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[1.8+] Real Fuels


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  lurkoholic said:
I checked in the latest Real Fuels (v10.5). All seven tank types for the "Procedural Real Fuels Tank" unlock at Basic Rocketry.

I think I found the problem. The Cyro Engines pack includes ModularFuelTanks MM patches that change tank types to include Cyro. The file doesn't stop running if RealFuels is detected. So I just changed the patches to include :NEEDS[!RealFuels]

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Open Notepad (or your OS's text editor).

put this in it:

%useRealisticMass = false
%useRealisticMass = false

Save it as "zRFmass.cfg" (yes, use the quotes if on Windows) in KSP/GameData.

Edited by NathanKell
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That variable doesn't do anything to engine mass, even if changed in RealSettings.cfg


useRealisticMass = true

that has to change to false.

It the filename super important? I just named the patch that changed the lv-n mass at random and that works fine.

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Apologies. I flipped true and false (I was copy-pasting from the default) and only did for tanks, not engines.

Edited for correctness.

filename isn't important except insofar as it affects patch run order. If a patch filename starts with a z, it'll be loaded later. (You can put it in a folder in GameData called zFinal, too).

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I'm having a little trouble with a custom config, where the engine fails to change Isp when using different fuel mixes... Can anyone suggest why?

name = ModuleEngineConfigs
type = ModuleEngines

origMass = 0.098
configuration = NTO & UDMH

name = NTO & UDMH
maxThrust = 16

massMult = 1.00

IspSL = 1.00
IspV = 1.00

name = NTO
ratio = 2.1
DrawGauge = True
name = UDMH
ratio = 1.0

name = Lqd Oxygen & Kerosene
maxThrust = 21

massMult = 1.020

IspSL = 1.031
IspV = 0.967

name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 2.1
DrawGauge = True
name = Kerosene
ratio = 1.0

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I'm trying to make a few custom configs. Everything seems to be working, except the engine ignition bit. Here's the MM patch:

%rescaleFactor = 1.875
@mass *= 1.875
%maxThrust = 410
%minThrust = 410
%heatProduction = 100
@key,0 = 0 314
@key,1 = 1 257
@name = LiquidFuel
@ratio = 0.360
@name = Oxidizer
@ratio = 0.640
%ullage = True
%pressureFed = False
%ignitions = 1
name = StarterFluid
amount = 1.0
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 0.5
name = StarterFluid
amount = 1.0
maxAmount = 1.0

I've made sure there is a custum resource definition that defines StarterFluid, as an alternative to TEATEB. However, I'm able to light this engine an indefinite amount of times, and it never consumes ElectricCharge or StarterFluid. So, is there an obvious error in this config, or am I looking at a missing .dll (I suppose RealFuels.dll controls what Engine Ignitor used to do?).

On another question, in my .90 install engines would flameout when setting the throttle to 0. Now, they keep on going at full thrust - I need to right-click and 'deactivate engine' each time. What's up with that? Help is greatly appreciated!

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The patch has some...issues.

!EFFECT[running_core] {} will do nothing, because it will try to delete an EFFECTS node that inside it has 'name = running_core'. Did you maybe mean this?



!running_core {}


Next, the engine node. You need

@name = ModuleEnginesRF

inside the @MODULE to use the new engine module, and you have the ignitor parameters inside a ModuleEngineIgnitor subnode, not sure why. They all go in the main MODULE node.

With those changes it should be fine.

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Thank your for helping out. I've made some edits to the patch. Since I'm using RealPlume anyway, I thought I'd just delete the entire EFFECTS bit. Don't know how it got there in the first place. I've also followed the suggestion about placing the ignition parameters in the main ModuleEnginesRF node, as well as actually changing the name of the module from ModuleEnginesFX to ModuleEnginesRF.

%rescaleFactor = 1.875
@mass *= 1.875
@name = ModuleEnginesRF
%maxThrust = 410
%minThrust = 410
%heatProduction = 100
@key,0 = 0 314
@key,1 = 1 257
@name = LiquidFuel
@ratio = 0.360
@name = Oxidizer
@ratio = 0.640
%ullage = True
%pressureFed = False
%ignitions = 1
name = StarterFluid
amount = 1.0
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 0.5
name = StarterFluid
amount = 1.0
maxAmount = 1.0

Still no luck though. Basically nothing has changed in either ignition or throttling behaviour. Instead of relying on my own feeble mind to write configs, I decided to get myself a blank install, and just install RealFuels over that. Even when using a completely default RealFuels install using CKAN I get nothing that Engine Ignitor used to do... I'm kinda lost here I guess.

Update: Just installed Realism Overhaul on top of that. It would seem that ignitions are back. I'm going to have a look at how it's done in RO, and then write my own configs. The object of it all is to have some sort of 'SlightlyRealFuels' system, where I have got just a few fuel mixtures for use in a 64K universe.

Edited by TrabantDeLuxe
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Ah, didn't realize you were using RealPlume's non-RO configs. They're quite evil (bad Felger! bad! :P ), they set engines back to ModuleEnginesFX even after you change to ModuleEnginesRF. That's why. :]

Your config above looks just fine, the issue is RP clobbering it. For now, add a @PART[whatever]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesRF } }

See here: https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem/issues/98

RO escapes this because the RO RealPlume configs either don't clobber, or clobber in favor of ModuleEnginesRF. :)

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I never thought RP would interfere with that. Anyway, I love my eye candy, so I'm going to follow your suggestion. Just for my understanding of Module Manager, what the ":FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesRF } }" bit does in normal people speak is something along the lines of:

"...and finally, after you've done everything else, change the name to "ModuleEnginesRF" in the ModuleEngines*something* Module."


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Can we get an update on ARP resource icons? It seems we have quite a lot of resources missing their icons.

I have confirmed LqdHydrogen, HTPB, PBAN, and MON25. Also many more was missing but I couldn't see if the resource was from RF or other mods so I left them out. Please check ingame to see all.

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  WalkingShadow89 said:
When I use this with procedural tanks I choose let's say liquid hydrogen, the hydrogen takes up all room in the tank and doesn't leave room for liquid oxygen. What am I doing wrong HELP PLZ!!!!!

If you have engines attached to the tank, then at the top of the tank editor window you will see buttons with all possible mixtures that the engines on that craft will support.

So if there's an engine that requires a mix of 50%/40% H2/LOX then there will be a corresponding button in the tank's GUI that allows you to configure it with a full load of H2/LOX in the right quantities. (that button will use all available space so if you want other resources allocated to the tank then add those. I like to 'reserve' space in a tank by filling it with a singular resource like lead ballast, minus the volume that I want to fill with something else)

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  Starwaster said:
If you have engines attached to the tank, then at the top of the tank editor window you will see buttons with all possible mixtures that the engines on that craft will support.

So if there's an engine that requires a mix of 50%/40% H2/LOX then there will be a corresponding button in the tank's GUI that allows you to configure it with a full load of H2/LOX in the right quantities. (that button will use all available space so if you want other resources allocated to the tank then add those. I like to 'reserve' space in a tank by filling it with a singular resource like lead ballast, minus the volume that I want to fill with something else)

Thank you friend! :D
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RealFuels doesn´t seem to work. I´m running the 64-Bit workaround, with some mods.

When I pop an engine under a tank it doesn't adapt the fuel or give me any options. The whole tweakables menu is empty. Things such as dry mass etc are not working and remove all tanks does nothing.

Anyone got an idea how to fix this?

I also got the stockalike configs.

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  PrecastCrane02 said:
RealFuels doesn´t seem to work. I´m running the 64-Bit workaround, with some mods..

That might be your problem. Many mods disable themselves when run on the windows 64bit version because it is deemed inherently unstable and nobody wants to debug issues that they have no control over. If you want to play with it, that's totally chill - but unless you can reproduce your issue on the 32bit version, modders will react somewhat frosty to your pleas for support.

On another note, there is one stable 64bit version of KSP that nobody has difficulties with to support and that is the linux version. If you really need all those mods (I can relate), you might want to look into that.

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