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Mini-SSTO Satellite Deployer!


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Sorry if you were expecting some awesome craft that could release multiple satellites into orbit and land safely. This would be a good goal to strive towards in the future, but I'm not there yet.


After a flawless liftoff, the Mini-Boost mk2 SSTO rocket (with only ~728 gallons of fuel!) blasted up into space, attaining an orbit of 120x170 km. This was achieved with five mini engines mounted to the bottom Apollo style. (Yes, I know the pylons on the bottom aren't needed at all, but they add to that Apollo look! :wink:)

After a successful jettison of the first stage, the second stage engines (two of the really miniscule radially mounted ones) ignited to bring the craft's apoapsis up into a Munar encounter. Using the same engines, the craft decelerated to a 38x40km Mun orbit, still with about 25% of its fuel left for course corrections.

The satellite, which is probably the simplest thing I've ever put into another celestial object's SOI, contains two nontracking solar panels, two miniature fuel tanks, two engines, a probe core and an antenna for ground communications. Not the most sophisticated craft ever, but it'll do its job.

You may be wondering why I've posted this obscenely simple, insignificant craft. The reason is that I've been completely unable to build an effective, light SSTO that takes off vertically (I created a very effective plane-style SSTO in KSP 0.17, but nothing much since then). I've finally cracked the SSTO code. My strategy is to use a lot of small, fuel-efficient motors. The craft should be carrying a very small payload relative to its size. And, of course, fin-lookalike pylons always help.

Here is a Youtube video of the flight:

I'll include the .craft if enough people request it, although I don't think there's much of a need.

Have a nice day!

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