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I did this backwards


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Hello. New player am I.

Here to send Kerbals to the Sky

Some will burn, most will crash

Kerbals will die, but I will shed not a tear

More Kerbals will volun...tear

onward and upward for Kerbalkind.

Anyway, I already tried to post in a thread before introing myself. I saw a pic of a monstrosity and I thought I could share what I have already learned. I wont post much, more of a lurker. If I find that my meager know how would help someone I will share.

Glad to be here, love the game Squad has made.

Anyone remember Cogni-toy? They made a game called "Mind Rover" played the crap out of that. KSP is kind of a spirtiual successor to that old game, atleast in my mind.

Edited by Burtsp
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