOF warp deployment +? This score will be based on your mission time in hours subtracted from time goal (average of up to first five entries times a constant) divided by a constant. I have no clue how long this might take, not until challenge entries are entered, so your best bet is to do it as fast as possible.
Bonus Points:
Come with me.. in the "fast" return escape system ..if you want to live
Successful demonstration of a "fast" return escape system for each Kerbal living on the VHKOOSS in the case of catastrophic failure +12

Higher survival rate, even more points (cumulative) dead Kerbals must counted towards overall lost

  • 0% or more of Kerbals survive +1
  • 20% or more of Kerbals survive +1.25
  • 40% or more of Kerbals survive +1.5
  • 50% or more of Kerbals survive +2
  • 60% or more of Kerbals survive +2.5
  • 80% or more of Kerbals survive +2.75
  • 100% or more of Kerbals survive +3

"It's been a long way, but we're here."

[*]All technology nodes in tech tree researched (all HideifEmpty tags for all nodes must be set to false in tree.cfg) +12

[*]Kerbin Tracking Station Time to complete Vertical TechTree +0, but time is recorded

Malignant Points:

Early Retirement

[*]Each dead Kerbal that dies before IPOF deployed -1

Need for Speed Slider, because it's To Hard

[*]Decrease technologies tree science costs at any time before deployment of IPOF

  • -60% science cost -30
  • -50% science cost -25
  • -40% science cost -20
  • -30% science cost -15
  • -20% science cost -10
  • -10% science cost -5

User-submitted Objectives and Scoring:

You have not submitted any objectives yet.

Definition of Successful:

Very High Kerbolar Orbit Observation-Science Space Station Requirements:

  • Must be in Kerbol orbit with minimum periapsis of 200 billion meters
  • Must be permanently connected to KSP command via Remote Tech 2 network
  • Must have one of every experiment including KSP Interstellar's DT Magnetometer
  • Deployment begins when any two Kerbonaut scientists living on the VHKOOSS both enter Science Laboratory
  • Deployment must begin within ±3 days of apoapsis(apokerlion)
  • At time of deployment, life support resources must equal or excede required amounts to achieve optional objective

Interstellar Probe Outbound Flight Requirements:

  • Deployment begins when Alcubierre Drive is engaged and all other conditions have been met
  • Must engage warp within 2,000 meters of a successfully deployed VHKOOSS
  • Must have one of every experiment including KSP Interstellar's DT Magnetometer
  • At time of deployment, life support resources must equal or excede required amounts to achieve optional objective


  • Tally score, then provide
  • Screenshot showing VHKOOSS just after you deploy it with orbital information and resources shown if applicable
  • Screenshot showing tracking station just after you deploy VHKOOSS
  • Screenshot showing IPOF just after you deploy it with orbital information and resources shown if applicable
  • Screenshot showing tracking station just after you deploy VHKOOSS
  • Screenshot showing lost Kerbals at IPOF deployment
  • Screenshot showing Research and Development lab with Research and Development Overview mod opened
  • Screenshot(s) showing use of "fast" return escape system

Challengee's Scores:

None yet

Edited by Ackander
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I gotta say, this is a tough one, and just for the reason that you mentioned. Getting enough science at the beginning feels like a big grind. I think I'm past the worst of it now (I have a lander orbiting the mun, and I *think* I'll be able to land it and get it back to Kerbin. It will be running on fumes and memories if I do . If I can manage it, my science troubles will be ended) I think that adding another node between the first 2 rocketry that included the slightly bigger tank and slightly more powerful engine would have made it better for me. Or just reducing the science cost of the second rocketry node, for that matter.

That being said, I doubt I'll be able to finish the challenge before the advent of 0.23, but we'll see how far I get. Aside from the initial grind, I really like the vertical tree.

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I gotta say, this is a tough one, and just for the reason that you mentioned. Getting enough science at the beginning feels like a big grind. I think I'm past the worst of it now (I have a lander orbiting the mun, and I *think* I'll be able to land it and get it back to Kerbin. It will be running on fumes and memories if I do . If I can manage it, my science troubles will be ended) I think that adding another node between the first 2 rocketry that included the slightly bigger tank and slightly more powerful engine would have made it better for me. Or just reducing the science cost of the second rocketry node, for that matter.

That being said, I doubt I'll be able to finish the challenge before the advent of 0.23, but we'll see how far I get. Aside from the initial grind, I really like the vertical tree.

I am glad you like it. I did design for the first 7 or so nodes to be a challenge, but not so much that it pushed people away from the tree. It was a poor design decision and I'm trying to fix it now. Hopefully I'm making correct predictions as far as the tech tree in .23 not changing. Another flaw was entirely arbitrary science costs after the first few nodes. Right now I'm going through making comparable costs to stock tree, but with my structure. We'll see how it goes.

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