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One Word Story: It Just Won't Die!


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Oh and i put together the whole story

I put together the whole story

Once in space there was a pirate named BaconMaster McShnazzlehauffer who went over to

NGC 7032 where he attached twenty large koalas to his pendulous nose with eighteen staples/apples from Dres. However/ unfortunately he stepped on luminous frogs. Thus he squelch to eat the koalas, drank bleach. This killed several hamsters which were on top of the sun. This killed several Jebediahs while he danced to dubstep Causing him and Sophia to suffer horribly, without Bill who was punished by God For treason Against kraken Mcpuffin henceforth trilobites tossed children emphatically under ground where they imploded into nothingness then somethingness maximus horse meat loathing the Orangutans who postulated why they require boosters

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Thanks for putting it together, we should all do it as we add to it, maybe. Here it is now with correct grammar (I also fixed "Thus he squelch to eat the koalas, drank bleach" to make more sense):

"Once in space there was a pirate named BaconMaster McShnazzlehauffer who went over to NGC 7032, where he attached twenty large koalas to his pendulous nose with eighteen staples/apples from Dres. However/ unfortunately, he stepped on luminous frogs. Thus, he squelched to eat - the koalas drank bleach. This killed several hamsters which were on top of the sun. This killed several Jebediahs while he danced to dubstep, causing him and Sophia to suffer horribly without Bill, who was punished by God For treason Against kraken Mcpuffin. Henceforth, trilobites tossed children emphatically under ground where they imploded into nothingness then somethingness maximus horse meat, loathing the Orangutans who postulated why they require boosters betwixt...

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exploded, Amadeus Amadeus! A-madeus! <loop>

"Once in space there was a pirate named BaconMaster McShnazzlehauffer who went over to NGC 7032, where he attached twenty large koalas to his pendulous nose with eighteen staples/apples from Dres. However/ unfortunately, he stepped on luminous frogs. Thus, he squelched to eat - the koalas drank bleach. This killed several hamsters which were on top of the sun. This killed several Jebediahs while he danced to dubstep, causing him and Sophia to suffer horribly without Bill, who was punished by God For treason Against kraken Mcpuffin. Henceforth, trilobites tossed children emphatically under ground where they imploded into nothingness then somethingness maximus horse meat, loathing the Orangutans who postulated why they require boosters betwixt...

Edited by Shna_na
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named mmm Bop! Ba-da doo-wop, boo-dey-do-wop! Mmmm bop! Ba-ba-doooooooo. (<--- Yes, that was my 10-char)

"Once in space there was a pirate named BaconMaster McShnazzlehauffer who went over to NGC 7032, where he attached twenty large koalas to his pendulous nose with eighteen staples/apples from Dres. However/ unfortunately, he stepped on luminous frogs. Thus, he squelched to eat - the koalas drank bleach. This killed several hamsters which were on top of the sun. This killed several Jebediahs while he danced to dubstep, causing him and Sophia to suffer horribly without Bill, who was punished by God For treason Against kraken Mcpuffin. Henceforth, trilobites tossed children emphatically under ground where they imploded into nothingness then somethingness maximus horse meat, loathing the Orangutans who postulated why they require boosters betwixt two, now exploded, Kerbals named...

Edited by Shna_na
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"Once in space there was a pirate named BaconMaster McShnazzlehauffer who went over to NGC 7032, where he attached twenty large koalas to his pendulous nose with eighteen staples/apples from Dres. However/ unfortunately, he stepped on luminous frogs. Thus, he squelched to eat - the koalas drank bleach. This killed several hamsters which were on top of the sun. This killed several Jebediahs while he danced to dubstep, causing him and Sophia to suffer horribly without Bill, who was punished by God For treason Against kraken Mcpuffin. Henceforth, trilobites tossed children emphatically under ground where they imploded into nothingness then somethingness maximus horse meat, loathing the Orangutans who postulated why they require boosters betwixt two, now exploded, Kerbals named Phyllysiumb O'Explosiory and...

(Sorry Sensi, your post wouldn't fit in with it. Maybe come up with a name for Kerbal 2?)

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