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Detention mister kerman


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Okay, so one day at the kerbal space center, the eggheads at the top decided to go to the moon for science, publicity,money,money and money. The contraption built for this was dubbed Munarva, after the mythical god Minerva from the mythical land of 'Greece' commonly found in kerblet's storybooks. This name was picked after one of the engineers thought the pipelines to fuel the craft smelled of sewage, so the mythical god of sewers was picked for the name. Soon after, a raffle was created for the first kerbal to fly to the moon and Rodrich Kerman was selected for the first flight. However, before launch Bob Kerman snuck in to the capsule and took off before anyone could stop him! Bob was sentenced to a detention orbit at roughly 40 degrees inclination and 320km by 300km. He remains there to this day. living out his sentence above Kerbin's atmosphere under the context of 'experiment for the testing of long term effects of microgravity on the Kerbal physiology' which everyone knows is false as kerbals are known to experience only slight stretching of the outer sponge that makes up their bodies.

Tell me how long i should keep bob up there for in the replies.:)

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