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Kerbal UFO

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I know there are others who have experimented with airfoils en mass, but I don\'t know if anyone has made anything easily flyable. Thus, I present my Kerbal UFO. This is made with stock parts, btw.

It defies the laws of physics. Only needing a booster to get it airborne, it can fly forever. You increase its velocity by turning. It can float at 10m/s if pointed upward. It it perfectly balanced, meaning you don\'t ever have to fight with the controls. Its attitude will stay where you point it.

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WOW that is the coolest 'toy' ever for messing around near the space center (when one doesn\'t have the time for a long mission). Thank you!

It\'ll be interesting to see what happens to the behavior of that design when the atmospheric drag model changes in future releases. Possibly, we may have to enjoy this physics-defying craft now while we can.

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This concept has been played with a lot, the easiest craft to fly is probably a C-7 Magic Turbine, which depending on the hull used your speeds can reach 800 to 1,100m/s under 5,000 meters without the use of an engine (Except to leave the launch pad with; the engine is decoupled afterwards).

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Yes but this is 100% stock parts, so more people get to play with it! Just when I think I should start dabbling with add-ons, I find more to do - and learn - with the vanilla stock set-up. This game is really well designed.

(Nothing against those who use add-ons, by the way).

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Did the same with Stock as well, a lifting stage and an LKO orbital stage with 24 R8 winglets. Reenter with no remaining fuel and let it drift on its own to a landing (After three and a half hours of waiting). For speed you need C-7 or .cfg edits with Stock; it\'s impossible otherwise.

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I think the main trick for these UFO craft is getting them into orbit and getting them to land safely again...

they are very resistant to damage though. I clipped the tower multiple times to knock wings off and the craft still flew!

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