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What is you favorite DS9 episode


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My favorite is "Valiant"

Group mental starfleet cadets, on a lonely mission deep into enemy territory. They want to gain fame and glory, then recalling more Klingon than residents of the Federation.

Nog is the ensign, so by law the only officer could take the lead, but did not. Anyway, do not even wonder why he did not. These cadets are like the kids in the movie "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding's book, I have not read the book but the film I really like.

With psychos better not to mess with psychos need to be dealt with extreme caution with the method and not by force.

What do you think about this episode?

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My favorite DS9 episode would have to be "Trials and Tribble-ations" where the main characters travel back in time to the TOS "The Trouble With Tribbles" episode. I'll never forget the moment when Dax looks at the cabbage-headed Worf, and then at his smooth-headed forebears from the TOS episode, and asks, "What happened?" Whereupon Worf says (with great embarrassment) "We don't talk about it."

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i love that scene. i dont think ive seen ds9 since the original run back in the 90s. so its hard for me to say.

DS9 is best sci-fi ever even better than TNG.

My favorite Star Trek:

This is my favorite Star Trek.


2.TNG (i Love Q appearance :) )

3. ENT

4. Voy

My favorite captains are

1. Jean-Luc Picard

2. J.T Kirk

3. Benjamin Sisko.

4. Johnathan Archer

5. Kathryn Janeway

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