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The Weird World Of Winchell Chung


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I found this website a couple of days ago and have been reading it ever since. It's just brilliant, there is something for everyone - atomic rockets, speculative concepts for space exploration by aerospace manufacturers and NASA, examinations of space hardware as seen in the golden age of hard sc-fi and easy to understand explanations of orbital mechanics and the engineering of spacecraft and propulsion systems.

He even uses KSP as a teaching aid at one point.

Take a look, I guarantee you'll enjoy it...

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Ah, Winchell Chung. I remember him from playing the old micro-boardgame Ogre back in high school in the late 70s.

But later, after the internet had been invented, I found myself accidentally bumping into his web presence, again and again, following the most random paths.

1. First, of course, I wanted to see his Ogre artwork I remembered so fondly from decades ago.

2. Later, I was looking for some 3D starmaps. Yep, he has some of those too.

3. Another time I went looking for a web-based slide-rule simulator. Oh hey, Chung has links to those, and other antique instruments.

4. As a kid I had a model of the USS Leif Ericsen, a spaceship designed by Matt Jeffries, who also designed Star Trek's Enterprise. I went web-hunting for pictures of it, and Chung had that, too.

5. I am into constructed languages, and one of those that caught my interest was Lojban, which appeared in Heinlein's The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress. Went looking for info on that and....I found myself on a Winchell Chung page devoted to that.

6. The Atomic Rockets page is pretty awesome. I've been there plenty of times before, but I actually didn't realize that was Chung until now. Doh!

7. I recall running into another of his pages when I searched for information on Celtic knots...but I can't find that page any more, so maybe I'm misremembering this one.

Anyway, the take-away is that I find my tastes curiously similar to Chung's. Maybe I'm his evil twin!

Edited by pebble_garden
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