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RAPIER to its limits! (how far in space on a single rapier engine)

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due to the fact Rapiers are op (as tavert has shown :I below)

One Rapier. One mission.

Your goal is to go as far as possible in the Kerbol system and thus test the rapier to its full capabilities!

To qualify you MUST have:

1. ONLY ONE RAPIER ENGINE and whatever fuel tanks you want. No other modes of travel are allowed (no Mono-propellant, infiniglide, other engines, xenon...).

2. PICTURE of your craft before anything is decoupled or removed.

3. PICTURE of your F3 end-flight menu after mission is through.

4. list of where you've gone.

edit: ONE RAPIER DOESN'T MEAN ONE LAUNCH! If you really want to you can put stuff in orbit and dock it.


Good luck.


1. tavert - 31,653,147,752,542m.......

2. Avera9eJoe - 10m :P




See you all later

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Did you try your own challenge? The rules for this forum state that the OP is supposed to attempt the challenge themselves.

So test your challenge yourself first to make sure it is possible, you don't have to be successful but you'll soon know if the challenge has a hope of being completed.

BTW, Scott Manley theorized that it's possible to land on Minmus. I can't see any craft going much farther due to the fact that having only a single rapier limits the size of the vessel.

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Welp. Thats a considerable amount more overpowered than I had in mind :I. I'll switch the "far" up to be "how many planets landed on/entered SOI"

Don't worry tavert you'll be honorably mentioned for telling me this first xD

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