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[HACK]: IVA for lab module

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It's as easy as that:

Navigate to KSP/GameData/Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab

Open part.cfg in a plain text editor (e.g. notepad)

Add four lines:

vesselType = Ship

name = landerCabinInternals

name = ModuleScienceContainer

You get:

Crew icons with EVA/IVA buttons

IVA view the same as from the lander can. A bit strange as you're looking out through a ladder, but I can live with it.

I have not noticed any ill effects of that.

Edited by Kasuha
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I would've thought the IVA for the hitchhiker thing would've been a more obvious choice.

Both options have their pro's and cons. The hitchhiker is designed to house four, the can fits better housing two. The hitchhiker fits better for size and shape.

Either options is a great placeholder until something better is released. +1

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) Download Module Manager

2) Download KSP Interstellar

3) Install both

4) Create a .cfg with the following code and put it in the GameData folder (Create a nameitsomething.txt and rename it nameitsomething.cfg)

@PART[Large_Crewed_Lab] {
name = crewtestInternals

If you don´t want the rest of KSP Interstellar you can delete all files and folders that comes with it besides "\GameData\WarpPlugin\Spaces" and all files in it

Edited by Sinner2784
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  • 8 months later...

Recent experience with another plugin leads me to recommend that the folder name "WarpPlugin" be changed (I used "WarpPlugin-Partial") if only the internals are going to be used.

My experience was that if the original name is used, but the content isn't there, it can cause trouble *if* yet another mod assumes absent resources inside that folder are available.

Bottom line, rename the folder, of you might end up with a hard as **** to find bug sometime in the future.

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