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[1.8-1.9] Modular Fuel Tanks v5.13.1


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Oi, how come nobody complained about the missing oxidizer in the Mk2 rocket fuel parts? :P Do none of you use those parts?

Anyway, v5.6.0 released fixing that and the masses of several other tanks.

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I seem to be having issues getting MFT to work at all. All of my fuel tanks (stock and KW Rocketry, mostly) display a blank volume/mass, and a utilization of -1%. When I click the "Remove All Tanks" button, nothing happens. I checked KSP.log and no errors/stacktraces are showing up. I've had this problem since I started playing again a few weeks ago, in 1.0.2, and through 1.0.3 and now 1.0.4.

Has anybody encountered that behavior before? Or have any idea what might be causing it?

EDIT: screenshot!


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lucidity14: full logs would be much more useful.

Here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/du8p3xw4wfka4ip/KSP.log?dl=0

This log was generated by doing these precise steps, in this order, and nothing else:

1) Start up KSP

2) Resume saved game

3) Go to VAB

4) Add "FL-T200 Fuel Tank" to the stage

5) Right-click on the tank

6) Click on "Remove All Tanks"

The end result was identical to the screenshot I shared in my previous message.

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lucidity14: It looks like one of your gazillion mods (wow, on windows?!? I use linux and don't have that many) is interfering with MFT. Prime suspect for the module is FireSpitter, but the question is which mod is adding FireSpitter to the tank. I tested your procedure and had no issues (only MFT is affecting the tank contents, I have crossfeed enabler installed too).

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I got this - looks like contention between Modular Fuel Tanks and Mk 2 essentials. I do NOT have RealFuels installed, so why does ModularFuelTanks want to use that?


artLoader: Compiling Part 'Mk2Expansion/Parts/FuelTank/HypersonicNose/part/mk2_HypersonicNose'

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

Exception when attempting to register listener: RealFuels.Tanks.ModuleFuelTanks, modularFuelTanks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.PartVolumeChanged

Anyway this is preventing me from loading. Uninstalled it and now I load just fine, reinstall and I get the same error. The Mk2 ext was installed well before this, and was updated a while back. I do note that AVC does warn this is incompatible with 1.0.4, along with KSPAPIExtensions, which appears when this gets loaded (perhaps you have an old version of this? I do see that other apps have their own newer version of KSPIE installed)

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I did a clean install of KSP. Previously I had done some of my mod installs manually, some with CKAN. So I decided to reinstall all my mods with CKAN to a) see if CKAN had borked anything and B) to make sure I had all the dependencies taken care of. And... now it works. Go figure.

edit: update

FYI checking this, I had done a test install of Interstellar FuelSwitch a few days ago and forgot to remove it - could that have caused the problem?

Edited by Murdabenne
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You are right, there is no NetKAN file for MFT, so the bot doesn't pick up updates and anybody has to submit a new ckan metafile manually. (Which did not happen). Do you want to provide a netkan file for MFT? Just do a pull request to: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN to add one. Then the bot should update your mod in CKAN automatically. If you don't want to provide a netkan file, are you ok if someone else does it?

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After a very long time, I decided to give MFT a 2nd try (1st try was nasty - it didn't played well even with TweakScale back then).

Haven't tested in depth yet, but the good thing is that at least it now works well with IFS, or so it seems.

Bad thing is that MFT removes TankContentSwitcher from Procedural Parts* and replaces it with ModuleFuelTanks that only has Default and Cryogenic in available TANK_DEFINITION.

But I like PP TankContentSwitcher a whole lot (actually I prefer it to IFS on PP).

So, how to make it so MFT will leave TankContentSwitcher alone?

Aha, so it's ProceduralParts/ModuleManager/ModularFuelTanks.cfg to blame!... Now I need to figure out how to befriend them.

* well, technicaly not from all of them, as SRB, Structural element, Ore tank and Battery still has it...

Edited by cipherpunks
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am trying to get some old parts (Goodspeed) tanks working with tweakscale and mft.

No luck so far. Can get the tweakscale to change size, but the volume, mass etc stays same and does not change.

any hints, configs or ideas????

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Just a small bug to report with MFT 5.6.0.


1. Happens when switching TANK_DEFINITIONS using the right-click menu in the VAB and typeAvailable = tankname1, typeAvailable = tankName2 in the MODULE applied to a part

2. When the tank definition you switch from contains a resource as the tank definition you switch to, the tank you switch to will have as much of that resource as the last one did (see Tank 3 to Tank 2 in picture, note tank volume compared to resource amount)

2a. The tank quantities are correct in the TANK{}, it looks like this:



name = Oxidizer

amount = full

maxAmount = 100%


3. Quantities will be right again if you switch from and to tanks that don't have the same resources (from Tank 1 back to Tank 2 in the picture)


How to reproduce

Have two or more references to TANK_DEFINITIONS that have the same resource next to each other in the list of typeAvailable definitions, switch back & forth in the VAB, e.g.:

typeAvailable = Default

typeAvailable = LiquidFuel

typeAvailable = Oxidizer

typeAvailable = ServiceModule

typeAvailable = RCS

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AccidentalDisassembly: I'm still considering whether that actually is a bug (ie, whether I should fix it). I suspect I will, but not right now.

I would argue that it is, but you can obviously do what you want! =) In the second picture, there should be 110 units of Oxidizer - that's what the config is saying (100% filled), but it's not actually creating a 100% filled tank (110 units available, only 48 or whatever used), it's taking both amount and maxAmount values from a completely different TANK_DEFINITION. Definitely shouldn't do that, IMO. What if you had two different tank types only, unlike the multiple ones I wrote, and they each had a similar resource? You'd have to set up the tanks through Show UI every time if you wanted the values to be correct, so the convenient tank-swapping feature would be useless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, i have some compatibility issues regarding Karbonite and Modular fuel tanks.

The KB-4650 karbonite tank can hold 4000 karbonite, the FL-T720-Nuclear propellant tank (wich is the same size) can hold 800 liquid fuel, the Mk2 long fuselage can also hold 800 liquid fuel, using Modular fuel tanks i can add karbonite but only 800 instead of 4000 and the same problem happens with karborundum too (it holds only 800 but from my calculations it should hold 5000).

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silviu609: This is because Karboninte and CRP went off and redefined the standard resource volume size from 5L to 1L. It can be worked around with an appropriate utilization, so it is up to whoever made the Karbonite MFT config.

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Gotta say I love this mod. I had a quick question regarding the Space Shuttle Engines config in the mod. It changes the tanktype to 'Cryogenic' yet there doesn't appear to be a Cryogenic tanktype in the regular mod. How should this work since I can't add fuel?

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