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pewdiepie wanna play KSP!!


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i dont know how many people watch pewdiepie's videos, but in his last video he said that he wanna play Ksp, is a great oportunity to make the ksp community grow...he has 17 million subscribers, so i think the developers of this game can contact with him, maybe give him a free copy of the game, i dont know......i hope Squad read this!!!

sorry for my bad english!

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i don't think it's necessary for squad to give him a free copy looking at the amount of money pewdiepie makes everyday :D

i have to admit that i'm pretty interested in his reaction that most of the fuel tanks have the form of a barrel

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I don't want him bringing his cr***y community to the KSP forums, the reason this community is one of the best is because we don't have a bunh of little spoilt kids here. KSP requires brain activity, only those who can use the brain can play KSP.

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  iDan122 said:
I don't want him bringing his cr***y community to the KSP forums, the reason this community is one of the best is because we don't have a bunh of little spoilt kids here. KSP requires brain activity, only those who can use the brain can play KSP.

hey, not his entire community is cr*p. those who actually have brains will probably find ksp by pewdiepie, and become part of this community. and those who don't have brains will just watch the video and leave afterwards

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Oh, Pewdiepie thread again...

Well I'm quite interested to see him playing this because I'd like a laugh or two, but if it happens, this forum needs to go into DEFCON 3 because of all the spoiled bros orbiting around his channel. Yeah, there are good people among those orbiters, but most of them are capable of corrosive action upon online communities. Minecraft style.

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  XIRA said:
hey, not his entire community is cr*p. those who actually have brains will probably find ksp by pewdiepie, and become part of this community. and those who don't have brains will just watch the video and leave afterwards

who have brain do not follow pitypiedie, 17 millions zombie followers. i can't wait him to play KSP to Kick his ass

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Well, about time. Let's prepare for huge fleet of bros.

You guys can help them how to build rocket, go to orbit, land on Mun, rendezvous, docking crafts and going interplanetary.

If they have patience and like this game, We got more member to our side.

If they don't have patience or hate to fail in this game, They will leave.

It's a hard task for you guys, but it's opportunity to us as well.

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  scorchdestroya said:
I'd like to see Pewdiepie figure out orbital mechanics...

lol, he probably won't be able to, then fake scream, and then do something "barrels", then ragequit.

I mean, Robbaz was able to figure it out in his second VSP vid, Robbaz, I didn't see that coming.

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think a little plz.....yes, 6-years old will get the game, get bored because they will not get in to orbit hahaha, so that money will be good for squad......remeber that squad is a company who works with money, if they get more cash they can hire more devs, get better engine for the game,and we (who play ksp for months or years) will be favored with this......im not saying that getting pewdiepie to play will bring millions of $ to Squad, but this kind of advertising help...

again sorry for my english!!

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I had absolute no idea who this guy was then i googled him and noticed this :

"He then went on to pursue a degree in Industrial Economics and Technology Management at Chalmers University of Technology, but left the university in 2011 to focus on his YouTube career"

He does not need a free copy of ksp, he needs a lesson in priorities.... a youtube career... is that like the same as being a youtube miljonaire ?

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Everybody calm the hell down!

Pewdiepie is popular - fact.

He will ikely bring a lot of publicity and attention to the game - fact.

Hordes of 6 year olds WILL NOT flood KSP and community - do they REALLY have that much money to spend on a space game? When I was six, I was happy with a plastic shovel and some sand. Honestly, calm down.

Lots of ''bros'' will just watch for publicity. KSP video will earn over 1 million views within the first day - maki9ng it popular and thrusting it on the front pages of YouTube where people who have genuine interest will find the game.

Also, even if people buy the game just to mess around, where is the harm in that? WE mess around. Even Scott Manley does - as he demonstrated flying a box from the inside of itself. Boosters? Jeb? come on - fun and messing around is the primary aspect of KSP.

Kids will be able to sandbox through their time, have fun and go. Veterans and more advanced or more serious players will stay an integral part of this community.

I see no reason to panic. It could be very good for KSP and Squad. Community can be moderated - and kids messing around in their games don't affect you.

Other than that, I like PewdiePie. I think he is funny, I like his reactions. Maybe it's my simplistic sense of humor but come on - it's all for fun ^^ Lighten up.

  Daisai said:
I had absolute no idea who this guy was then i googled him and noticed this :

"He then went on to pursue a degree in Industrial Economics and Technology Management at Chalmers University of Technology, but left the university in 2011 to focus on his YouTube career"

He does not need a free copy of ksp, he needs a lesson in priorities.... a youtube career... is that like the same as being a youtube miljonaire ?

I think you need a lesson in internet pop culture - he is THE most popular game reviewer on YouTube right now. His channel is his livelihood. He releases videos daily. He's even been to the red carpet premiere of Enders Game JUST BECAUSE OF HIS CHANNEL.

Edited by GROOV3ST3R
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