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What planet makes you happy the most?


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Duna. When I sent a colony there in 0.19, I drove a rover 150km (!!) from the base to visit the Face, then I drove back. In that time, the planet came to feel... homely. I've now got a re-colonisation plan in progress, because of that feeling (well, not just that feeling, but it's a significant part of it).

I also like Pol. Pol is awesome.

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Minmuse(intentional).Perfect gravity,lovely colour,geo-sync able,lowest d/v requirement,close to Kerbol,Large flats,and preference.

EDIT:or Duna,Similar reason to Mason apart from driving much farther.




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My favorite right now is Tylo but I have "high" hopes for the upcoming Titan-analog. I hear it will have mountains that stick up past its atmosphere. Will be great fun landing on the peaks and then launching stuff into the canyons. Could also make a fuel station on a peak and a research post in a nearby canyon.

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Maybe I'll have to try Bop. don't want it to be lonely. It's one of the few places I haven't been!

I love Laythe, but she also scares me. She's eerie.

Gilly is delightful, like a rock park in space. Given I grew up with day trips to canyons and regions covered in volcanic boulders, it's almost nostalgic.

Minmus is just a fun, reliable companion. Close to Kerbin, low gravity, flat landing spots. I really ought to explore her biomes now...

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I don't have much of a choice given how I've only been on Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike and had an Eve flyby, but out of those I think Minmus is my favourite. He has long been my best pal and #1 destination on my KSP playthrough, and although not as close as the Mun, he is much more forgiving than her. Mun has alterady eaten several of my landers and it seems like she wants more.

And of course, there is Duna and Ike. I mainly enjoy driving at Duna and looking at Ike in the horizon, shrinking and growing, but never leaving its place.

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Maybe I'll have to try Bop. don't want it to be lonely. It's one of the few places I haven't been!

I love Laythe, but she also scares me. She's eerie.

Gilly is delightful, like a rock park in space. Given I grew up with day trips to canyons and regions covered in volcanic boulders, it's almost nostalgic.

Minmus is just a fun, reliable companion. Close to Kerbin, low gravity, flat landing spots. I really ought to explore her biomes now...

I feel the same way, I feel Bop gets put to the side because it is not "pretty". My next voyage after Duna is going to be Bop, once I learn how to get there LOL.

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Duna. When I sent a colony there in 0.19, I drove a rover 150km (!!) from the base to visit the Face, then I drove back. In that time, the planet came to feel... homely. I've now got a re-colonisation plan in progress, because of that feeling (well, not just that feeling, but it's a significant part of it)...

Duna for me too, same reasons as RogueMason said, the feelings and the resemblance to Mars, the redness, ... the everything that makes Mars, Mars and Duna if you know what I mean. I'm also planning of making a colony there when I'm done with the current colony on the Mun.

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