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Shuttle thread


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Here you go mate:


This kerbalX website is pretty neat, although I had some trouble with the layout on the information page :rolleyes: ah well.

Please read this information thoroughly when flying this :)

-Both launch and return glide are heavily SAS/Vernor dependent for control due to the tail heavy engine assembly. Don’t leave space without it!

-OMS might be used to help in glide control but not absolutely needed.

-External tank fuel management is essential. (see ingame or kerbalX description panes)

-SSME (mainsail) thrust should be changed depending on cargo weight and distribution.


Good luck and enjoy ^_^

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My Space Shuttle. I used KW Rocketry to get those huge boosters and an orange tank. Ascent is super hard but vernors and sas help a ton. Make sure you use most of your fuel because it is can be a b##ch to glide in.

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Made one about two weeks ago. Manages about 20 tons of cargo into lower kerbin orbit. Used only stock 0.25 parts to build a cargo bay for 2.5m parts... and then 0.90 and the Mk3 parts came out ... oh well.

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more: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104253-Space-Shuttle-Kenterprise-%2820-tons-into-lower-kerbin-orbit%29

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It reminds me a lot of this. Any inspiration there?

Rune. It is a far more sensible stack than the one on the RL STS.

Wasn't even aware of that craft!

My shuttle is very modular.

If you want to lift light payload, use 2 srbs and less fuel on the stack. If you want to lift MORE, add more srbs and fuel. Easy.

The only problem is that the cargo bay is not big enough... my next goal is to lift 2 orange tanks with this config.

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Wow your shuttle is extremely impressive. So cool how you made that second mainsail the ability to fall away, giving no need for OMS!

Thanks! But it kind of defeats one of the main purposes of the original shuttle: saving all three of those expensive RS-25 engines.

I am currently struggling lifting a 82t Kerbodyne tank into orbit. Ever managed that with your design?

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Thanks! But it kind of defeats one of the main purposes of the original shuttle: saving all three of those expensive RS-25 engines.

I am currently struggling lifting a 82t Kerbodyne tank into orbit. Ever managed that with your design?

I think I need a bigger payload bay to accomplish that...

I most recently pushed up 45 tons with a newer design that looks closer to the shuttle. I'll post pics soon.

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I think I need a bigger payload bay to accomplish that...

I most recently pushed up 45 tons with a newer design that looks closer to the shuttle. I'll post pics soon.

This is my "Space Shuttle Kenterprise Maxx" (an evolution of the craft I posted earlier) which manages to hold a Kerbodyne 82t in its cargo bay with ease. Getting it to orbit though... the maximum I managed was 50t (Kerbodyne 41t + Rockomax 9t tanks stacked together) to a stable 88km orbit.

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It reminds me a lot of this. Any inspiration there?

Call me inspired. Escape "lifeboat" and aft hatch (Infernal Robotics required - Engine part kept in check ("anti wobble measure") by 4 docking port clamps). Honestly? A nice idea but (aside from the lifeboat concept) very unstable - at least my version 1. The tail still wobbles all over the place, even with the clamps in place.

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Quoting myself here:

Yeah, I promised you Christmas presents. Why not a Shuttle replica? Mind you, this is either a craft for seasoned kerbals... or for kerbals that want to learn their stuff the hard way. I salute those who try! Just like the real thing, this is a very demanding ship with little room for error.


Even among the throng of STS replicas out there, I'm still quite pleased with how this turned out. It is moderately useful, and it looks totally like the real thing. And it works like a charm, too! I might write up a couple of flight indications, but really, if you have gotten any other shuttle to orbit, you should manage this one without issues just by remembering to toggle the RCS on on launch. Oh, and it is my usual ridiculously low number of pars, 155 on the pad with the reference 11 part payload, plus it brings half the orbiter's weight up, 20mT (not down, though, it has severe mass limitations for a safe landing).


So, the little details that make it an extremely accurate replica:

-Obviously, it has the same stack as the real thing: an engine-less Extrenal Tank, surrounded by two SRBs (no liquid boosters!) and the Orbiter with the three main engines feeding off the ET.

-A thrust profile for the SRBs. You can tweak it further if you vary the payload, but right now the SRBs vary the thrust during flight, halving it once before the final cutoff. It works just enough to keep the torque in check, forcing the gravity turn actually. Just try to keep it upright facing the right way, and if you panic in the end when you start tilting anyway, just let the SRBs go, you have the margin and it's safe, besides looking pretty. You can ride them until they run out, though.

-Payload is a low-density twenty tons, in this case that half-full orange tank. This is not only accurate to the original, it means this is my first useful shuttle replica. Well that was unexpected.

-A OMS system that runs on different fuel mixture (monopropellant in this case). I know it doesn't look like it, but those Mk55's are there for looks only, they hide the true monoprop engines and simulate their mass. Remember to un-forbid the rear monoprop tank when you turn them on, it's cut off initially so the RCS subsystem doesn't use it during ascent.

-No power generation on the orbiter other than the SSME's alternators (useless in space), so the mission time is constrained by that unless you dock to a station. That is an intentional feature, yes.

-It glides just like the real thing: not very well. Though you have adequate crossrange to line up the runway, you'd better come out of reentry with KSC in sight, and the stable gliding speed is just not survivable on touchdown: you have to save some energy and flare up at the last second to bring the descent speed under a safe 5m/s for the touchdown. And careful with high angles of attack, you can perfectly fine stall it to death on the final approach (ok, I know it's not a true stall because KSP aerodynamics, but it looks like one). Have fun trying, and don't forget to quicksave on final approach!


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Rune. That is useful, actually, you can even click yourself over to the original post.

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Got tired of SSTOs and decided to try my hand at shuttle building! It still has some bugs (RCS won't work after I separate the main tank even though there is no monoprop:huh: and recovering parts), but it works really well all things considered. I made a special main tank comprised of many small tanks that flow to a central point; this makes maintaining center of mass much better. Each section is separated by one of those metal plates to keep tanks isolated. You can see the layout a bit in the last pic.

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Got tired of SSTOs and decided to try my hand at shuttle building! It still has some bugs (RCS won't work after I separate the main tank even though there is no monoprop:huh: and recovering parts), but it works really well all things considered. I made a special main tank comprised of many small tanks that flow to a central point; this makes maintaining center of mass much better. Each section is separated by one of those metal plates to keep tanks isolated. You can see the layout a bit in the last pic.


Actually shuttles work better if the CoM of the ET moves forward as the fuel drains... kind of counteracts how it also moves closer to the Orbiter. So some room for improvement left there! :)

So you want to make the fuel flow from the bottom tank up, and therefore it needs no tank isolation, and just the single fuel line, so even less parts.

Rune. Hope that helped!

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My first shuttle's first heavy payload test, trying to launch an orange tank to 150x150k orbit.

It glides very easy and is quite maneuvrable but is incredibly slow :D

On the Pad


The Payload




Up and away, at a very slow pace :P


goodbye srbs's cya next time


fuel tank has to go on suborbital trajectory


final burn into parking orbit


releasing load


retro thrusters firing


dumping excess fuel on re-entry burn :D lovely sparks


missing the runway by 200km XD


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im working on an aestheticly pleasing shuttle.

So i made the wings double layered to they are thicker and created an engine cover. im really liking this.

But 0.9 64bit has the bug of not having a cargo texture ???


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Well i managed to get it to look coo- erhm.... accurate , but thats about it, it flips out of control 2 mins after Zenit separation and the Buran itself flyes like lead zeppelin. :(


EDIT: **** looks like i got the size wrong, the core needs to be 7.6 meters in diameter and Zenits 3.6 meters :/

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