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I mix up the real solar system and KSP's solar system far too often


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If you start mixing up KSP names with real names, it's a sign you should play more KSP.

Whenever I talk about 'the moon' to people and about spacey things I say 'moon' but think 'mun'. This has gotten so bad that, when I was talking to a freind of ine on facebook, I continually said 'Mun' without question until he stopped me and pointed out my error...

I also tend to call kerbin earth in many of my youtube videos (Shameless self advertising: See my signature)

However I don't really tend to mix up the other planets... I think my subconscious realises it is a different solar system and so treats it as such. Or perhaps I don't play enough KSP...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Old but necessary bump: During a lecture i mentioned "Kerbin", then after a few sentencies i realized. Some strted to laugh and the techer asked me to explain. THAT was a bad day.

Again, another day I mentioned Duna insted of mars in the class.

Edited by sal_vager
Less than a month is not a bump, don't worry :)
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Only the cool kids play around with orbital mechanics for fun.

Fixed that for you. :P

It's usually the opposite for me. I'll refer to KSP locations by their real-life counterparts if the resemblance is close enough-- earth, moon, mars. Because I'm the only one in the house who plays and and unfortunately, nobody else would know what Kerbin, Duna, etc. actually mean.

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