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Damaged rocket parts effects

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Right now rocket parts are 100% ok or just explode.

Will we ever have some multilated or malfunctioning ones? Things like:

- Changing textures upon impact/everheating: cracks on surface of tanks, stains of leaking fuel.

- Animations: sparks, smoke or even fire (in atmosphere), leaking gases and liquids

- Changing 3d model of parts itself - missing parts of engines (part of nozzle ripped off), crooked landing gears ets.

- Replacing damaged part with few other models that are fragments if it - upon strong impact.

Each part woudl have to contain few models and texture sets instead one. One for perfectly ok part. And another for various degrees of damage.

Also, some gameplay affecting effects coudl be implemented. Impact on engine woudl decrease its maximum trust. Small bump en fuel tank woudl just add texture cracks on surface, but stronger coudl create leak that woudl additionally add small thrust in the place where gas or liquid is leaking (and kerbal coudl fix it on eva).

I wonder if devs are considering to implement on of these.

Edited by kiwiak
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Considering? Sure, I'd say they probably are. Trouble is, KSP's already very resource-intensive on a lot of machines. Something like this... very heavy drain on resources, drying to dynamically distort models and apply texture modifications.

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