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Finish the Cockpits!

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This is my suggestion.

Squad has added a lot of new, cool features, but a few things are still missing. The internals from many cockpits! I don't even want to use the cockpits without IVA, because the fun is missing!

So here is my suggestion, stop adding new things, if you still have unfinished features in the game. :(

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AFAIK this is a "what not to suggest". Currently, Squad have said they will be re-doing the space plane parts completely, and will not be editing them before then. Also, IIRC, updates 0.22 through 0.30 are primarily for career mode, so dont expect it too happen soon. Technically these aren't unfinished features, they are just placeholder remenants from C7's aerospace mod.

Also, the only cockpits missing IVA's are the MK2 and MK3, so I dont know what you mean about all this "many cockpits".

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Indeed, "More IVA Views" (i.e., more internal model meshes so that IVA works in the cockpits that don't have them, etc.) is on the [thread=36863]What Not to Suggest List[/thread]. As Deathsoul097 mentioned, the cockpits without IVA views are just placeholders, remnants from C7's part pack (pre-0.17) that the devs want to re-do or replace with something a bit different before wasting valuable time making the internal meshes. I believe some other crewable parts lack IVA views as well -- most notably the science lab and (I think) the Hitchhiker...

Anyhow, as this is on the What Not to Suggest List, I'm going to have to close this one. :)

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