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Steam Games I bought myself for christmas


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For Christmas I recieved a $50 Steam gift card which I used up rather quickly. As some of you may know I have a lower end PC so my choices were slightly limited, but I thought I would go ahead and share the games I got and what I think of them.

Legends of Eisenwald: Its an RPG in midevil times but Its pretty crappy in my opinion, played for a half hour and uninstalled it.

Iron Warriors T-72 tank command: Its a tank sim, the story line is kinda hard to follow and the controls need to be states better but I think its not bad to play around with.

Surgeon Sim 2013: Hilarious game, love it so far but it seems like it will get boring after a while.

World in conflict Soviet assault: Played the demo and downloading it right now, the demo was incredibly fun and I except the full version to be even better we will see soon!

Theater of war 3 Korea: Installing it right now as well... The trailer and images of it looks fun but I'm kinda skepticle.

Brutal Legends: An RPG based around a fantasy world and heavy metal. I bought it for one reason... The music, love classic and thrash metal and thats all this game has, and it features Jack Black! I'm installing it last but I think it will be pretty good.

State of Decay: A zombie survival sim, I'm not too fond of it right now because the controls are jacked up. Walking is like walking on hex tiles even though there are no hex tiles... Kind of annoying might be a deal breaker for me idk yet.

Have any of you all ever tried these games? If so what are you opinions.

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays!

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So far my favorite games I've got on steam are:

Project zomboid


Company of heroes TOV

Prison architect

Don't starve





The walking dead season 1

The walking dead season 2

Xenonauts ( i'd check it out)

Battlefield BC2

Surgeon sim is fun for awhile, but i get bored of it eventually.

Edited by ZedNova
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One great game I got on Steam that didn't cost me anything was the Just Cause 2 Multiplayer mod. I already owned Just Cause 2 and have been dying to try that mod. Well...it's insane, and a lot of fun. I'm amazed it works at all, let alone as well as it does. The busiest server I've played on was 800 people, and it was absolute, random craziness.

I also bought Strike Suit Zero because I'm jonesing for a good space game. (God, I miss TIE Fighter.)

Oh, and I got Descent 1+2 on Good Old Games, and then downloaded DXXX Rebirth which updates the render and supports new input devices like my trusty XBox 360 controller. Amazing!

Downloaded that fan-made, free Wing Commander Saga game and have to admit it's quite good.

Also Euro Truck Simulator 2, but we don't need to dwell on that. I'm a sucker for niche games.

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Got myself these over christmas.

-MCpixel(that warning doesn't lie,good for passing out)


-BIT.TRIP.RUNNER(because it costs 70cent)



For 40~ euro

If you're looking for low spec games try.

-The stanley parable

-Super Hexagon

-Thomas was alone

-DLC quest

I can't run KSP anymore so.

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I just bought Assetto Corsa. I was not planning on buying anything anymore and certainly not for that amount of money (26 euro in the Flash Sale), but my racing wheel has been idle for a while now and, more importantly, I have been looking for something like Forza on the PC. I heard that the simulation is wonderful and I was pretty impressed by the perception of speed even in the movie clips in Youtube, so I decided to give it a go. I hope they will add LMP cars, as I like to drive those in Forza most, but I think I will enjoy the current cars too. The current lack of other modes than time trial does not bother me, as that is what I typically run.

Other games I bought are Dishounered, Fez, Portal 2 and The Stanley Parable. I really need to start playing, as I have a giant backlog of a lot more games than that.

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