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Finally, the star destroyer orbits!


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Hi guys! after about 24 hours of going at it and almost 300 tries, I managed to get a 900 part star destroyer into orbit, then I sent it to the mun! The star destroyer was made and launched completely from stock parts. I used a massive base rocket to launch it into orbit, then used the ship's rockets to fix the orbit. They burned up super fast... I then made about 20 trips to the ship docking fueltanks and engines to the back and pushed it off to the mun! It now sits above the mun and wont be going anywhere since it is out of fuel! I hope you enjoy some of the pics!








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Awesome ship!

Just a word of advice for launching really large payloads though, it can be a lot easier and much more stable throughout the launch if you build the launcher around the ship, instead of under it. It also spreads out the weight over more parts and makes the launcher less likely to fail :)

(Oh and if your worried about leaving decoupler debris on the ship, you can attach the stack decouplers to nodes on the amor plates then attach the fueltanks to those radially)

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Most impressive Fat Pokemon! One thing though, I've got a $3000 rig I built and I still get like 10 FPS with the star destroyer... -_- It must be a limitation on the game engine. Is KSP not using my entire machine or what is the deal? By the way, I am going to start working on a death star soon here! I can't do much else in KSP but at least I can haphazardly launch big ass loads into space. lol

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