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KSP buildings


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Your description is so vague its hard to tell what you were talking about. Was the YouTuber Scott Manley, perhaps? If so, was the building the control tower at the second landing strip? If that sounds familiar, check out the island to the west of KSC. If not, do some more research so you can gove us more details or answer your own question.

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Yep sry for not giving enough details.

Well what i remember more or less is watching a kerbal going upstair and entering some kind of room,maybe it was a video to say all the news of the uppdate (i think it was 0.21).

This room and stairs i think were in the main space center, i personaly only found some stairs to go on top of building but no room whatsoever!

I think thz youtuber was HOCgaming.What I'"m sure is the video said "hey look the new space center you can now visit it or something"

I've been lookinh for this for 30 minutes,and now i wonder if i got tricked by my mind :D

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