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Thanks for everyone who was joined the Waiting Room!


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As the creator of the " 0.23 Waiting Room!" thread, thanks for everybody who joined on today`s event.

It was great watching the posts flooded the forum. I hope that everybody enjoyed like me and I looking forward to see you guys next time on the next forum crusher event, the "0.24 Waiting Room!"

I will post the next one as soon as we get the next release date. Anybody who want to discuss the today`s event, the 0.23 Waiting room! can be done here. Thanks :)

Edited by greg12
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Yea that waiting room was insane, I really enjoyed reading page after page, after page, after page, after page, after page, after page etc. Some really funny stuff were there too, and congrats on the entry on the top 3 most replied thread on this forum. And quickest to page 100 (?) :D

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I liked it, and I liked seeing all the waiting posts in one spot instead of filling General Discussion with "Where's the update?" threads.

This was the main purpose to keep the posts in one place but it turned out, it was a great international community event. Kind of like a small Kerbalkon.

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they should have a tick box on the new forum post during update times

Is this about Update X.X.X.X

aand if it is just forward them to the waiting post :)


Also apologies for tempting the trolls into action !!!!

Although as a fellow troll it was fun.

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It was a fun time!

Especially around page 80 where everyone just went nuts

Yeah. From page 70, we went up to around 100 in like 20 min. It was soo crazy! I never experienced nothing like this on the forum EVER. Oh I can`t wait to see what will happen on 0.24. We will be reach a new record! :)

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That was the most fun I've had on the Internet in some time.

I loved all the crazy errors, forum lag, and some times the 504 kraken!

Honisty I can't believe the forums stood up to that!

Over 1110 viewers all on the same thread it was masicure!

But at the end of the day. I just could not stop ROFLing :) +1 to you for awesome one time!

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Usually I HATE waiting...I sit infront of my computer refreshing for hours in between snacks. :3

But this was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Im still new to KSP (only been playing for a few days...made my first mum fly by for a few science points) so it was great seeing all the neat pictures and hearing what people had to say. I could refresh my browser and (if it didn't get a 502 error) see 20 or so new posts. I have NEVER seen that much forum activity ever on the interwebs!

If this is how you guys party before every release I cant wait to do it again for .24!

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Well it made 8 hours of waiting way more fun than it would have been so thank you sir!

Something tells me if the SQUAD decides to publish the release date of 0.24 all hell shall unleash on this forums...

Can't wait :D

I like how people are anticipating the forums reaction to the release date, more then the actual update!

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