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[WIP][0.23+] AKSTechnologies Weapons Pack (release very soon)


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  • 2 weeks later...

im now working on turret code

sadly, it requires a complete overhaul of the whole mod, so essentially im forced to recode the entire thing from scratch

once turrets are coded, itll be very very easy to make them non moveable (either via model itsself, or just setting a flag to flase to disable rotation ability)

issue right now is that the code is coded to fire forward in worldspace, not forward relative to how the gun is rotated (eg i could rotate the gunpods right now in any orientation, and itd still fire forward relative to the plane, working on making it fire wherever the barrel is pointing)

i will upload my final alpha version today lateron, it works, has a few small bugs, and alot more features then before (tracer colors, random spread, ability to ricochet a bullet from one target to another, some gun handling improvements, ect)

sadly in doing something i broke recoil, so you will have to live with either no recoil and these upgrades or stick to the original release that still works perfectly fine

if officially discontinuing support for all versions that do not support turret code, since adding the turrets cant be done without essentially redoing the whole base code

still, for those who have been waiting go ahead and install the next alpha version, its better in all ways except recoil is messed up (i know i could theoretically fix it if i had the time, but id rather spend it doing the beta version that has turrets working)

if there is enough requests for a recoil fix, i will be happy to do it, but id rather spend all my time modding at making the new one, again, post here if youd really like the recoil fixed in the 2nd alpha

current working features:

*guns shoot

*guns have spread

*guns damage things to varying degree

*tracer color choices and enable/disable tracers

*2 muzzle flashes to choose from

*easier way to determine initial velocity/firepower, now you set it velocity and mass, mass doesnt change the velocity anymore, only increases firepower/decreases drag effects, velocity only increases velocity and hence firepower

Few featires im working on with the beta code:

working turrets (i have gotten them to rotate and elevate the gun, but still working on making the bullets spawn in varying orientations, a bit hard to figure out how to work)

working on giving bullets different ammunition types: AP, HE, I, and AM rounds:

AP or armor piercing will function more or less similar to the guns now

HE or high explosive will create a small explosion with varying amount of force based on the caliber

I or incendiary will increase the heat of a part by a set amount based on caliber (im also considering particle beam weapons that fire a short burst increasing the heat of the target, similar in concept to the sunbeam laser but different implementation, an actual stream of bullets essentially that each heat a small amount, and have very very slight target seeking ability, as well as limited velocity and dont aimbot things like the enemy cockpits ect)

AM or anti matter rounds will force delete a single part it touches (as in the only round guaranteed to do damage, but as a balancing effect other then deleting the target part, it will not do anything else, no forces exerted on the target or collateral damage, only for use on battleship class guns, 210mm or more caliber to keep the ammo useage very high and to keep the rate of fire extremely low

some guns may have selectable ammunition, meaning a toggle from say AP to HE, with different resource useage as one may have a different mass then another

resource usage per shot and a few ammunition bin parts to go with it (ammo production will be in final release, its not hard to code, but i dont really have the time to do this as i have other priorities)

target tracking and lockon will be in final release, 1st i gotta get the turrets to work semi decently with manual controls

im also switching over to a new style of the guns and turrets, old ones are most likely going to be scrapped in beta release, since there is too much i need to do in terms of proper bone orientations, that the old models lacked, essentuially since new code will look at orientation of barrel and shoot straight out of it, i cant use my old randomly oriented models

finally, im hoping to release at least a few turreted guns, im working on making the code work with a dual 88mm flak cannon designed for smaller scale destroyers or as cruiser secondary armarment, a bit too powerful and low rate of fire for shooting fighters, but also too weak to take down huge ships

turets will also have toggle on/off and return to default position, allowing only one turret to be used at a time, or as many as you want (since each is going to be bounce to the same numpad keys), and also a option to return turret to default forward facing (so that if you used a turret and want to then face all guns forward, allows the ability to then use them as essentially forward firing emplacements)

also working on ingame hotkey binds so each gun can be fired with a different key ect

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  • 2 weeks later...

He said he had to redo it from scratch so maybe its just taking some time.

Anyways, I haven't tried these yet but it's nice that someone finally went and made some simple weapons (besides lazor system which is... a bit too much IMHO). I was playing around modding config files, making "decoupler bullets" and such but it isn't very realistic and a decoupler cannon mounted on a rotating robotics turret turns out to be pretty big, unwieldy and hard to reload. I was actually able to make a working version that turned out to be pretty accurate using mechjeb target facing, but required a spacecraft centered around the design itself instead of just being mounted on it.

Speaking of which, there's a suggestion: If you can somehow give the guns "control from here" functionality, mechjeb can be used to make accurate shots. The way I did it on my decoupler cannon was I mounted them all in a line on a set of connected jr docking ports, which is also how I reloaded it. I ended up making a pretty complicated system with a rotating turret that turned backwards and could pick up a string of decoupler bullets from a rotatron assembly that carried like 4 "magazines" of them. Turret turns around and grabs one, fire them, then rotate another into place to be picked up. It was actually pretty cool but made a lot of space debris...

It's already been mentioned, but a railgun for mounting on space warships would be epic.

Edited by RSF77
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Currently Panzer and I are preoccupied with schoolwork and having difficulty continuing this mod we are however actively planning and I'm working on several models that will be incorporated As soon as possible however it will likely be until .24 before we are ready for a full release but expect it to be Epic

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Panzer1b, Not sure how good you are with cockpits, but i would REALLY LOVE to see an A-10 warthog cockpit with s GAU-8 Avenger built into the nose Its something that you don't have to do right now, but it would be something I'de liek to see after your done with your turrets.

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  Damaske said:
Panzer1b, Not sure how good you are with cockpits, but i would REALLY LOVE to see an A-10 warthog cockpit with s GAU-8 Avenger built into the nose Its something that you don't have to do right now, but it would be something I'de liek to see after your done with your turrets.

I'm currently doing some preliminary modeling of nose guns a Gau-8 nose cone is possible I suppose another for the list

And to everyone who is wondering I am NOT Panzer1b I am however working with him questions can be routed through or directed at me as panzer is a busy man

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Just tried out the mod, thanks for the awesomeness. Just made this ship and took a screenshot to show what I meant by using mechjeb and probe cores to make accurate shots with turrets:


Not that I was actually going to hit a discarded stage 15km away, but works for closer objects that would otherwise be difficult to hit manually.

Edited by RSF77
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Once you get into the howitzers and stuff, I got a suggestion for the calibers of many weapons, 40mm,45mm, 47mm, 50mm, 57mm, 75mm, 76mm, 90mm, 94mm, 100mm, 105mm, 107mm, 110mm, 115mm, 122mm, 128mm, 130mm, 150mm, 210mm.

Based off the size of many guns used or designed in WW2. And then for larger ones that could be used on Space craft, 5cm, 6cm, 8cm, 10cm, 12cm, 14cm, 16cm, going up on twos all the way to 100cm (aka one meter)

A idea for the turrets is they are made of parts and have to be assembled.

1. Turret ring, the base of the turret (rotation) is placed on the ship.

2. Turret itself. Is put on, can vary from small to large like the rotater can.

3. the elevaters in the turret, also varies in size.

4. the guns are placed in the elevators making a fully functional turret.

Number 1 could possibly be removed, but it is a idea. Custom armor plating could vary in size and be curved or angled as well.

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  Prometheus said:
You need to make a guide on auto-turret creation RSF77, that looks REALLY cool.

I need those for reasons. Like, you know, self-contained orbital dropped turret reasons... :D

Not much to it really. Just place an infernal robotics rotatron or docking washer, then put the guns on that and conveniently they have an attach point on the back where you can put a probe core or in my case I made my own little targeting computer to fit there (which is basically a scaled down probe core without reaction wheels). Then just use "control from here" and mechjeb to line up your target.

I've been making some pretty cool "ww2 style" space ships with this. This one being a slightly larger, better armed version of the one in the previous screenshot that has some guns that can fire over the aft guns for increased firepower and spread, like old battleships were:


Along with the 360 degree coverage from those turrets it has fixed 37mm cannons on the front, but with a little config editing I managed to make some novapunch SRBs into some pretty cool 1 part space torpedos with their own decoupler, mechjeb, reaction wheels and everything so all I have to do is decouple them, set them to tgt+ on mechjeb, activate engine and they guide themselves with decent accuracy:


They start off slow but build up speed in space of course (they only have a thrust of like 1 and 10 solid fuel lasts quite a while like that). Not much use at close ranges while they're still building velocity, but no need for that anyways when you've got all those guns. I've been able to hit medium sized debris and ships up to about 2k with them, sometimes it takes a last minute adjustment or two though and your relative velocity needs to be as close as possible for best accuracy.


In theory they could be BLR (beyond loading range) missiles if you stay on them instead of switching back.

So yea I had a lot of fun being evil in KSP with this, in fact my kerbals are combating space pirate kerbals as we speak, littering kerbins orbit with all kinds of debris and spent space torpedos.

Edited by RSF77
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Here's how you fire:

  The Spacemonkey said:
You have to edit the part's cfg file. It should look like this:

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config





// --- general parameters ---

name = gunpod13mm

module = Part

author = DYJ(original base plugin)+AKS

// --- asset parameters ---

mesh = gunpod13mm.mu

scale = 1

rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.17, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1

// --- editor parameters ---

TechRequired = start

entryCost = 1000

cost = 850

category = Science

subcategory = 0

title = Mg-13

manufacturer = AKS Technologies

description = 13mm heavy machine gun. Very lightweight, small, negligible recoil, and with a very high rate of fire, the Mg-13 machine gun will expel bullets at a high velocity (if it doesnt just go buy a new one, and dont tell anyone that only 3% of our guns pass the firing test without exploding or not working at all!). Its major drawback is very low firepower, barely enough to damage a exposed fuel tank, but still enough to take down anything that is not armored such as probes and small fighters. All in all, the perfect weapon for being a royal pain in the butt, annoying, fun, spammy, and best of all guaranteed to increase the amount of rage quitting, swearing, arguing, and general hate towards whoever dares use such a device. At least the bullet's velocity is very high making hitting things that are moving (lets face it, in space objects have a tendency to be in motion) somewhat easier.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 0.15

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.3

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 6

breakingForce = 50000

breakingTorque = 50000

maxTemp = 3400



name = AKSKineticEnergyWeapon //change to "dyjmachinegun" if using DYJ's plugin

ProjectileType = bullet

keyFire = f

keyFirealt = [0]

BulletMass = 0.1

BulletDrag = 0.02

BulletPower = 35

RocketPower = 35

recoilreductionfactor = 0.005

fireRate = 0.08

//lackofkrakensbanontrailrendererscompensation = 0.1 //nolonger used with AKS plugin, uncomment when using DYJ's original plugin!

rotationSpeed = 300

animatedlinkfeed = true //replace with original isGatling cvar if uring DYJ's plugin, renamed to a more appropriate term given some guns have animated ammunition belts that move while firing and it doesnt make sense to rotate the barrel of a single barrel cannon? or at least the marketing department keeps complaining about customers feeling uneasy around moving parts, so we try to keep this to a bare minimum

shellejection = false //new cvar to designate if a gunpod will eject shells when firing, set to false if you want a small FPS boost or dislike the effect of shells ejecting from a gunpod (note: some gunpods arent designed for this, so setting it to true if it was originally false can have side effects like shells coming out of weird places, or spawning in mid air 20 meters behind the ship, or even not spawning in the 1st place, you have been warned)

heatProduction = 500

Muzzlesize = 0.5




name = ModuleAnimateHeat

ThermalAnim = Thermalanim



At the "keyFire = joystick button 0" you need the change the "joystick button 0" to whatever button on your keyboard that you like. Make sure you've left a space between the "=" and the "joystick button 0".

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