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HSTW 1.75m Gemini


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  Tosh said:

Also remember that crew had very little control on the flight itself. Most of those dials and buttons you see in the photo controlled radio transmissions (not implemented in KSP), life support (the same), and equipment tests ( ::)). Only orientation, transition and stage separation controls might make some sense. A little sense, given that you can barely see something through that windows)))

Man, it\'s not Appolo. It just took off, made a couple of maneuvers, and landed ;)

That\'s not true AT ALL. I think you should look more into Gemini. You\'re thinking of Mercury. Gemini was truly a pilotable craft. The crew could perform complex rendezvous maneuvers, change orbits, perform EVA and many scientific experiments. In fact, Gemini was just about as advanced as Apollo in many regards. Most people just don\'t know that because most people don\'t research Gemini.

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Anyone wondering about how to equip this thing with thrusters and such, I\'ll make a series of photos right now showing how I put my Gemini together in KSP. And if you want, I can show how to build the Titan II GLV.


Here\'s a photographic tutorial on how to build the Gemini in KSP. Complete with thrusters to change orbits, fuel with which to do so, and some cameras to make it look like we\'re in the capsule. If you have any questions about editing the .cfgs to perform the things we\'ve done, don\'t hesitate to ask!


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  VincentMcConnell said:
That\'s not true AT ALL. I think you should look more into Gemini. You\'re thinking of Mercury. -snip-

I did the research, I\'m aware of Agenda as well as of group flights and EVAs. But -- I still insist that Gemini was not 'truly pilotable' in the sense that KSP puts into this word. The crew could perform some maneuvers planned before the flight (e.g. target a given transmitter at the given frequency, and try to approach it as close as possible...) -- but could not pilot the craft at their discretion, as Appolo crew did (remember that 'Houston, we\'ve had a problem' transmission, and what happened afterwards?)

And, talking about IVAs, crew was still tied to their chairs firmly during an entire flight (except for EVA time, ofc) =P

UPD. Nice work with re-creating Gemini. I think I\'ll account for your cameras and thrusters placement when updating the pack.

If I ever make me doing so =P

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  Tosh said:

but could not pilot the craft at their discretion, as Appolo crew did

John Young and Michael Collins decided on changing their orbit different from the flight plan in an attempt to better catch the Agena. They broke the altitude record with that, too.

Gemini was pilotable. That was one of the big things about it. Seriously. It was very similar to the Apollo crafts. The only difference I can think of would be the size. Read Carrying the Fire. It\'s a good book by Michael Collins. A lot of it is about Gemini 10.

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  VincentMcConnell said:
Read Carrying the Fire. It\'s a good book by Michael Collins. A lot of it is about Gemini 10.
Thanks, I\'ll take a look.
  VincentMcConnell said:
It was very similar to the Apollo crafts. The only difference I can think of would be the size.
Sorry... WUT? Just how many configurations Appolo had? ???

And -- Appolo allowed for much greater flight control (in KSP\'s sense, of course) than Gemini did. Up to arbitrarily choosing the landing site (that\'s what KSP players generally do ;)).

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  VincentMcConnell said:
Tosh, you should release a Titan II mod to go with this. I currently use Nova Punch, but I\'d like a dedicated one.
Yep, that\'s what I\'d agree with (and that should be given higher priority than IVA, since 0.16 will most likely have no pod crew configuration -- see Nova\'s blog). NovaPunch 1.75m parts are ofc made to mimic Titan II -- but they resemble their original only slightly.
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  Tosh said:

Yep, that\'s what I\'d agree with (and that should be given higher priority than IVA, since 0.16 will most likely have no pod crew configuration -- see Nova\'s blog). NovaPunch 1.75m parts are ofc made to mimic Titan II -- but they resemble their original only slightly.

I built the Titan pretty accurately but it requires texture editing of the Novapunch pack and stuff.


Closest I can get to the Titan II in KSP.


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  VincentMcConnell said:

I built the Titan pretty accurately but it requires texture editing of the Novapunch pack and stuff.

Aren\'t there extra textures for the Titan in NP? AFAIK there are 3 texture packs for real rockets in the newest version.

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Just my 2 cents.. I\'ve always been fascinated with even the most mundane details of the Gemini program.. :)

Gemini had a on-board computer that was the precursor to the Apollo guidance computer.. It was, however, limited in comparison..

Where the Apollo guidance computer could adjust attitude as well as velocity automatically, the Gemini on-board computer could only adjust the attitude. Calculations for maneuvers involving changing velocity of the spacecraft could be done by the on-board computer, but the pilot actually had to manually fire the engine to control velocity.. Gemini proved that it could be done manually.. Not to reference Apollo 13 again, but to back up the other guy\'s statement, the crew did exactly what was learned in Gemini..

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  VincentMcConnell said:

Tosh, you should release a Titan II mod to go with this. I currently use Nova Punch, but I\'d like a dedicated one.

I would love this. I\'m a major fan of space history. I build all sorts of rockets. Let\'s see, what have I attempted...



Apollo-Saturn V



Ariane 5

Delta IV Heavy

Anything available in the Industrial Flames & Explosions pack.

Sorry about the list, it\'s just that I couldn\'t help myself. I should probably go make a spacecraft exchange thread only about my historical recreations... oh well.

I\'d love the Titan-II mod, if you were to make it.

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  VincentMcConnell said:

How did you make the Mercury Capsule?

Is this close enough for you?


I used the NovaPunch Bootleg Capsule (small), and yes, very close. That\'s just awesome.

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  dogon11 said:

I used the NovaPunch Bootleg Capsule (small)

That\'s what I used to make my first few little 'capsules'. I now use the Odin.

The Bootleg capsule works. For the chutes, I used the MK3 and for the retro engines, I used the MKB lander engine. It doesn\'t look totally like the Mercury Capsule, but it\'s an early style capsule basic idea. I launched suborbital ones on something that looked like a redstone and orbital ones one something that did NOT resemble the Atlas.

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Hey Tosh, have you ever heard of 'Big Gemini'?

I just heard of it today, it was a proposed 9-12 crew capacity Gemini derivative. I\'m just saying if you were to make all these parts (habitation and cargo holding) it would make your Gemini mod like 10 to the 37 times more cooler. Maybe even be a challenge? If not than I have another question for you. This 'Big Gemini' Is coincidentally the same style of parts I wanted to make, a modular small to large man capable capsule with a habitable zone and cargo space. If you don\'t really want to muck with this mod anymore and I were to take it apart and use the textures and stuff to add on to it and make Big Gemeni, could I release it? Giving credit of course.



I would really prefer you to do this. You are awesome at it really. Gemini is easily the most beautiful recreation here. I would love to see the ones that NASA never made given life in this game.

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  rustymcclintock said:

Hey Tosh, have you ever heard of 'Big Gemini'?

I just heard of it today, it was a proposed 9-12 crew capacity Gemini derivative. I\'m just saying if you were to make all these parts (habitation and cargo holding) it would make your Gemini mod like 10 to the 37 times more cooler. Maybe even be a challenge? If not than I have another question for you. This 'Big Gemini' Is coincidentally the same style of parts I wanted to make, a modular small to large man capable capsule with a habitable zone and cargo space. If you don\'t really want to muck with this mod anymore and I were to take it apart and use the textures and stuff to add on to it and make Big Gemeni, could I release it? Giving credit of course.



I would really prefer you to do this. You are awesome at it really. Gemini is easily the most beautiful recreation here. I would love to see the ones that NASA never made given life in this game.

Tosh, please say yes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like many people, I\'d be happy for a updated Gemini that can support EVA (since it\'s almost the perfect size, minus some adapter parts!). Gemini\'s so gorgeously detailed anyway, it\'d be perfect.

But that\'s just me. :)

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