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[1.8-1.9] Modular Fuel Tanks v5.13.1


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jrandom: it is, IMO, best if the mod maker adds support for MFT: the mod maker knows the parts best. Also it means the mod maker can change things around at will without the mod and MFT getting out of sync.

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OK, stupid noob statement here but I just installed this and I can't find any way to change the tanks.

Just right click on the tanks you want to change and choose "show UI". Another way is to choose Action Group Menu and select the tank...

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Just right click on the tanks you want to change and choose "show UI". Another way is to choose Action Group Menu and select the tank...

I actually don't get those options... The Modular Fuel Tanks folder goes in the GameData folder right?

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yep in gamedata, like every mod. Are you using tanks from mods or stock? Module Manager is needed, if it's not in the download.

Edit: I've looked at the zip... MM is missing you can download it here. Put the dll into the gamedata folder.

Edited by funk
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The Pav: actually, I will reach through the monitor and smack you if you do not say what the problem was: state it so others can know what mistakes to avoid.

Read some Heinlein (especially his older stuff) and you will understand. One thing he mentioned reasonably often was "always let the next guy know what killed you".

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Ok but it wasn't game related. I made a backup of my KSP folder in case anything happened that was save breaking so I could test it first but the install didn't seem to work even though it was correct. I realized later it was my shortcut (which forces the game to run in OpenGL mode). The shortcut in the duplicated folder was still pointing to the original folder without the mod.

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The Pav: oh, geez, the number of times I've done similar... (I've done it on entirely different machines (via ssh)). Yeah, always make sure you're testing what you think you are testing.

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The Pav: oh, geez, the number of times I've done similar... (I've done it on entirely different machines (via ssh)). Yeah, always make sure you're testing what you think you are testing.

Those kinds of mistakes are the worst and not usually obvious. I appreciate the help though. I did come across an issue though. I use TAC life support and the old resource system for it is now defunct. It's workable with my save though. I found vessels with the old system still functioned properly, I just couldn't make more using that system. So, I removed the mod and launched a very large depot of the old life support system in LKO. My Life support delivery drone and vessels depending on the old resource system have enough now to last about 25 years. Now I can put the mod back and the older fleet will have more than enough to last until they are phased out with newer craft.

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I am having trouble installing modular fuel tanks via Ckan as it indicates a conflict with Real Fuels? Is this intended? I thought that modular fuel tanks and real fuels complement each other.

They're actually separate. MFT if you want stock fuels, RF if you want real fuels. Be sure to install an engines config if you use RF!

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It looks like some of the mm-configs are broken :/

I'm using the space shuttle engines mod, but whenever trying to set a fuel type via the GUI it said the tank couldn't hold any ressources.

I've noticed that some MM-Configs in this mod set the tank type to "cryogenic" or to "ballooncryo" (especially the tanks for the space shuttle engines mod), but those aren't defined tank-definitions in the tanktypes.cfg (anymore).

I don't know whether defining a tank type (cryogenic etc) by myself would work, so i've modified the SpaceShuttleEngines_modularFuelTanks.cfg file instead, it looks like this and (apparently) works now:

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = #$../RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/amount$
@volume += #$../RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/amount$
type = Balloon

Edited by Tonnz
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It looks like some of the mm-configs are broken :/

I'm using the space shuttle engines mod, but whenever trying to set a fuel type via the GUI it said the tank couldn't hold any ressources.

I've noticed that some MM-Configs in this mod set the tank type to "cryogenic" or to "ballooncryo" (especially the tanks for the space shuttle engines mod), but those aren't defined tank-definitions in the tanktypes.cfg (anymore).

I don't know whether defining a tank type (cryogenic etc) by myself would work, so i've modified the SpaceShuttleEngines_modularFuelTanks.cfg file instead, it looks like this and (apparently) works now:

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = #$../RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/amount$
@volume += #$../RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/amount$
type = Balloon

You should address this to the SSE thread because it's their patch. You were right that's because the mentioned tanktypes aren't defined since KSP 1.0. I don't know what tanks are used by SSE, but Balloon is a very lightweight tank type. For "normal" tanks it's better to use type = Default.

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You should address this to the SSE thread because it's their patch. You were right that's because the mentioned tanktypes aren't defined since KSP 1.0. I don't know what tanks are used by SSE, but Balloon is a very lightweight tank type. For "normal" tanks it's better to use type = Default.

Ok thanks, you're right i should post it in the SSE thread :)

I've suspected that it would be better to post it there, but since the cfg was in this mod i decided to post it here.

Yes, Default would be better, i deliberately used type = Balloon because... ehm... it's very lightweight (and a bit cheaty) :D

Edited by Tonnz
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  • 2 weeks later...
CKAN still thinks the latest version is 5.5.2 with the teeny Xenon tanks. Is that something that needs fixing on this end, or on CKAN's end?
FaceDeer: CKAN's end. There is no support for CKAN in MFT so that's the only place it can be.

Correct. CKAN has a bot that sweeps the usual suspects, KerbalStuff, Curse and Github for releases. It does this on a timed basis and is prone to "missing" updates. There are steps that an author can take to correct it, as in modifying the .netkan "meta" file that is used to check for updates, but the design of CKAN was to provide a means to manage updates without the mod author having to do anything.

Anyone is allowed to submit pull requests correcting any potential issues with CKAN meta files. Even with that, I've noted issues with CKAN updating my mod in a timely fashion.. :P

CKAN does offer convenience (I use it), but it does NOT offer instant notification.

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Hello, I have encountered a problem (no idea what is wrong though).

I am using TAC life support together with this reskin pack . When modular fuel tanks is installed, the textures in the pack do not show, only the original TAC LS textures work.

When removing modular fuel tanks, everything seems to be fine. Any suggestions for what might be the problem?

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Hello, I have encountered a problem (no idea what is wrong though).

I am using TAC life support together with this reskin pack . When modular fuel tanks is installed, the textures in the pack do not show, only the original TAC LS textures work.

When removing modular fuel tanks, everything seems to be fine. Any suggestions for what might be the problem?

TAC automatically detects MFT and if found changes which tanks it uses, so my first guess is that the reskin you are using doesn't account for that. There is a folder inside it called "TacLifeSupportMFT" in which there is the tanks for use with MFT, try replacing the "Texture.png" in this folder and in the HexCans folder within with the omnitank textures you want to use from the reskin.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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