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I don't think it's a great movie from a historical standpoint. It's grossly inaccurate to the point of exploitation, but hey, it's based on a comic which wasn't based on facts. It has an entertaining value, I can admit that.

Spartans were not "badass", whatever that means. They were basically filthy (literally) savages who heavily practiced paederasty in a fascist society obsessed with violence.

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Why did the producers make Xerxes look African ?? Historical coins show him as a bushy haired Arab with mono-brow.

*Spartans had access to "superior health clubs and electrolysis facilities"

Edited by Lohan2008
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My favorite part was when Leonidas didn't let the hunchback fight because he couldn't take part in the phalanx formation, even though they never correctly used it once after the first few minutes of the first charge.

Seriously though, Leo dun goofed there. He could've led off for a lot longer if he was just like, "aw, who am I kidding? I don't even know what a phalanx is. I just like to look badass with absolutely no body protection except for my abs. You can fight after we break rank and should be overrun but don't because the plot demands we survive for a few days."

Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie, it was entertaining, especially the montage of the different Persian enemies, which could've very much existed, considering the extent of the empire. But learning about the Battle of Thermopylae and then watching the movie makes the movie almost laughable.

Edited by Joshington
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Well, the movie was entertaining ...

although, as was mentioned, it was extremly ahistorical (no surprise there, considering the fact that it wasn´t made after the historical event, but rather after a comic).

I´d definitely like to see more movies where they really try to portray greek battles in a historical acurate manner ... where a phalanx really fights as phalanx ...

I think the last movie that did so was Alexander

And jep, Spartans were badass ... there is a reason why shields with a Lambda painted on them were feared throughout greece ...

no surprise there, considering the fact that the other city states of greese had citizen armies, whereas the spartans were drilled from their youngest years in combat ...

only tactical superiority could overcome them

(as for paederasty ... IIRC paederasty was commonly practiced all over greece ... and was also not uncommon in the roman empire ... so, rather shortsighted to single out the spartans for practicing this ;) )

Edited by Godot
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