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The "Highest Honor"


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I honestly think the biggest honor is landing on Mun. It is truly the first one where we were all going by the seat of our pants because we had no idea what to expect. No other landing has made me sweat as much as my first Mun landing did.

I can definitely agree with you here; I think that once you get used to a Mun landing, it's gets easier to land on other moons, especially Minimus

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I can definitely agree with you here; I think that once you get used to a Mun landing, it's gets easier to land on other moons, especially Minimus

Yeh, I think Minmus is more difficult to get to because you have to worry about two more variables you didn't before, Namely the Argument of Periapsis and the Inclination of Minmus' orbit. Otherwise, it is incredibly easy to land on.

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Providing you don't look at it purely on Delta V requirements, the Tylo return mission is up there difficulty wise as Eve. It definitely requires greater navigational skills.

1. It's further away, so intercept windows are trickier and requires more delta V

2. It's a moon, so it's not a direct intercept unless you want to forgo a Jool aerobrake (which i don't know why you would)

3. Plenty of other bodies that require navigation, or they'll pull you off course.

4. No atmosphere so it requires a high gravity powered decent.

The big thing that tips the scale in Eve's favour is that you have to fight double Tylo gravity and a soup atmosphere on the ascent.

Without doubt Eve's ascent is by far the most demanding.

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I believe there is a lot of confusion about what the OP was asking. I don't think he is asking what is the most difficult mission in the game. Instead, he said you can only put one honour on your ribbon for each planetary body, which one of those honours is harder? For example, for my Mun ribbon should I put that I built a rover which drove a significant percentage of Mun's circumference, or that I buit a Mun base? It seems that question is different for each body but clearly there are some similarities--clearly landing a rover and driving it around any body is more difficult than just landing there.

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I believe there is a lot of confusion about what the OP was asking. I don't think he is asking what is the most difficult mission in the game. Instead, he said you can only put one honour on your ribbon for each planetary body, which one of those honours is harder? For example, for my Mun ribbon should I put that I built a rover which drove a significant percentage of Mun's circumference, or that I buit a Mun base? It seems that question is different for each body but clearly there are some similarities--clearly landing a rover and driving it around any body is more difficult than just landing there.

Yeah, that's what I was asking, but I guess this is ok too.

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It's all relative. Some would say a base is the greatest achievement. You could land a single enviropod on a planet and say you had a base, or you could land an interconnected set of enviropods and science labs and kethane miners and say you had a base. The same goes with any of the vessel badges, a station could be a single tank with a docking port on it.

That being said; I'd always say the return chevron is the usually the hardest thing to achieve because it involves the most unknowns. You can launch something 20 times from Kerbin trialling a bunch of different parts. When you're off-planet though you only get the ship you sent, if it's underpowered or underfueled you don't have the opportunity to duck back into the VAB for a little fine tuning, you're stuck with it.

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Setting up a mining base on Moho is probably one of the harder things I've done, so I'd say that would be the highest honor. There's no atmosphere to help you into orbit and the braking is murderous. While it's no Tylo, the gravity is still pretty substantial, making returning that fuel to orbit a tough proposition.

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I honestly think the biggest honor is landing on Mun. It is truly the first one where we were all going by the seat of our pants because we had no idea what to expect. No other landing has made me sweat as much as my first Mun landing did.

Agreed, I remember the first time I landed on the Mun, it was painful, scary and hard. But this was a long time ago, when the Mun was new to the game. I was thinking to myself back then that I would never ever land something on the Mun. The feeling I've felt when I landed successfully was glorious and by far the highest honor moment in this game. Nothing can compare to that, now all my landings are easy, doesn't matter where, even boring sometimes.

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I've never made it to Eve yet, but so far as I've made it in KSP, my biggest sense of achievement came from getting my first station in orbit around the Mun. Not only did I have to make several trips to get it finished, but I had to dock things in orbit. Lots of places where things could go wrong and a rather large amount of planning.

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