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[WIP][0.23+] AKSTechnologies Weapons Pack (release very soon)


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How do I key the fire key to a number pad button (by that I mean how do I write 8 in such a way that it refers to numberpad 8 and not normal 8)? Looking forward to the future Panzer, I can't wait. Also your guns featured in Enter Elysiums new World War K videos so your work has already been seen by 16,000 people.

Edited by tayjay1998
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It seems like the 20mm and up caliber cannon shells dissapear after about 200m when fired at sea level in the KSC. Is this on my side? is there a config entry where i can modify these?

Edit: i tracked the problem. Seems like mounting any kind of gun inline on the Mk 2 stock cockpit (i have a skin for the mk 2 cockpit internals installed). Maybe there's something going on there.

On the other hand, wing pods behaved correctly.

Edited by energycore
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It seems like the 20mm and up caliber cannon shells dissapear after about 200m when fired at sea level in the KSC. Is this on my side? is there a config entry where i can modify these?

Edit: i tracked the problem. Seems like mounting any kind of gun inline on the Mk 2 stock cockpit (i have a skin for the mk 2 cockpit internals installed). Maybe there's something going on there.

On the other hand, wing pods behaved correctly.

I am currently unaware of any issues like that but I'm a modeler not a coder Panzer is the one you'll need to ask but both him and I are in school and swamped. Heck I'm in high school still! As it is any spare time I have is making. New models but I can't implement any of them until Panzer is. Able to help

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I am currently unaware of any issues like that but I'm a modeler not a coder Panzer is the one you'll need to ask but both him and I are in school and swamped. Heck I'm in high school still! As it is any spare time I have is making. New models but I can't implement any of them until Panzer is. Able to help

I see. Wish i could help, i'm also in college at the moment and i can't write code to save my life. I'll explore the bug though, when panzer is able i'll maybe help with screenshots/cases when it happens.

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I don't know if you have this bug, but:

Whenever i fly something with one of your Guns, after it is, idk, 5km or so from the Hanger, I:

-lose all control (sometimes i can control thruttle though)

-lose camera control (it just instantly stops, doesnt move anymore, while the object continiues flying)

-notice my camera shaking

-see my object shaking, eventually hitting the ground

this ALWAYS happens IF I have one of your Guns.

I have Reinstalled it, restarted every Thing, but it doesn't work.

Additionally, if I put on the Rocket, but don't put on a Guns, it flys just fine "forever" (fuel),

and the Rocketss work, unlike the Guns (yes, I have remapped the Key)

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**facepaws and sighs**

People you need to go into the config FILES and set your fire button Look for the following and change "keyfire = (whatever)" to the key you want to fire. You will NEED to go into each gun and change this if i remember right.

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config





// --- general parameters ---

name = gunpod13mm

module = Part

author = DYJ(original base plugin)+AKS

// --- asset parameters ---

mesh = gunpod13mm.mu

scale = 1

rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0

node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.17, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1

// --- editor parameters ---

TechRequired = start

entryCost = 1000

cost = 850

category = Science

subcategory = 0

title = Mg-13

manufacturer = AKS Technologies

description = 13mm heavy machine gun. Very lightweight, small, negligible recoil, and with a very high rate of fire, the Mg-13 machine gun will expel bullets at a high velocity (if it doesnt just go buy a new one, and dont tell anyone that only 3% of our guns pass the firing test without exploding or not working at all!). Its major drawback is very low firepower, barely enough to damage a exposed fuel tank, but still enough to take down anything that is not armored such as probes and small fighters. All in all, the perfect weapon for being a royal pain in the butt, annoying, fun, spammy, and best of all guaranteed to increase the amount of rage quitting, swearing, arguing, and general hate towards whoever dares use such a device. At least the bullet's velocity is very high making hitting things that are moving (lets face it, in space objects have a tendency to be in motion) somewhat easier.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 0.15

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.3

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 6

breakingForce = 50000

breakingTorque = 50000

maxTemp = 3400



name = AKSKineticEnergyWeapon //change to "dyjmachinegun" if using DYJ's plugin

ProjectileType = bullet

keyFire = f

keyFirealt = [0]

BulletMass = 0.1

BulletDrag = 0.02

BulletPower = 35

RocketPower = 35

recoilreductionfactor = 0.005

fireRate = 0.08

//lackofkrakensbanontrailrendererscompensation = 0.1 //nolonger used with AKS plugin, uncomment when using DYJ's original plugin!

rotationSpeed = 300

animatedlinkfeed = true //replace with original isGatling cvar if uring DYJ's plugin, renamed to a more appropriate term given some guns have animated ammunition belts that move while firing and it doesnt make sense to rotate the barrel of a single barrel cannon? or at least the marketing department keeps complaining about customers feeling uneasy around moving parts, so we try to keep this to a bare minimum

shellejection = false //new cvar to designate if a gunpod will eject shells when firing, set to false if you want a small FPS boost or dislike the effect of shells ejecting from a gunpod (note: some gunpods arent designed for this, so setting it to true if it was originally false can have side effects like shells coming out of weird places, or spawning in mid air 20 meters behind the ship, or even not spawning in the 1st place, you have been warned)

heatProduction = 500

Muzzlesize = 0.5




name = ModuleAnimateHeat

ThermalAnim = Thermalanim



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Please don't be a dead Thread.

btw, still getting this wierd "oh, you're 1km out of the KSC? Let me take away all your control and pin your camera to one fixed point"-bug whenever I got guns on my Ship (Rockets still fine though. And YES, ist the right Version for my KSP version, and yes, even though it has nothing to do with it, I have remapped the Key :P)

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