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The Farside Mission II: Operation Muntropolis

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wat i wanna know now is,

can it go back to kerbin? like have an emergency rocket in it so that if the thing is about to blow up, the crew and a few citizens would be able to return to kerbin safley?

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Right. So I\'m waaaay too tired to do this properly.

Here is a screenshot of the list of mods I use:



And the 'miscmod' mod contains:


I\'m not sure which ones I used in Farside II. I found all that stuff here on the forum, all over the place.

I removed all the custom-modified parts (just the command pods, which I had renamed and changed to struts), because I don\'t think I\'m allowed to release those as modified. Unfortunately, that means it\'s stripped of most of the awesome top-level stuff, but that shouldn\'t be hard to fix up.

Fair warning: the muntropolis is not for the faint of heart. I crashed it. A LOT. I ran out of fuel at 10m or less, like, 4 times before I successfully landed. I think my efforts with the muntropolis could technically count as genocide.

Anyhoo: here\'s the muntropolis lite edition:

You could have just said all the mods. :D

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The 2-meter habitation mods came from my old miscellanea pack.


The reason I didn\'t type out the mods is because I was far, far too busy. All these crazy ships (farside I, farside II, farside III, my kerbin annihilation interstellar colony ship, the kerbin annihilation muncolony for reddwarf\'s challenge, the centrifudge, this un-named tower, skybax, and the muncrawler) were the product of a diseased mind, a brain riven asunder and driven to meticulous obsessive-compulsive rocket construction by the myriad stresses of completing a doctoral thesis. All I did was eat, sleep, work, worry, panic, and build rockets.

After my defense (I passed, I\'m Dr. Gabyalufix now), I basically quit playing for a bit.

Nowadays, I build little rockets, which *don\'t* require spreadsheets and calculus to construct. It\'s much more . . . healthy.

Also, when I couldn\'t find the parts I wanted, I just made them myself.

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I correct myself, this is not the Empire State, it\'s the entire friggin Kremlin flying out to space.

The similarities are obvious


St. Basil\'s Cathedral, anyway, which is outside the Kremlin. A good analogy.

A very impressive feat, either way.

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