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Way to hide parts from VAB/SPH but remain available for flights in progress?

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Specifically, without a plugin?

To rephrase, is there a way to change a part .cfg so that the part in question no longer appears in the vehicle editor's part list, but continues to appear on flights in progress?

I'm researching whether this is possible through simple .cfg file changes to see if it is a feature I can add to my part managing utility. I had a hunch that simply changing a part's category to an invalid value would have this effect, but testing proved that wrong (a part without a valid category does not load at all, killing flights in progress, and in fact somehow seemed to cause unrelated parts not to load as well. Not sure why that happened...).

For career-only, it may be possible by setting a part to a science node that does not exist (can't possibly be researched; removed from a player's VAB even if they've previously unlocked it; does not kill flights in progress already using the part). I have not tested this yet though, so enlighten me if you know that an invalid science node causes parts not to load also.

I have limited time to test, so I figured I'd post the question while I am at work to see if the community can provide any clues. I promised myself I wouldn't play .23 until I get a new, working version of the utility up on the forum. Thanks for any advice!


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Specifically, without a plugin?

To rephrase, is there a way to change a part .cfg so that the part in question no longer appears in the vehicle editor's part list, but continues to appear on flights in progress?

I'm researching whether this is possible through simple .cfg file changes to see if it is a feature I can add to my part managing utility. I had a hunch that simply changing a part's category to an invalid value would have this effect, but testing proved that wrong (a part without a valid category does not load at all, killing flights in progress, and in fact somehow seemed to cause unrelated parts not to load as well. Not sure why that happened...).

For career-only, it may be possible by setting a part to a science node that does not exist (can't possibly be researched; removed from a player's VAB even if they've previously unlocked it; does not kill flights in progress already using the part). I have not tested this yet though, so enlighten me if you know that an invalid science node causes parts not to load also.

I have limited time to test, so I figured I'd post the question while I am at work to see if the community can provide any clues. I promised myself I wouldn't play .23 until I get a new, working version of the utility up on the forum. Thanks for any advice!


pretty sure the invalid science thing would work for career mode.

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Just set category to -1 rather than, say, Utility (in part.cfg)

Thanks, I'll test this tonight. That may just be what I was looking for. Setting category to an invalid name, say "Hidden" did not work, but if -1 is an expected value and has the desired behaviour, I'm in business.

Haven't used it, but EditorPartList and its filters sounds a lot like what you are looking for. There also are a number of different filter/sorter mods out there, their source should be helpful as well.

I'm limited by the scope of my project, which wont be a plugin. I've been tempted to peek at the code for the sorting mods, but I feel I've already got a handle on the bread and butter. Still, if there's a useful guide to the classes involved in the Part Node system, by all means point me at it! All information is good information.

Edited by JumpsterG
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Verified. Setting a part's category = -1 allows KSP to load the part, but refrains from showing it in the VAB part list. Saved .crafts with the part can be loaded and flights in progress with the part remain.

Thanks for the tip! Players using my utility will have the option of setting parts to either Disable (Not loaded at all) or Hidden (loaded but unavailable in VAB).

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  • 2 months later...
Relating to OP and it's solution, Is possible any way without a "complicated" plugin to hide PART-A if PART-B researched?

I don't think there's any .cfg edit that will do that, unfortunately. Best suggestion without getting complicated would be to manually adjust the part that is obsolete once you've researched the element in question, although this will hide the part no matter which save you load...

A similar idea would be to try using module manager. You could create some preset modifications to .cfg files ahead of time, then when the research you're waiting for hits, drop the module manager file into your gamedata folder to have it hide the part(s) you want. Then, resetting the changes is as simple as removing the module manager file from gamedata.

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