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Will we get construction outside of the VAB?


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I don't know if it's a planned feature (far in the future of course) but lets say you fly to another planet, but upon landing you break part of you rocket/space plane and can't return home. Will it be possible to send another craft with spare parts and fix the plane/rocket on that planet? Or if the parts weren't completely destroyed will it be possible to put it back on?

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That's already possible with one particular mod called Kerbal Attachment System: it allows your Kerbals to attach (and remove) smaller parts on vessels in the field. As for official support for that kind of thing, we have only speculation at this point.

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Oh ok. I actually used that mod before (haven't played KSP in months) I'll check that out. I was also hoping that it could be possible to put together bigger land structures at some point, like a science complex or if resources ever get implemented, some sort of drilling complex that gives you a constant source of fuel.

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Oh ok. I actually used that mod before (haven't played KSP in months) I'll check that out. I was also hoping that it could be possible to put together bigger land structures at some point, like a science complex or if resources ever get implemented, some sort of drilling complex that gives you a constant source of fuel.

There's a mod for that too, called Exoplanetary Launchpads. It uses the Kethane mod base, and lets you build new vessels on the surfaces of other planets and moons by extracting ore and using that in production. There's a similar mod for orbital construction, though that requires parts to be shipped up into orbit from the surface of Kerbin.

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I expect we will get a very limited repair ability, ie ability to replace broken solar panels. We already can fix wheels and landing legs.

Replacing an engine on the other hand is rather different. If engines broke, maybe they could be repaired in a similar fashion.

The only way I could see full repairs happening is if there was a VAB facility where you were making the repair, and I honestly don't see that happening. But you never know with Squad, they keep coming up with great new features.

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Repairs on the ground are one thing, and a whole VAB is a whole different story. I wouldn't be surprised if down the road the current repairs we can execute require some resources of some fashion, and I fully expect other repairs to become possible as well.

As far as other VAB's, or ship assembly locations are concerned, I am definitely for at least limited ones that one can assemble on other worlds or even in orbit. But as far as those go, it really depends how big the KSP universe is going to be. Getting to Eeloo from Kerbin does seem to be the biggest challenge for kerbaled missions. When you think about taking kerbals out beyond to further planets and even further, I am thinking assembling a craft in orbit or on the Mun is the next logical step. Small as it is, Kerbin has one heck of a gravity well(something I have yet to see ksptv-er's and youtubers take advantage of in their interplanetary missions, btw), and unless everyone wants to play like Whackjob, which not everyone does, then there should be more to offer in assembling ships in orbit. Like the description for Kerbin says, 'Once you reach orbit, you are halfway there.'

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I expect we will get a very limited repair ability, ie ability to replace broken solar panels. We already can fix wheels and landing legs.

Replacing an engine on the other hand is rather different. If engines broke, maybe they could be repaired in a similar fashion.

The only way I could see full repairs happening is if there was a VAB facility where you were making the repair, and I honestly don't see that happening. But you never know with Squad, they keep coming up with great new features.

VABs and launch facilities and buildings such as that were part of the Resources system that got scrapped. They were the first things to get scrapped and then some months later the whole system got scrapped. It's why a lot of us are upset and is basically my number 1 most desired feature... to be able to build working purposeful colonies on the planets and moons.

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^ Well that sucks. So what will they do for career mode? What will "missions" consist of? If it's not to go somewhere to get resources for further missions and exploration that means it will most likely be; Start from Kerbin and get to point X. Then what? I see science getting old fast.

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