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Original Landing Struts - from .21 and before [0.23]

Commissioner Tadpole

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This mod is intended to be an addon for the Original KSP Parts mod made by Fiddlestyx, though it's not entirely dependent.

We at Archie S. Kerman's Part Salvaging Company present you our newest(and only) product: The old landing legs!


(Older KSP parts not shipped with this product)

Our workers were just hanging on the Mun on their secondary jobs as astronauts, and then they discovered: A crashed lander on the Mun's surface with these older landing struts. The lander's pilot was nowhere to be seen, likely alterady being rescued, and the rescue team ditching the destroyed debris like it was nothing, not to mention that Moving Parts Experts Groupâ„¢ had alterady abandoned this landing strut layout and switched to a newer. Figuring these no longer had a legit owner, we reverse-engineered those parts, at the same time taking opportunity to build more of these landing struts. And, here we are, selling them.

These landing legs have none of this suspension nonsense. They are barebones, shock-absorbing efficiency not exactly at it's finest, but rather at the finest price. When you land, you don't have to worry about the silly landing struts with suspension tilting your craft to the side, nor about they thinking they are actually trampolines when you intend to land your craft. Our legs will just do their job safely landing your craft on the floor, and if the rocket is going too fast for them, they will absorb the damage 25% of the time, providing a safer landing experience! (Warranty void if they don't absorb the damage)

Not enough for you? Well, keep in mind that, while we were making more of these legs, we ended up making them slightly tougher, allowing them to take on impacts of up to 13 m/s. Not much higher than the newer legs' 12, but they are good enough for that moment where your engine is struggling to slow down, and your craft ends up impacting the ground at 13m/s, breaking your landing struts.

What are you waiting for? Go out there and enjoy these suspension-less landing struts now!

DOWNLOAD: Spaceport

DISCLAIMER: We vehemently deny any and all accusation of stealing and claiming ownership of these landing struts from Moving Parts Experts Group™ and Monkey Squad®. If it weren't for these guys, these landing struts wouldn't exist in first place. They took the hard job of making them, all we did was to restore them and release it out to the public. Please keep this in mind.

Edited by Commissioner Tadpole
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  • 4 months later...

would this work to get them tweakable in the vab. MODULE


name = ModuleLandingLeg

animationName = abrir

wheelColliderName = weel



I know they will work when you apply them to an actiongroup, but I would like to get them tweakable.

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I figured out how to make the tweakable dialog window popup for them but they want retract in the vab. I'm not much of a coder I just mess around with module manager configs and such to mess with parts. I just would like to figure out how to get this working tweakable.

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Thanks man I didn't think of that, thats: name=fsanimategeneric i hope i remember using it for some b9 stuff i think and actually worked. BTW love your mods man! My 10yr old actually turned me onto your re-texture pack. Hes a big fan.

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